

Wind raging, Sea's shifting wildly and Grass glowing. In a Far off Kingdom, a young girl with blonde hair, looked curiously around her surroundings. Wherever she stepped, anyone in her path would let her pass and almost like she was a god. All would bow before her in submission. The girl disguised as a boy, said professionally to her servant.

"It's quite nice." First time out of her castle, she took in her surroundings in awe. As weird as it sounded, she loved the busy atmosphere and fresh air.

"I wish father and mother could come along." Whispering under her breath, she hided away her yearning gaze in her eyes. Evidently not hearing this, the servant said nicely.

"I hope everything you see is up to your expectation, your highness." Nod in return, her eyes wondered around the near by store.

When she looked around the specific store, her eyes saw a boy, and from the seems of things he looked to be around her age. Silver glob of hair on him, her tropical blue eyes became saddened. From the disgusting gazes given to him by the passing civilian's, she couldn't help but feel the sense of helping him out.

"Your Highness!"

Not caring for the shouting of her servant, she walked to the boy gracefully. The closer she got to the boy, the more she started to see how much he was in a bad state. A scar running down his cheek and collar bone, signs of small blood patches on the rags that he wore.

His whole body was scattered in several small cuts that was likely infected shown to its yellow/green tint. It was a miracle he wasn't already another body in the soil, he seemed to be barely able to hang to life because of the lack of necessities. He was simply skin and bones. His Fetal position didn't help to hide it from peering eyes.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" Being naturally kind, she called out to him in curiosity and worry.

Responding not so whatever, she was going to step forward and shake him assuming that he was just in a deep slumber. Yet, before she could, a pair of hands shook the pale child.This was her servant that then began to shouted at the kid angrily. In return gaining the attention of the surrounding, they which looked at the situation.

"How dare you! When someone of such high stature, you should respond immediately! Are you listening to me!" Roughly gripping his hair upwards, the boy's face was exposed for everyone to see.

What she came to see scared her and worried her dearly. His face was blank, lifeless. His eyes were the same as his hair, a beautiful silver. But when she caught a look at them, her heart became strained within her chest. Dead silver eyes, no sign of life or belonging. Eyes that didn't belong to someone so young.

Pushing away the hand of the servant from the boys head. He responded and left his grip away from the boy's hair. Sound of his face smacking the dirt resounded in the packed street, when it did, she crouched down and stroked his hair, softly. She had already made a decision.

"What did you go through?" Muttered under her breath. She for the first time noticed the people on-looking, angered of there lack of kindness, she wailed out to them.

"What are doing standing there for! If your going to do something then why didn't you before! Good men put there bodies on the line for what, you to treat one another with distain. Leave! Everything is done already!" Scurrying away in a hurry, no one dared to voice their opinions against the king's 'son'.

Finally everyone leaving, the king's 'son' took some deep breath for relaxation and gazed back at the boy. Magic flowing in her magic, she wondered about the eerie yet pleasant sensation she felt when she hugged him.

"To the Mighty God's above..." Brimmed with surprise, the very weak and defenceless boy, you would expect to be just an ordinary bumpkin was unexpectedly unconfined with magic. An oddly purple tone.

"Elya let's go back to the castle. Take him as well as, we can't keep him out in the streets." Did as said, both heir and servant brisked ahead to the castle.

Once they got there. Infront of them stood a humongous castle, 40 feet tall without a doubt most likely having three floors. The door Infront it was guarded tightly with 4 knights, 2 on each side.

No resistance in going in, all of the Knights politely opened and welcomed them in. When the tall doors opened, their face saw a extravagant interior. Paintings and anything expressive on the walls, carpet leading from the door to upwards of the stairs and a beautiful Engraving of an Lion rampant, this was of course, the coat of arms for the Pendragon Royalty.

"Welcome Prince Arthur!"

Lining on either side of the red carpet was maids, a buck loads of them. All were wearing similar maid exterior. As they welcomed them, King 'Arthur' nodded and said.

"If you could bring father as well as a doctor that would be fabulous. And please be quick also, it's urgent." Given a order by Prince 'Arthur', the maids bowed one last time and went off to notify king Uther and a doctor.

No later then 10 minutes, King Uther and surprisingly most of the family included. Beside him was Igraine, and behind her was Elaine, Morgan and Morgause. All of the daughter's were blonde like 'Arthur'.

Standing opposite them, the Pendragon family immediately caught glance of the boy in the arms of servant Elya. All of the daughters being sheltered most of their lifes, became curious of the boy.

"Arthur, why have you brought a boy with you." Curious and slight anger due to bringing someone without authorization. Apologizing with a bow, 'Arthur' said.

"Forgive me father but I couldn't see someone the same age as me be treated so horrendously. If you would let me continue as well, he is highly talented in magic guessing from the capacity of it." Raise back to look up to him, she saw her father rub his cheek, thinking of what to do. But, suddenly, he was interuppted from one of his daughters.

"Father, he's just a boy. You can't seriously kick him out so he could die a horrible death." Morgause speaking her thoughts, being the oldest that has seen also the most. She saw how harsh it was in slavery or living on the streets.

To get their points across all of the girls nagged at Uther, not given any option. Uther accepted but before leaving, he turned and said seriously.

"Don't regret this. He's in your hands, not mine." Unfazed from her father. She said back as serious as he was.

"I don't regret nothing." Determination in her voice, King Uther left with a small proud smile. Kings needed determination and resilience to deal with the stress that came with the title. Kings are the face that every man, women or kid looks up to when the time is desperately needed. It seems 'Arthur' was going to become a good king.

Leaving with her husband, in the hall left the three girls that followed along 'Arthur' to a free chamber. All were interested of the encounter between the Peasant and 'Prince'. When they did arrive, 'Arthur' explained the whole meeting.

All of the Princesses felt sadness towards the boy and absolutely outraged to the people that could possibly hurt someone so young. So inhumane!

Out of them, the one that felt the most affected to the story was Morgan. She could only guess that the boy was alone, no parents or guardian. Morgan felt connected with him because of this, she was always pushed aside by her parents because of 'Arthur'. Since she first remembered, she was alone without anyone, maybe Morgause or Elaine came here or there. But for the rest of the part, she was essentially lonely with no one.

Everything went fast after she explained the story. The doctor came and examined the boy, the result of his life conditions were quite a few.

Lack of Food, water, Physical abuse and Metal as well as slight few broken bones in his fingers and toes. He could only lastly thankfully that the child was lucky to get help before it became life threatening because of blood loss

Gladdened by this revelation. They were glad that he wasn't on Death's door. Left with nothing to do, all the doctor did was some patching up, cleaning the cuts from infection and gently as possibly, put the finger's in the correct place so it could repair itself.

When that was done he left while leaving some information about what to do about for example changing bandages once every two days.

Throughout the day, there was no sign of waking by the boy. He was just laying peacefully for once in the comfortable bed. Only the Next day in the morning did they notice that he was stirring awake.

The only people in the room being Morgan and 'Arthur'. The rest of the girl weren't able to come because of affairs.

Shuffling in the quilt, the boy sat up and looked at his hands. This was watched carefully by Morgan and 'Arthur'. Inspected carefully, the boy shown slight confusion, wasn't his fingers broke? Not the right time to think, his face went up.

Unsurprised by his dull eyes, 'Arthur' walked to the head of the bed. Morgan seeing his eyes for the first time, took some time to get accustomed.

"...Where am I?" his raspy voice asked Motionlessly. Simply straight to the, 'Arthur' said.

"You are in Tintagel Castle." No response, he just gazed around the room. Quickly realising the situation he was in, he tried to stand up.

"Wait! Don-"

Morgans words going through one word to another, he stood.... But in the end, his feet collapsed beneath him. All of his strength was gone in his legs, the sharp pain rippling in his overused muscles and bones. He gritted his teeth slightly and again tried to get up.

"You don't have to do this." 'Arthur' said in a reassuring manner. Shaking his head, he said painfully through his teeth.

"I... have to."

Determined to show his respect, he tired, and tried to stand but not matter what, he wasn't able to. If he couldn't stand up then, at least he should do is kneel. After all, this was the only thing he could do to someone that saved his life.

"Thank you. I don't think I would of lived another day if it wasn't healed by you." Spoken with sincerity, his voice still took a dull tone. Not minding, or trying too, Morgan appeared Infront of the silver haired boy.

"I can't bare to look at someone no older than us kneel while being covered with such cuts. Here, I'll take you back to bed." Huffed in annoyance, Morgan help/dragged the boy from his arm to the bed.

"What is your name?" Asked from 'Arthur', he turned to her and thought before saying.

"Aurelius Emrys, your highness." Saving his name in there mind, Morgan sat beside him. Being the oldest of the two and a fairy to boot, she was actually very caring.

"You might already know but, I'm Morgan Le Fay and this is my brother Arthur." Smiling warmly at him, 'Arthur' also gave a slight smile at him.

Already knowing of there names, Aurelius had a feeling there was more to them treating him. So as expected, Arthur asked him.

"Aurelius are you interested in being a knight?" Shocked in the sudden question, Morgan was as well but she could already guess what father said before coming here.

"I do not care. If being a knight means repaying you for saving my life than, I'll gladly become one." Honest, no reason to lie, both girls having the approval from there father, Morgan said taking his hand excitingly.

"You can rest here, father has already approved of your stay here." As hard as it was for there father to approve of this idea. Unlike the girls, Uther had ulterior motives for Aurelius. This was the only reason for his keep in the Castle.

Not knowing what will become of him in the future, he forced a smile on his face. As horrible as it looked, the blondes couldn't help but be over joyed to see a smile on his emotionless face.

The rest of the day was normal, 'Arthur' and Morgan asking of his past. Answering to his best as possible, he tried to think back to all 7 years. When he knew what to entail he said.

Born a only child, his parents that sired him was a Knight and Magician from a Village near Camelot. On his 5th Birthday, Angelo-Saxon Soldiers besieged the Village, killing both his parents who tried for the dare of life to protect him. The rest of the two years, he went around to different slave owners, in the end, he somehow came to be in Camelot.

No tears left his eyes, no emotion expressed in them. Aurelius didn't feel the need to cry, he had already done enough of that and it did exactly nothing but release a minute of stress and pain, not resolve the situation.

The days on end of crying and denial, Aurelius would ask the gods for something, anything. But, as you can see, nothing became of the praying and desperate pleas.

Feeling something squeeze him, Aurelius came out of his thoughts and saw Morgan hug him with few tears streaming her face. In the corner of his eyes, he saw 'Arthur' Smiling fondly at the interaction.

This went on for a couple minutes, until finally Morgan let go of him with a barely noticeable blush on his face.

"If that is all, sorry Aurelius but father will be needing us." Nodding in understanding, Morgan with some difficulty left with 'Arthur' before saying goodbye.

Soon after, Sleep slowly crept upon Aurelius, Exhausted and fatigued. He soon succumbed to sleep peacefully, on his face was a small smile.

[Flashback End]