The ladies were speechless and more than just pleased rather they were taken aback in awe.
' < Just how much budget does a girl who barely hit her teens has been given for her to be able to spend so much on gifts?> Is what is plainly written on their faces.
Yes, yes, ladies. I know that feeling. However, just so you know that I myself I am not capable of spending this much even if the whole Imperial treasury was given to me. This is all my brother's handiwork.'
A few days ago, in the afternoon.
Carseain was working in Ausbildung Zimmer (Training room for heirs). He had another chair of Carsina's size made and placed beside him while he was working. Carsina made sure that she did not disturb him while he was working and just glanced through the papers. They were information collected about the young heirs. Carseain was not the best when it came to remembering names so he was cramming it all before the meeting.