The catastrophic lunch

At the lunch in Esselgarde Mansion, 

Everyone arrived on time and we were waiting for the last two people, The Lord and the young lady. 

Carseain had his peers who were made to wait back to discuss the situation and the wait for lunch before they left for their territories. Rupert had to work undercover so he left with his younger brother, who was still fast asleep at the break of dawn. 

Carseain was quiet as usual having no intentions of speaking to the three pieces of garbage on his dining table. 

Carseain was surprised with how thick-skinned Shani was to sit across him even after she was humiliated by that. He always remembered her as a woman with high Pride. He wondered how did the Marchioness manage this sweet talk her into this. 

Franz had his newfound confidence after Carseain stepped down from the position of the captain.