Chapter Twenty-Six

Nikolai leaned back in his chair as he studied the man that was in front of him. "So you're telling me that little miss Evangeline not only reunited with her family but also just so happens to be Alessandro's saving angel?" He questioned.

The spy that he had sent into Alessandro's home nodded. "Yes sir." He said. "She plans on moving in with him today. Her family is also going to be staying with them for a little while."

Nikolai nodded. "Do you know anything else that she's planning?" He demanded.

The spy shook his head. "No sir. They haven't spoken about anything else that they have planned."

Nikolai gave him a single nod and waved his hand in dismissal. "You're free to go. Keep me updated with anything new."

His spy stood up and left the office without responding.

Nikolai sat in his office, planning and thinking of ways to capture and break Evangeline. He knew where she was and now had to trap her. It was almost two hours later when there was a knock on his office door. "What?!" He barked out in irritation.

The door opened to reveal a young woman with a seductive smile. He smirked as she closed the door behind her and gracefully slid into a chair across from him. "What have you learned?" He demanded as he leaned back in his chair.

She shrugged with a wicked smirk. "Well for starters your other spy has been turned. For a good while now." She started as she examined her freshly done nails.

Nikolai swore under his breath as he glared at her. "What else?" He demanded in anger.

She moistened her bottom lip and said. "Well, they're keeping their plans to themselves for the most part. Only a small handful of their most trusted people are aware." She clicked her tongue. "Though, with Evangeline's history with us, I know for a fact that she is planning something that not even her savior is aware of."

Nikolai nodded. "She always did have several plans in motion. Only one known to us." He scoffed. "Her brain always did seem to move and think things through quicker than anyone I've ever seen."

The woman nodded with a smirk on her face. "That she did." She clicked her tongue before continuing. "Now I'm not even close to being one of those top trusted people but I was able to pick up a small bit of information."

"And?" He demanded with his arms crossed over his chest.

"They're planning on coming after you." She said it so simply that any outsider listening in would think that they were talking about the weather.

Nikolai scoffed as he lifted an eyebrow in amusement. "They won't be able to get to me."

The woman shrugged. "Even with assassins to protect you, she can get to you." She tilted her head slightly. "After all, you trained her to be the best of the best."

He frowned as he simply stared at her for a few minutes. "Do you know when she's planning on doing this?" He finally asked her.

She shook her head. "No sir. That's all that I've been able to learn." She sighed as she stood up. "I'll do my best to learn more."

He gave her a nod. "Thank you, Sarah."

She inclined her head slightly before leaving his office.

He had to come up with a plan. If Evangeline was coming after him he needed to get more protection. He had to set up more security. As he was thinking and planning an idea hit him. Instead of simply protecting himself from her he was going to come up with a plan to capture her. He'd capture her and break her. He'd bend her to his will and have her as his personal assassin. He'd rule the world with the best assassin in the world at his side. He smirked as the plan formed in his mind.

Evangeline worked through the day, going back and forth between reading manuscripts sent in and her usual work. She blew out a heavy breath as she tossed another manuscript into the box of trashed manuscripts. She went to grab another manuscript from the box that seemed to be never-ending when her cell phone rang. She groaned as she picked it up off her desk and answered it. "Hello."

Savannah giggled. "Is that how you answer the phone when an old friend calls you?" She demanded playfully.

Evangeline rolled her eyes as she leaned back in her chair. "I wasn't paying attention to the caller ID." She said with a smile on her face.

Savannah giggled some more before letting out a sigh. "How are you doing Evie?" She asked softly.

Evangeline knew that this call had been coming. Savannah called once a week to check on her and to make sure that she was doing alright. "To be honest," She started. "Things are getting a lot better."

Evangeline could hear the smile in Savannah's voice as she asked. "How so?"

Evangeline let an adoring smile slip onto her lips. "I met someone." She said in a soft voice. "He's the one for me. He's helped me so much, in ways that I never thought anyone would be able to help me."

She knew that Savannah was more than happy as she said. "That is amazing Evie. I am so happy for you."

"He's also helped me find my family." She said quietly. "He helped me reunite with them."

Savannah was utterly surprised. "Are you serious?" She questioned once she was able to find her voice.

"Yes," Evangeline said with a bright smile. "It hasn't been too long but things are finally looking up for me."

"What about the nightmares?" Savannah demanded.

"When I sleep in his arms they're gone." She said softly.

"That is the best thing that I have ever heard," Savannah said in awe.

Evangeline let out a joyful laugh before asking Savannah about her family. They spoke for a bit while Evangeline read through another manuscript. As they were saying their goodbyes an idea popped into Evangeline's head. "Hey Savvy." She said before Savannah could hang up the phone.

"What is it, Evie?" Savannah asked.

"I need to ask you for a favor." She said as she nibbled on her bottom lip in nervousness.

"Is everything okay?" Savannah asked in concern.

Evangeline sighed. "Yes. Though, this favor may hit a sore spot of sorts."

"What do you mean?" Savannah questioned.

Evangeline blew out a heavy breath before saying. "I need you to find out when Nikolai's next charity event is."

Savannah choked on the water that she had been drinking. Once she had calmed down she demanded. "Why in the world do you want to know that?"

Evangeline clicked her tongue. "A couple of weeks ago Jaxon was here." She explained everything that had happened while Jaxon was in town. Then explained his idea that she could get close enough to Nikolai to take him out and end his reign of horror.

"Was he out of his mind to even suggest that?" Savannah shouted in outrage.

"He has a point, Savvy," Evangeline said in a rough tone. "I'm the best assassin. No one else can get close to him. I can. I can end his reign of terror." She took a deep breath. "You guys can come out of hiding. Everyone that I have helped can come out of hiding without being afraid for their lives."

Savannah let out a rough breath as she went quiet. After a few minutes, she finally said, "Fine. I'll find him, but on one condition."

"Anything," Evangeline said softly.

"No matter what happens you'll come back." Savannah cleared her throat as her emotions started getting the better of her. "You have to promise me that you will come back to us no matter what happens."

Evangeline felt her eyes start to water as her heart constricted in agony. The pain and fear in Savannah's voice were something that she had never heard before. She cleared her throat and said. "I promise Savannah. No matter what happens I will come back."

Savannah seemed to sigh in relief. "Alright. I'll look into it and see what I can find. Once I have something I'll let you know."

"Thank you," Evangeline said softly.

Savannah let out a breathless laugh. "Anything for you Evie. You saved me and my family. I will never be able to repay you for that."

Evangeline smiled with more tears in her eyes. "You guys don't owe me anything. You, Ethan, and Lucas are family. I would do anything for you guys."

Savannah sniffled. "I know Evie." She said in a soft tone.

Evangeline sighed. "Well, I have to get back to work. Give the boys hugs and kisses for me." She said as she started reading through some of her emails.

"I will," Savannah said before hanging up.

Evangeline blew out a rough breath as she got back to work.

Sabrina was sitting at the desk in the room that she shared with the love of her life, Jesse. She was looking over the layout of the gardens when Jesse came up behind her and lightly trailed his fingers up her arms. "How's the planning going, love?" He asked her in a soft tone.

She smiled brightly as she looked up at him. "I have the perfect design idea. It'll be simple, but it'll highlight all of the different types of flowers and the gorgeous pathways." She set her pen down and stood up. She faced him as she said. "I have some ideas for all of the food and music but I need to talk with Evangeline to learn her favorites."

He grinned mischievously as he pulled her into his arms. "So does that mean that you're done planning for now?"

She gave him a wicked smile as she tilted her head slightly. "Depends on what you have in mind." She said playfully.

His grin stretched wider as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Perhaps I could finally put a baby in you."

She smirked as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "That sounds like a brilliant idea."

He easily picked her up and carried her to their bed as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

She giggled as she held him close. "I love you." She whispered out as she looked into his eyes.

He gave her a loving smile as he gently tucked her hair behind her ear. "I love you too."

He kissed her lips as they got entangled in each other.

Alessandro groaned as he hopped off of the rundown treadmill that was in their small gym. He was breathing heavily as guzzled down some of his water. He wiped the sweat from his face as he started heading towards the mediocre weight area. He stopped in his tracks when his phone started ringing. He walked to the table that he had set it on when he walked into the gym. Without looking at the caller ID he answered. "What is it?"

Luca chuckled through the phone. "Someone's being grumpy today."

Alessandro grumbled as he sat down on the weight bench. "What do you want, Luca?"

"I wanted to check in and see how you were doing. I've spoken with Evangeline already and know that she's moving in with you. She also explained her little accident last night."

Alessandro sighed heavily as he ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah. She scared the hell out of me when she called me. My heart was in my throat from the moment she called me to the moment the doctor told me that she was going to be okay." He cleared his throat. "She's alright now though. I would have preferred for her to stay in bed and rest more but she's a stubborn woman."

Luca chuckled. "That she is, but that's one of the ways she survived."

Alessandro had a small smile on his face as he said. "Yeah, that's true."

"How are you doing?" Luca asked after a couple more minutes. "Be honest with me, big brother."

Alessandro blew out a slow exhale. "I'm doing better." He said softly. "Since Evangeline and I haven't been together that long it's still a bit difficult when she's not with me. I have to keep myself busy or else I feel that darkness coming back."

"Then why aren't you here with her?" Luca questioned. "You're usually here with lunch by now."

Alessandro frowned as he looked at the time on his phone. "Shit. I've been in the gym for a while now. I didn't even realize how much time had passed." He scoffed. "I'm sure she hasn't eaten anything since I made her get something on our way there."

Luca chuckled. "You'd be right. She's been working through the day." He sighed. "We had this other publishing company not too far from here that just went out of business. Because of Evangeline, they gave us all of their clients. Their current ones and the ones that they haven't even brought in yet. So it's been a busy day."

Alessandro nodded even though Luca couldn't see him. "I'm on my way then. Do you want me to grab you anything?" He asked as he made his way through the house. He went upstairs and quickly got changed.

"Yeah. I'll take some food. You know what I like." Luca said through the phone.

"Alright. I'll be there soon." He hung up and grabbed his usual knife and gun. He went to the garage and sped towards their favorite restaurant.

He walked inside and smiled at the owner. "Hey, Lucy." He greeted her.

Lucy was an older woman who treated everyone like family. She grinned as she limped over to him. "Alessandro. How are you, sweetheart?" She asked as she moved around the podium to embrace him in a motherly hug.

He hugged her back for a minute before pulling away and responding to her. "I'm doing great Lucy. How are you?"

Lucy smiled. "I'm doing amazing. Business is booming as always."

He chuckled. "That's good." He cleared his throat. "As much as I'd love to stay and chat for a bit I actually can't stay long. I'm here to grab lunch for my girl." He said with a grin.

Lucy's grin brightened as she asked. "Is this that adorable young lady I saw you with last time you were here?"

He nodded with a matching grin of his own. "Yes."

She clapped her hands in joy. "This is amazing." She calmed down after a minute. "Alright. What are you guys eating?" She asked.

"I'll need three of the usual Lucy. Gotta feed me and the little brother too." He said with a shake of his head.

She laughed. "Three of the usual. You got it, honey. Give Matt ten minutes."

He nodded. "Make sure you tell Matt it's for me." He said with a smirk.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Of course I will. You know we all love you."

He winked at her as he handed a fifty-dollar bill before sitting on the comfortable bench by the door.

He was only waiting for a few minutes. Matt came out with a huge bag of food. He smirked as he handed it to Alessandro. "Here you are, man. I put all the fixings in there for you."

Alessandro patted him on the shoulder as he grabbed the bag with his other hand. "Thanks, man."

Matt grinned. "I got you, my man."

He turned to leave when Lucy called after him. "Hold on Alessandro." She rushed towards him with a drink carrier in her hand. "These are on the house honey." She grinned as she handed him the drink carrier that had three strawberry milkshakes in it.

His eyes lit up as he took them in. "You know me so well Lucy."

She winked at him. "It's my job to know what my repeat customers like."

He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I'm sure Evangeline and Luca will love you for these alone. Especially Evangeline. She loves sweets."

Lucy let out a small laugh. "She seemed like a nice girl for the couple of minutes I've spoken to her."

Alessandro nodded with an adoring smile on his face. "She's amazing."

Lucy laughed again. "Go feed your girl. I'm sure she's probably starving." She said with bright eyes.

Alessandro nodded. "I swear that girl can eat just as much as me. If not more."

They said their goodbyes and he drove to Luca's office. He made his way up to the top floor and grinned when he stepped off the elevator. Evangeline was hunched over her desk while she was reading a manuscript. He walked up to her desk and set the food and milkshakes down on the desk.

She jumped slightly as her head shot up. She gave him that bright smile that always took his breath away. "Hi, love." She said a bit breathlessly.

He grinned. "Hi, little angel." He said as he took a burger and container of fries out of the bag. "I'll be right back, angel." He said with a wink as he grabbed one of the shakes.

He walked down the hall to Luca's office. He barged in without knocking. He gave his brother a wide grin. "Here you go, Luca. Your usual burger and Lucy threw the shake in on the house."

Luca's eyes lit up as Alessandro set the food and milkshake on the desk in front of him. "That is awesome. Their shakes are delicious."

Alessandro chuckled. "That they are."

"Thank you, brother. I won't keep you long. I know you want to spend time with Evangeline." Luca said before taking a small drink of his milkshake.

Alessandro nodded. "I do miss her whenever she isn't with me."

Luca laughed. "Oh, I know how that is." He sighed. "If you want you can take her home when you guys are done eating. She'll have to take some work home with her but you guys can leave whenever you're both ready."

Alessandro's eyes lit up brightly. "Thanks, little brother. That means a lot."

Luca waved him off as he leaned back in his chair. "I'll probably go home early too. I'm missing my Aurora."

Alessandro smiled. "How is she doing?" He asked softly.

Luca nodded. "She's doing alright. The doctor is a bit worried about her right now." He said with worried eyes.

Alessandro frowned. "What's wrong?" He demanded.

Luca blew out a rough breath. "They're worried about their health. The doctor is thinking about putting her on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. The doctor says that they have to wait for the rest of the test results but he's almost positive that if we aren't careful we could lose them both."

Alessandro's frown deepened as he felt the air leave his lungs. "How far along is she?" He questioned.

Luca sighed heavily as he rubbed his forehead. "Seven months." He muttered.

Alessandro shook his head as he looked towards the door that led to Evangeline. "Does Eva know?" He asked quietly.

It was Luca's turn to shake his head. "No. We haven't told her yet."

"Why not?" Alessandro questioned as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Luca cleared his throat. "Aurora didn't want to worry her." He let out another sigh as he rubbed a hand over his face. "When Evangeline is worried she can get paranoid as well." he took a small sip of his milkshake before continuing. "Now don't get me wrong. Her being worried is fine. She tends to be more involved than most people when they're worried but she means well. She gets paranoid though because she doesn't want to lose anyone else." He started eating his food as he continued explaining. "She's lost a few people in the past. People that she's truly cared for like she cares for us. So she'll be paranoid the entire time."

Alessandro ran a hand through his hair. "I think you should tell her sooner rather than later." He clicked his tongue as he tilted his head slightly. "I may not have known her for very long but I already know that it'll be better to tell her. We don't know how she can react."

Luca groaned as he threw his head back against his seat. "Alright. Go get her."

Alessandro nodded. "I'm sure she's most likely eaten half of her food by now."

Luca laughed loudly. "Oh, she most definitely has."

Alessandro shook his head in awe as he walked back out to the lobby. He walked up behind her and gently ran his fingers up her arms. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her temple before softly saying. "Luca needs to talk to you about something."

She pouted. "Of course he does." She mumbled as she swallowed the bit of food in her mouth. She stood up and sighed. She took a sip of her milkshake before setting it down and walking to Luca's office.

He followed after her and hoped that she wouldn't react too badly to learning that Aurora was about to be put on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. Especially because it was due to personal health reasons that could take mother and child if they weren't careful.