An Elaborate Test (II)

Her birthday on planet Unity is on Feb 11 ,2000. So accordingly, right after her convocation day, she needed to be summoned for her tests, which are going to be long and elaborate , to help her adapt to the environment her first test was going to be in , she was placed in a safe simulation module , they needed to see if Jasmine was having basic strength, vigilance and other survival skills, one month in this module is one hour of planet Unity , so the two months spent there, amounted to only 2 hrs on the 'Home' planet.


As jasmine was having her salad( lets just call it that ) for lunch, she saw a strange disturbance in air , it was exactly like in the avengers, she was tempted to enter it, as she was weighing the pros and cons, she felt adventurous for a fleeting moment and jumped right in.

Aurora and Ethan, the superiors who are the real parents of Jasmine and only couple in the guild who couldn't speak to her because it was against the rules of the test, were watching her from up close now . Aurora's eyes were wet with happy tears watching her daughter all grown up. The guild members are long used to not show emotions , so this surprised so many onlookers , even Ethan was having trouble keeping his emotions under control .

Jasmine on the other hand couldn't see anything, it was too bright and she closed her eyes, she was feeling warm and tingly all over. She regretted coming this way and survival instinct made her to run back, but to no avail, she was stuck in this horribly bright place and she decided to close her eyes.

Supremo the head started talking to Jasmine, "Dear Jasmine how are you doing?"

Having heard a voice other than hers after two months alone made jasmine feel great.She frantically started searching for him, even though it was too troublesome. And the voiceeee …how do you describe it, its divine, yeah that's how it is , DIVINE.

" Uhmm... I am fine, May I know who is this? Its soo bright here, where am I ? and how do u know my name?How to go back home?? How ate my parents doing..Can you help me??"she asked wiping the tears off her face .

" Relax Jasmine. I am called Supremo , I understand this place and the ordeal you are going through must be challenging ,but child this is only the start of it.This void could too bright for you, you cab close your eyes . I know your parents, so I hope that answers why I know your name and Dear jasmine I cannot answer all your questions but I will answer the ones which are necessary for the test "

" What test?? What do I get If I pass, kindly help me contact my parents,at least tell me if they are fine and what of my friends?? Just let me go, please "

" Child , I can only answer your questions if you pass the preliminary round, and that is your price for passing the test, take this as a survival test, if you can stay alive for 2 years or have established a future where you are self sufficient even before that, you would pass the test"

This sentence is the last straw, he tested her patience till now, but it is way over limits,"hey..who do you think you are? how can you do this to me , that is against the law in every universe, and enough with the child part , are you god?? You cannot be one because GOD is a protector and God is just and kind not like you who would want me to pass something to have some basic conversation"

supremo could only say so much and this was already a long conversation for him," Jasmine, I introduced myself, I am Supremo there is a reason why I cannot give you any more details, 2 years of test, remember that, after that lets just say if you are alive, then I will meet you like this again but I will answer everything"

Jasmine started shouting, " sir 2 years is too long, I am worried , I want to know about them" she was sobbing so bad that a few immortals felt pity for her .

Not to mention her parents were devastated, they quickly devised a plan to request some benefits for jasmine since this is unfair, expecting a child to perform well in test with no training.