
In L.A city in the USA, inside one specific office building on the third floor, was a man with a haggard and tired look. He was doing his work when his boss swing by

"Hey Jay, how're you doin' this evening?"

"What do you want, Hugo."

The person, Jay, knows exactly why his boss, Hugo, was here. The boss then was hung back but eventually spill

"I need you to do some paperwork for me, can you do it just this one?"

"No, even though you're my superior, you can't even take responsibility to do your own work?"

"C'mon! Just this once more. Please, my wife's been bugging me a lot lately to return and spend some time at home with her and she just won't stop calling! Please, Jay can you just do it for me this once?"

Jay stops typing away at his computer for a moment with a pondering look on his face. Hugo was expecting Jay to reconsider but not even after 2 seconds, Jay bluntly said, "No, sorry."

"C'mon! Do your boss a favor will you?"

"A flavor is when you return it. And you owe me a lot of "favors" at the moment so if you want me to do your work, pay all of them back."

Hugo clicks his tongue. Jay was usually the man someone comes to if they want to slack off since he always do their work for them but would ask for a favor and now one of them, namely his boss who has a lot of "favors" on him, Jay refuses to do his work. Hugo had to walk back, thinking about the pleasant times he could have with his wife on bed

Jay sighs and look at the clock on his table. It was 7:32 PM, almost the time to leave. Jay finishes his work at 8 o'clock sharp and went straight home after gathering all his things. He was known as a hard worker but refuses all the promotions he was given by the executives of the company. His speed of work seem inhuman at times to the newbies of the industry and they weren't wrong, typing sentences in one second was at the level of a master and without any grammar problems or misspelling found and he even has a record by his fellow coworkers

He went on foot after he went out. He look up to the neon boards and sigh

"Another night."

He walk to the left and cross the streets on the crossroad. He makes a turn to his favorite convenient store

"Hey miss Chen."

"Hello Jay."

He walk into the store and takes a couple of chip bags and a chocolate bar. He went to the counter with miss Chen reading the newspapers

"Anything interesting on the news?"

"Nothing lately. Although the crimes were reduced, it'll just rise tomorrow."

"Yeah, it always do."

Chen place the newspaper down and scan the items for their price. Jay pays and was given a plastic bag for food storage. He went out with the grocery bag filled with junk food and continue heading in the same direction. He eventually come across an alleyway with thugs surrounding a woman

"Wait! What are you…?!"

"Shut your mouth, bitch."

The men surround and one sees Jay standing at the entrance of the alleyway

"Hey, get moving pal, nothing to see here."


Jay turn and went into the alleyway, the man who was busy checking the woman's body notices the ruckus and turn his head to look at Jay. He then snarls

"What the hell do you want?! Fuck off before your head gets detach from your shoulder."

"Yeah, I doubt that."

He takes out his left hand inside the pocket and raise it up. Then, a card materializes inside his palm from nothingness. The men just sees this with raised eyebrows

"So what? You're a magician or something? Scram, jackass."

"They never learn."

The card flew outward and landed on the ground. It then move and made a portal of darkness on the ground. A hand rise out from below. Next was a metal knight-like helmet with a red feather on the top. Soon, his whole, hulking body emerges with a big long sword on his shoulder. His red dot eyes look out from inside his helmet, inflicting a feeling of dread and fear into the men. The one holding the woman let her go but she didn't move as she was also inflicted with that same dread and fear

One man falls on his butt as Jay orders this figure

"Subdue them."

The knight figure move his hulking body and took a step that make the earth quake. This makes the men scram in fear. However, contrast to the knight figure's body proportions, he made a leap that cave the ground beneath his foot. He swing the massive long sword on it's side and knock one guy into the wall, he went down next to the petrified woman

He makes another big step and swing the other side at the second unlucky guy and he was also knocked out when he was slam to the wall. The last guy tried something and take out his gun that was inside his jacket. He aim with his shaky hands and was about to shoot when the knight figure make a third wide step and grab the gun barrel, squishing and bending it backward like it was a clay

He raise the long sword up and was ready to impale him but something stops him from doing so. The guy let's go of his gun and make a run for it. Jay sighs and walk toward. The knight figure steps to the side and lower his sword down in defeat. Jay raise his hand up, pointing at the running man. A ball of flame, neatly fitting into Jay's palm was made and shot out toward the man. It hits and knock him forward, igniting his jacket as well

"That guy, you can kill."

The knight figure the grip his sword. He leap up into the sky at an incredible height and lands down, impaling the sword through the man and the concrete below. He coughed blood and he moved for the last time before being repeatedly stabbed by the humongous knight figure

Jay sighs and remembers the woman. He look back to see the terrified look on her face as she watch the knight stabbing the man in cold blood. He look back at the knight and raise his hands out to him. Then, he before he could stab for the twelfth time, he was shrunk and turn into a card like last time, but now, with some light shining on it, a knight on his knees and the same long sword broken next to him. His armor was tattered and worn, some places were even broken, revealing some of his muscular body underneath

The card flew back to Jay and he grab it. The card disappears the next second he open his palm. He walks out of the alleyway and said one thing before heading back to his apartment nearby

"Call the police if you want. But do me a favor, don't tell them my face."

As the two bodies of the knocked out men and the third slowly burning by the flames, he leaves the crime scene

He made it back to his apartment building and got into his room. He look around and went to the table at the small kitchen. He place the grocery bag down and sat on the table. His face was melancholic and lonely feeling. Then, the lights inside his room turned off for a second before coming back on. But this time, the room has a minor change

Jay also notices this difference as he said with hostility, his face also had a frown on it

"What do you want, Kieran."

Sitting on Jay's favorite leather chair that he got from his late grandfather, a figure dressed in fancy-looking clothing was silently looking at Jay with a smile

"Hello, Jay."