Chapter 69

"Is it an actual collar?"

"Sometimes, but more often enough since Masters hate them being taken off, we save the leather collars for here or at home. Usually, it's more just a symbolic piece of jewelry, like a necklace," he explained.

"So, when you decollar someone, it's like breaking that contract and you two go your separate ways. For a sub, this can be a very hard thing to handle especially if they don't have someone else to lean on afterward.”

I felt a ping of sympathy for Nina suddenly. Her Master was going to just send her packing and she had no one to help her get through it. I brushed it away as she probably would have had someone there if she had not been such a complete and utter bitch. I erased all thoughts of her out of my head and snuggled closer to Reed, all that mattered now was Reed was here and he was free.

"I'd like to do that with you, Mia," he said quietly in my ear.

"What do you mean?" I said frightened.