Whole Responsibility

"You eat 3 meals a day, that's quite something, I eat three meals a week or probably even longer", he initially thought it would be troublesome to hunt all day but realised since she is a herbivore, it would not be the case.

" oh please, I am fully capable of feeding myself, You just became my husband and already regretting it, I should have chosen better" and she dramatically made a sigh, just to see how he will react to this. Nolan caught her playful sigh and told her not to worry.

" I will get you some grass don't worry", Nolan said and started moving out of the cave. "NO, Nolan not grass, I am a human, I eat fruits, vegetables, rice, wheat and things like that, I cannot eat grass." Jasmine knew he might not understand most of it, but she still wanted to try her luck.

"There seems to be a situation where you and I have different names for same things, Its okay, let me take you with me, teach me your names or learn mine, either one works", with that, he picked her up easily and started getting down hill.

On the way, they found many fruit bearing trees, and even same berry trees, which she always loved, since Nolan could easily climb trees he got her many fresh berries.She plucked fruits which were yet to ripe, so that she could store them for a while. Nolan showed her the clan perimeter," So this is the perimeter, whenever you want to cross it, just ask me and I will take you out, do u want to go somewhere?"

Jasmine wanted to relieve herself, she asked him about it while blushing." Haha.. you are blushing for this, We made toilets for the females of the clan, Since I was unmarried, I am living near the bachelors, lets move out soon, I will get us a home from the clan leader, for now, I will take you to the river outside", he took her to a river side , fortunately there were no other beasts and Jasmine quickly did her business, Nolan being the gentleman he is, maintained a safe distance and protected her from any danger.

On the way, she found vegetables and picked them up."Jasmine you eat like the monkey clan, but you avoid meat, Am I right?" Nolan enquired , "Oh yes!! You are, I can digest meat, I just chose not to eat it. You can get me things which monkey clan eats, apart from meat " jasmine was ecstatic, with his monkey remarks. 'At least I don't have to search for food all day, my husband will do it'.

"Okay, from now on, feeding you is my responsibility "Nolan said, tapping his chest with his fists.