Chapter XV

Moving on with the topic. Lucas intervenes and states that his father can also reinvent himself in some activity, since he also has many skills that he can take advantage of. In this sense, Gustavo considers that he likes gastronomy a lot, but that this is a market that must be evaluated very well, since people do not have enough income to buy and in these critical moments, people They just keep thinking about how they are going to make for half a meal the next day.

Romina thinks that we have to advance little by little, she thinks that first they should focus on the publication of the novels and that all together put a grain of sand to advance positively and as a team, since if it is possible to advance in that sense you are going to need more help around the house, so it doesn't become a mess. In that sense, Romina, considers that the help also lies in creating a schedule to be able to carry out household chores, which at this time only she does. Gustavo, as always, is in charge of preparing the food, but you also need to clean the house and wash the clothes, etc. In that sense, Romina will need more collaboration, since she would need more time to write.

As a consequence, the boys intervene to communicate that they, too, are willing to help with these tasks. Without neglecting their jobs respectively. Remember that Lucas also writes and constantly needs to keep up with his productions. Gustavo constantly helps Romina and works in a school and Miguel also has responsibilities that he must fulfill in his work.

At present, it is necessary to consider that undertaking also implies a certain level of preparation. For this reason, it is convenient to know the possibilities and risks through which they can go, in order to establish a better result in any activity that is intended to be carried out.

For all the aforementioned, university study is considered of great importance, since it allows people to develop skills and reach quite high levels of preparation, together with research that can be promoted independently. Gustavo considers that he prefers to advance at his own pace, since from his perspective, he considers that what Romina is going to do is very good, in the meantime she must have the support of everyone so that she can feel more sure of herself. Afterwards, the possibility of developing a good business related to gastronomy is studied.

Note that, despite everything, they are a united, persevering family that knows the importance of teamwork, an aspect that not everyone puts into practice, it is there that the value of knowledge and academic preparation can be observed.

Gustavo states that the experience they have as teachers must be recognized, which made it possible to instill solid values ​​in their two children. Thanks to this aspect, it is that in these moments he has been able to face such difficult situations.

First of all, Romina expresses.

- I agree to stand firm and united as a family, without being sacrificed and stressed. In this sense, it is best to start with the publication of the novels and then other aspects will come out that will be selected according to their importance. We have suffered enough already...