Provocation 3

Cahill was enjoying it so much that he lost the track of time. He even went out of his way and searched for corpses and squeezed out every ounce of blood from the putrefying remains.

Cain felt like his brother had regressed to being a 5 year old ( not that his brains were any more mature than one) in glee as he imbibed in to his puerile indulges.

The end product was a real piece of work.

Some wonderful extracts from the walls :

You cowardly asshole with a mole on his butt when you kicked in my gut after the others were done beating me, it didn't hurt, BITCH!!!

Myne, if you had time to constantly loom over me, how about getting your skills in line first?

You should be glad that you were born a couple of years ahead of me else I would have been your senior and you would not have lived past my age.

Only after ten of you losers hit me with full power did the eleventh one feel like a mosquito had bitten me.