*pant* *pant* "Why are they still after us Akira!" a boy shouted to his friend as they ran at full speed in order to evade couple street thugs, "Quick! take a left from here Takeshi", Akira instructed Takeshi as she pointed towards an abandoned house that was covered with mosses and strange yet odd mushrooms, "Quick grab my hand Takeshi!, Akira shouted as she climbed the wall without any efforts, Takeshi quickly grabbed his hand and was able to escape those terrifying thugs.

*pant* *pant* "where the hell are we", Takeshi asked Akira as he tried to catch his breath, "Well looks like we are in some abandoned house inspired by some Castlevania shit", Akira explained as he looked around the old crooked house. The house gave a chilling intent and when they entered the house it was enveloped with damp smell, *cough* *cough* "Damn! this place smells like rot! are you really sure that we can live here, like look this place is not bad but what about the food and all?", Takeshi questioned his friend as he examined the rooms and all he could find was moose's and mushrooms of odd shapes, "I think you forgot that first- we are labelled as children of the devil or more like harbingers of the devil by the society and second of all we are broke, oh and lastly we are shunned by our friends, families and by all the other people out there, so as simple as it seems to me I think this house is much better than those stinky gutters and those weak ass cardboard houses.", Akira told Takeshi in a convincing manner.

It took them several days to adjust in the house, Akira being the smart one in the group knew what was needed to be done and Takeshi being skilled in almost everything due to his photographic memory which made it easier for them to turn the old house into their fortress. But their happiness lasted for only a few moments.

To Be Continued...