Chapter 53

"To be honest, Sir, I'm not sure where I stand anymore. I thought I was your sub, yet every time I turn around you have to run off. Then I find out you're sending flowers to Madam Witch. And last but not least, I see you pulling up with her hanging all over you with a shining new ring. Well, all my expectations flew out the window and it became obvious that I WAS sharing you. I'm sorry, Sir. But I just can't be that type of woman. I may be submissive but I'm not an idiot. I want a one-woman man or Dom as the case has turned out."

"What are you talking about?!"He shouted.

"I'm sorry, Sir. But I don't think I can continue with you if I can't trust that I'm the only woman you are dominating. I've never been good at sharing," I tried to joke.

Instead of laughing, I ended up letting out a little sob. I heard the door behind me close and saw Jordan standing there. I turned my back on him unwilling to have yet another man see me cry.