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~What a fall~

It was a rest day for J-Son. Without any schedule to follow, leisurely lying around on his sofa as usual. Park Han Jun had left the previous day to visit his parents home. He thought, now that none are near him to disturb, he could sleep all day long however he wants, until the boredom struck and sleeplessness joined hands with it.

'It's okay J-Son, let's play some songs and dance to the rhythm.', he thought to himself, 'I can do anything I wish today in this empty place!'. He got up to switch on the television to put on any Music.

The expectations of an idol, dancing alone would be that he dances gracefully or with excitement full of energy. But J-Son was too shy to dance all by himself, he looked like a machine trying to do contemporary dance.

He got pissed at how energy less he was, he jumped back into sofa.

He decided to watch a movie. After a whole hour of searching for what to watch, he finally decided on one mystery-thriller movie. But something was missing. Ah, yes, the snacks. He brought out a lot of snacks which was kept hidden. Kim In Sik rarely opts for dieting and always eats too much food every now and then. Just for fun you can say.

It was just one day, Han Jun wasn't there to babysit him. The hall was a garbage place. All the trash, plastic covers all thrown around.

"Hello, Hyung. what for did you call??".

Kim Man Soo who was worried about his 11:11 problems thought of spending this time at In Sik's place and had called him.

"NO! Today is for Me, myself and I. Hyung, you have Director there, enjoy!!"

Poor Man Soo, he got virtually slapped when In Sik cut off the phone. His only reason for escape was Angelic voice J-Son.

J-Son continued watching more movies, filled with action and mystery as he specially hated love/romance stories. All the snack packets were looking at him, pitying him as, all the crumbs and trash was lying around.

'Did he fall asleep', Han Jun who came back in the evening thought to himself, 'The house is a mess! It's okay, I can clean it'. He sighed as it will take a lot of time to clean it all.

He had brought in some souvenirs back from his place. He opened the fridge, which alerted In Sik and woke him up.

In Sik straightened himself, switched off the television and said, "Oh, Park Han Jun. You are back so soon?".

"Yeah. I didn't have much to do there, so I came back.", He looked at the remote in J-Son's hand, "You didn't pause the movie?".

In Sik smiled awkwardly, "Haha, It's okay. I slept through the first half already". He got up to see all the snacks and it's crumbs fallen on the floor, the table.

"Oh, I will clean this mess. I thought a movie time is not a good time without snacks so. . ."

"It's Okay. I will clean I brought some food from my home, want to eat this?", Han Jun said with a gentle smile.

In Sik went to another dimension, 'What? What's happening with me? Why am I feeling weird in my heart?!!'.


Han Jun ran towards J-Son as he saw him falling backwards after stepping on a plastic packet. He fell on his back hitting the sofa side handle.

"Oh no, I think I broke my back", He tried to straighten his back, "AWWwh".

Han Jun went and sat beside him, "Wait, let me check. You can't break your back bones that easily". In Sik tuned back with a angry puppy face, " What do you mean? I am overacting ??".

Han Jun smiled, "That's not what I meant. Turn around, let me see what happened."

" What no, I will check it myself", He once again tried to straighten his back, " Ahhhww". " It Still hurts!"

"See, I said I would check"

"But. . "

He grabbed on his shirt, "No Buts, I will check for it. I Don't think it will be a broken- oh it is slightly bruised".

In Sik put an sad face, his face had turned red. 'Why all the embarrassing things happen to me', he thought to himself.

"J-Son. . .J-Son. ."

"Yeah, I am listening. Tell!"

Han Jun touched the bruise, which looked like he was hit with iron rod.

"Ahhhhh", he screamed, "Han Jun!! What the- You playing with me, Taking a chance haah?".

Han Jun giggled, "Sorry. I was checking, it is bruised. We should apply something on there. Did you bath??".

In Sik slapped his face, "No".

"Should I he--"

"No, Shut up. I will bath on my own!!".

He got up, his back bent like that of a camel's. "If you still want to help, gimme something to wear from my cupboard."

"Kool! I Will".

J-son somehow managed to bath, he was more bothered by the fact that he fell after looking at Han Jun's sweet smile. After the bath, Han Jun applied some ointment over the bruise.

J-Son tried to escape by falling asleep too soon, but Han Jun lured him with sweets from his home and applied ointment over it.