Kieran’s third customer

In an alleyway, like always, a group of boys wearing leather jackets with the symbol of a Tiger on the back and a line that reads, New Tiger's High. These boys were kicking another boy, another human being, senselessly and with a grin. They were grinning and kicking this boy, they were like crazed men. They stopped after they think that they've done enough and back off. One boy, Jacob, snirkers

"Heh, what a loser. Let's go guys, I'm getting bored, and hungry."

"Yeah, let's go grab some pizza by that old man Joe's shop."

The seven boys walk away, leaving the battered and beaten boy alone to weep. He stands up after some sobbing, tear trails still on his cheeks. His red eyes and snobby nose. One purple right eye. Bruises. It was disgusting, pitiful, and weak. This was Alex, a well-known loser that gets bullied because he looks and act weak

He wipe his nose and went to get his backpack which was rummaged through and books were sprawled all over the ground. Papers, drawings of his fictional characters, scrapped into balls and ripped to bits. He pack his books and pencils into the bag and wear it over his back. He walks out of the stinking alleyway, sniffing his nose

"Oi, weakling." A voice said


He jumps back, startled and scared. When he look, he find a path leading into a wooden house that wasn't there before. Then, he has this wanting feeling inside of him. It was telling, or rather, directing him toward the house. Alex approach the house subconsciously and when he was in front of it, he reach his shaky hand out and knock on the door

*knock* *knock*

After hearing no response, he was ready to leave but then the door opened. Inside, there was pitch black darkness. The feeling intensifies and Alex walked into the dark house. When he was fully inside, the door slam shut behind him and darkness engulf his vision


Alex bang on the door behind him but soon, lights appeared and shine the inside. When Alex notices the lights, he turn around and was greeted with a middle age man wearing a butler outfit with black gloves. He smiles, revealing his white teeth and he spoke

"Hello, Alex Myer Freyer."

"W-who, are you?"

"Me? Well, my identity can be put back at the end. Anyways, I've expected your visit Alex. Come in, act like you're at home, look around my store. And then, I'll give you what your heart truly yearns."


Alex takes a nervous gulp but the feeling he has was like ordering him. He stroll through the three tables, first was the one on the right. It was filled with miscellaneous things like wooden boxes and trinkets. Next was the middle one which was filled with weapons, big and small. Alex showed some interest on the weapons but he felt like it wasn't for him

He stroll through and that's when he reach the third table. It was filled with yet again more miscellaneous stuff like watches, trinkets, Japanese-looking charms and a coin. Alex felt an ominous yet tempting aura from the coin that has a Devil-like face on it. Alex pick it and and since the middle age guy didn't say anything, he examine it

The coin, on two sides, has the same face. But there was something weird, he felt like it was alive somehow. He could feel it trembling in his two fingers and that's when the middle age guy approached him out of nowhere

"Great choice, Alex."


Alex jump back, tossing the coin up into the air. The middle age guy catch it without looking with his thumb and index finger. He flip it through his hand and flick it into the air once again for Alex to catch. He said in an ominous voice

"Great choice indeed, Alex. Now, what you're holding is a cursed relic. But, depending on who has it, it may be a curse, or a blessing."

"…what, why is it a cursed relic, though?"

"Oh, that's because it house some of the most dangerous beings in this Tower. Although their power is weak, in your terms, they could kill cities and smash a small country to bits. The reason it's not active inside her and why those buggers aren't possessing ya right now is because of a spell I put on this house that neutralizes every and all relics that has too much power."


Alex look at the person in front of him with wide eyes in disbelief. He was unable to digest any of the information he was just fed. The guy snap his fingers in front of Alex's face and this snap Alex back into reality

"Alright, that is your trinket. One merchandise per customer, if you want anything else, a trade must be made."

"…Umm, I-I think I'm fine, thanks."

"Great! Now, if you don't mind, get out of my store."

"R-right away, sir!"

"Good lad!"

Alex ran out of the already opened door and he hit a wall on the way out. He stumble and fall onto the ground. The impact was pretty hard so he is suffering from a minor head injury right now along with some dizziness. He grab his forehead which is beginning to swollen and stand up. He place his hand on the wall for balance and look back to see the path nowhere to be found

"What… the."

He then hears talking. He look to see the coin, now emitting some sort of black haze under it and go to pick it up. Alex then was assaulted with information directly to his mind, making him scream out in pain. The information he was fed was too much and he blackout due to it

There were a lot more voices. But, he didn't have time to sort those voices as his consciousness fades into black. The story of a boy harnessing the power of Great Demons, a boy who will brought upon the war of angels and demons