*twerp* *twerp* *twitch* "Ugh... huh? Where... Where am I?", Akira said as she slowly opened her eyes, "Oh! you woke up, here carefully", Takeshi said as he slowly helped her get up from her long slumber, "What is this place? Takeshi where are we?", Akira asked him as she looked at the bright sky filled with sweet melodies of the birds, "Well you told me that you wanted a better place to live right? So here we are, The Land Of Edenuos!", Takeshi told Akira as his eyes shined with new hope.

"The Land Of Edenuos also known as The Land Of Shining Hope was created shortly after the creation of The Tower Of Eden, there have been rumors saying that the Supreme One created this land for the souls who were banished by their own caste and people, the souls who were no longer happy to live in their sacred lands. It is said that The Supreme One appointed his Twelve Archangels out which the four Archangels namely; Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel were given the duty to protect this land. Michael being the eldest of all the archangels took the duty of protecting the banished souls, while other angels took care of their respective tasks and since then those faithful souls who encountered Michael were given an invitation card to The Tower Of Eden which was located near The Land Of Edenuos.",

The Elder of the land narrated the story as Takeshi and Akira listened to him with interest. "Wow! I cant believe we are here already Taku", Akira said with happiness inn her voice while Takeshi watched her with eyes filled with gratefulness. "So Elder, you said there were many banished souls settled her but I can only see a few of them,Elder if you don't mind me asking, where are the rest?", Takeshi said with a careful tone, "Ohhohoho... You are a curious one aren't you? It's not the right time for that.", the Elder told Takeshi as he patted his shoulders, "Now Now, Both of you should get yourself dressed as the food is going to be served lately.", The Elder informed both of them as he went for a stroll.

"Huh? but where are we going to live?", Akira questioned the Elder, "Look behind your back and remember to take your shoes off", the Elder said from a distance, "Huh, but there is no hous... Taku take a look at this!", Akira said with surprise. The House suddenly appeared behind them, the house was large enough to store more than 200 people. "Wow, I have never seen a house so big even in my own fantasies", Takeshi said astonishingly, "Welcome abode Mr Takeshi and Mrs Akira", a girl dressed in a beautiful kimono welcomed both of them with a widened smile. The house stretched as far as it could, *slide* "this is your room Mr Takeshi and the next room is yours Mrs Akira, here are the keys to both of your room, please take care of it and you both can get yourself freshen up in the onsen located behind the house. After both of them got themselves freshen up, the housekeeper directed them towards the dining hall where they met others like themselves, the first one to greet them after the Elder was Aaron, a muscular boy with glowing skin with a tattoo marked on his hand and after him, other members namely Lia who was an elf, Darek who had a scar on his left eye, Ashrif who was a nerdy yet the most knowledgeable of them all and lastly Meral who was the least excited out of them all. With this Takeshi and Akira's new journey took its ride.

To Be Continued...