Chapter 8

Jimin was wearing thick framed glasses and looking out the window. Yoongi was trying to concentrate on the open road they're in right now, but he felt the pull to look at Jimin's peaceful face every five seconds. He was too cute, and Yoongi's heartbeat quickened in a way that hadn't happened before.

They had been in silence for what felt like an eternity, but it had probably been only half an hour since they started. Yoongi knew they were still very awkward with each other, even though they were going to be parents of the same kid in a few months, and they didn't have much to talk about. Yoongi had both hands on the steering wheel, looking ahead, but in the corner of his eyes he saw Jimin, all nestled up on the seat beside his, looking calm and comfortable, and it gave a weird sort of comfort to Yoongi himself to see Jimin like that. It was like a great satisfaction to know that Jimin was safe and sound with him, and that he was somewhat happy and comfortable.

Yoongi didn't know what to do with those feelings, so he just ignored them for now.

They stayed in silence until Yoongi saw the road toll at the beginning of the highway, and cursed under his breath.

"What?" Jimin asked, and Yoongi turned to him.

"I forgot about the tollway." Yoongi said, trying to not feel shy about it. This was just okay. "Can you count the coins?" he asked, guiding his car to stay in the queue while gesturing to the pile of coins he kept in a compartment in the panel. Jimin said,


Yoongi watched Jimin sort through the coins, trying to keep his heart under control. It was just that Jimin wearing those big framed glasses on his face, that big hoodie up on his hair, looking all soft and right , made Yoongi feel weird inside. He needed to stop acting like he had a crush on Jimin, in which he clearly didn't , of course, and start acting cool again.

Yoongi cleared his throat and looked ahead.

"Here." Jimin's sweet voice came in again, and he was holding out his hand with the coins. Yoongi took it wordlessly and handed it to the road attendant. Yoongi tried not to think of how cute Jimin's hands were.

After they were permitted to go, the car entered the highway. Yoongi knew they had a long day ahead, and that it could be tiring to Jimin, so he was set on trying to make it better for him, and as comfortable as possible.

He stopped the car at the first gas station he saw. After Yoongi parked the car in the gas station, they were both requested to get out of the car while it had its tank filled, for safety.

As Jimin stood at a safe distance from the car, waiting for the process to be done, with his hands on his hoodie's pockets, he got bored quickly. The pregnant man looked around and saw what was around the gas station; a small convenience store, and right beside it, in the same small building, a set of two bathroom doors.

Jimin suddenly saw a cute stray cat right beside the wall of the convenience store, so he started walking towards it, because, why not. The cat was so cute, a white cat that was drinking from a small water container that had been probably put there by the station's workers so the kitty could keep himself hydrated.

Jimin lowered himself, not quite crouching down, because that would be a little hard with the baby bump and all, but he was close enough to extend a hand and pet the cat.

However, as soon as his hand got close to the feline, it startled and quickly ran away. Jimin watched the kitty run away, pouting.

When he got up, he saw Yoongi approaching him. He gulped while taking in his appearance. He really had forgotten how Yoongi was actually so thin and athletic, principally after so much time focusing on how much he liked Yoongi while he was dressed up for work. But casual clothes like those suited him really well, even more than his suits. He looked young and much approachable in a pair of fitting jeans and a t-shirt.

"The car's ready." Yoongi said when he was standing in front of Jimin. He nodded, putting his hands on his coat pockets.

"What were you doing here?" he asked curiously and then saw a water fountain that was near them, thinking that Jimin had been drinking from it, "Oh, there's water back in the car," he said in a slight of panic as if Jimin had forgotten about it, and he laughed quietly,

"I know, Yoongi." he said good naturedly. He knew they needed to go back to the car, but it was really good outside, seeing the morning sun going up. And it wasn't so cold right now, as the sun was starting to warm everything up, slowly. He smiled to himself.

Until he looked at Yoongi, and noticed that he was a bit closer to him than before, and staring at his face with an expression that he couldn't recognize so well.

"What? There's something on my face?" Jimin forced a small laugh, a bit nervous about their proximity. He didn't want to recognize the butterflies in his stomach or his quickening heartbeat at being so close to Yoongi he could smell his perfume. Jimin's lips trembled slightly, and he closed his fists under his coat.

They were almost the same height, but Yoongi was just a bit taller. Yoongi sputtered at hearing his question, looking at Jimin's cute face. With those cute thick-framed glasses, he was even worse to deal with, and Yoongi was confused with what he was feeling, wanting to ignore it but it was getting more difficult very quickly.

"Uhm, uh, t-there's something… On your hair!" he said quickly, and brought up a hand to touch Jimin's orange-colored hair, adjusting his fringe slightly, but also appreciating the soft feel of it.

Yoongi absentmindedly brought his hand down to feel Jimin's face, passing by the side of his glasses and stopping at the soft skin of his cheek, his timid touch fluttering on Jimin's skin.

He couldn't look away from his face, it was like he was mesmerized. Jimin was beautiful, his hair, his forehead, his eyebrows, his eyes, his nose, and…

Yoongi looked up from Jimin's inviting lips to his eyes. There was hesitance in them, but he stood still under Yoongi's touch, looking unsure of what he wanted himself. But there was a hint of expectation in his look, and Yoongi gulped again, shy excitement running on his heart. He gently caressed Jimin's cheek, admiring the way his eyelashes fluttered and his lips parted slightly, and it was like his world stopped spinning for a moment. Jimin was everything.

That time, when their noses brushed slightly, none of them seemed to be surprised by it. Yoongi's hand held the side of Jimin's face more fully, and when their lips touched, timidly, like it was the first time, both their eyes fell closed.

And Yoongi couldn't stop kissing Jimin once he started. It was slow and gentle, so gentle, the way their lips moved against each other, and there wasn't even a hint of sex in it, it was another thing. Yoongi felt like there were fireworks in his heart, and he was breathless, but not from arousal, from the way he felt. He was feeling too much, and it was overwhelming, but he couldn't stop. He told Jimin with his lips directly connected to his all the things he felt and didn't know how to name yet.

He was peppering little kisses to Jimin's lips, gently, enamored with the person behind them, and everything they meant for him, but it was becoming too much. Too much fondness for his heart to take in one go.

They slowly broke apart, as if hesitant to let go of that moment just yet, and Jimin was blushing all over his face, looking deep in Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi knew his own cheeks were probably just as red, and Jimin's eyes were widened, his breath coming in short pants from his lips. Yoongi suppressed the urge in his heart to kiss the worry from his face again, show him how much he cherished him, all the lov-

Yoongi looked away in a hurry. What was going on with him?!

As he looked away, he missed Jimin's hurt, sad and confused expression. The shorter man looked down at his feet, trying to cool his body out from the kiss. He didn't know what to make of it, and he was completely terrified of thinking the wrong thing and end up breaking his heart even more than it already was.


None of them addressed the kiss. It was like it never even happened. Maybe Jimin had dreamed it.

Jimin and Yoongi were back in the car, and Jimin was slightly turned to the opposite side of Yoongi, looking to the window, seeing the trees go. He knew that would be a long and awkward trip to his parents home. He was already regretting everything. He should have just lied to his mom about it.

Yoongi was very focused on driving, even though the highway was practically absent of real curves, his knuckles white from the tight hold he had on the steering wheel. He was having trouble calming down from that kiss. He couldn't stop thinking about Jimin, and how much he wanted to be there for him, to protect him from all harm in that world, and then as if everything he was finding out he felt for the red haired wasn't enough, then there was the fact that he was carrying his kid, and all the feels that baby made in him, too.

He remembered about that ultrasound print. He had made it into his cellphone inner homepage, and sometimes he would catch himself staring at it for several minutes, deep in thought, and wonder. That baby was going to look up to him and call him appa, one day. It was scary just as it was bubbly feeling, in his heart.

Yoongi had spent some time looking straight ahead and lost in his mind, and when he looked sideways to Jimin, he found out that he was sleeping. Yoongi's heart felt weird again as he took in Jimin's beautiful features, his pouty lips, his relaxed face as he slept, the glasses falling down his nose slightly. He looked adorable, to Yoongi.

Yoongi focused on driving quietly, and let him sleep.


Jimin had slept nonstop for almost two hours. When he was starting to wake up again, he realised the car was pulling out of the road.

Yoongi parked the car, got out and immediately went to open Jimin's door for him. Jimin tried to get out of the car but he was still almost half asleep, so he tripped on his feet, loosing balance because of his sleepy body.

But suddenly he felt firm arms around him, and Yoongi was holding him up before he could fall to the ground. He looked up in shock. They were in an awkward position, paralysed as Yoongi was a bit crouched down and Jimin's knees were bent, their faces inches apart.

Jimin was fully awake now. He desperately disentangled himself from Yoongi's hold and got stable on his own. He patted his clothes down, refusing to look at Yoongi, and looked around until he saw a restroom sign.

"I'm going to the bathroom." he said and didn't wait for Yoongi to keep up with him.

From behind his back, he heard Yoongi close the car and follow him in a hurry.


Jimin got to pee and Yoongi too, and when they were washing their hands, Yoongi says, looking at him through the mirror,

"There's a small store nearby, we could buy some snacks if you want." he suggested, and Jimin's mind immediately went to all the candy and chocolate that little grocery store could possibly have to offer him and his wide pregnant appetite. He silently nodded to Yoongi.

They entered the glass doors from the outside and Jimin immediately went to the snack section, picking all the gum and chocolate his baby bump asked him to. Sometimes he felt like it was talking to him. Yoongi just went to the fridge and got some kids' juice for the both of them, and then walked to Jimin.

"Uhm, I can't decide…" he heard Jimin mutter while choosing in between two packets of gum, and Yoongi smiled to himself.

"Take both." he suggested, a fond smile making its way to his face.

"But I won't be able to eat it all!" he complained childishly, and Yoongi laughed this time. Jimin could just be himself that he would already put him in a good mood.

"I'll eat the rest, or we'll figure it out." he said, taking the two packets from Jimin's hands and walking to the cashier, Jimin stood there and continued to choose in between chocolate, not at all in a hurry to get out of there.

Yoongi also wasn't in a hurry. He absentmindedly stopped to look at the magazines stall, but panickedly turned away from them when he saw Jimin's stunning face in the back cover of one of them. He wasn't in a moment to worry about their fame. He was going to meet Jimin's family, hopefully make one hell of a good impression, and just enjoy Jimin's company. No fame issues included, he thought.

While they were both passing their things to the cashier, Yoongi's eyes got a glimpse of a familiar black toy on the low shelves of that cash register corridor. He picked it up, it was a plushie, a little bit bigger than his hand, and it brought memories of a perfect childhood, of his mom, of the simple life he had and sometimes missed so much. When he was just a small kid…

He felt his stomach churn when he added the plusie to the pile of items to be paid. What scared him the most was that, for the first time in his life, he was getting a kumamon plushie, not for himself.

He eyed Jimin's protruding belly under his clothes and blushed.


Jimin was a lot cheerier after he had slept for so long, and he was munching happily on a candy as they were exiting the store, his form practically glowing. Yoongi couldn't help but feel a lot more at peace in knowing that Jimin was happy and satisfied.

Jimin distractedly looked to the side, and stopped in his tracks when something caught his attention. He even stopped chewing on his candy to stare at it.

Yoongi turned to look too, and suddenly understood Jimin's attention to it.

Right outside the glass walls of the small grocery shop, there was a big poster for a mobile service company advertisement. It was all a deep red, and while on one side there were letters saying about promotions and advantages, on the other side there was a picture of a young man with deep red hair, white dress shirt and office clothes, holding a big stack of papers on one hand and adjusting his thin-framed glasses on the other, looking handsomely confused.

"Yah!!! You see that?!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly, like a rookie would, "That's me!! Haha!" he was finding it funny, and Yoongi smiled at that. The poster was so big it was almost accurate size, but still not really. Jimin had gotten closer to look at it, a wide grin on his face, admiring himself on that poster.

"That's priceless !" he exclaimed while looking on his pockets until he found his phone, "Here, take a picture of me!" he handed his phone to Yoongi, who obediently opened his camera app and stepped backwards to get it better, a fond smile on his face.

Jimin got beside his own picture on the glass wall and mocked the gestures; brought one hand to hold his pair of glasses while the other held a particularly big bag of chips. The pose was the same, but he was making a dorky face instead of that well trained one on the poster add, and his baby belly was pressed against his clothes in an unmistakable way. He looked so different from his picture, so comfy in his oversized hoodie and a pair of loose sweatpants that it was funny.

Yoongi took the picture holding back a laugh. Jimin was adorable, and he couldn't be happier to be with him in that moment.


Later that day, when he arrived on his parents' home, Jimin would post that same picture on his instagram, since it had been so long he had posted anything for his two million followers.

What he didn't notice before posting, though, was that, since he was right behind a glass wall, the perfect and unmistakable reflect of Yoongi holding up Jimin's phone to snap the photo would appear in the picture as well.