
Emma really felt his head roar.

She stared at Andrew in a daze, but she never thought that Andrew would do it for herself.

It was Oliver!

The grandson of the Matthew Family!

Just because… he is his wife now?

"You're looking for death!"

Oliver reacted and immediately got up from the ground, punched his fist and smashed towards Andrew.

No one has ever dared to beat him, not to mention Emma's real husband, a useless son-in-law!


His fist, just before Andrew, was grabbed by Andrew with one hand, and Andrew slammed hard, and Oliver's wrist heard a click!



Oliver screamed.

"This is my wife. In the future, no one will be allowed to bully her."

Andrew finished talking before letting go of his hand and pulling Emma, who hadn't recovered yet, away.

"I will kill you! I will kill you!"

Oliver clutched his wrist in pain.

He never imagined that the waste son-in-law found by his family dared to follow his hands.

Emma is really over!

They are all done!

Oliver quickly ran towards the hotel, and he couldn't care to deal with the wound.

In the hotel private room, Stuart was still there, chatting with several business partners.

"Dad! Dad!"

Oliver rushed straight in, and Stuart, who was chatting, immediately frowned.

"Your father and son have something to talk about, then you talk, and we will talk again later."

Several guests got up and left.

Stuart grinned and snorted, "What's the furry, what are you doing!"

"Dad, I made people beat!"

Oliver gritted his teeth, "You see my hand, I was interrupted!"

"Who did "?

Stuart stood up immediately.

His baby son, even he is not willing to do it, who dares to give such a ruthless hand?


Oliver gritted his teeth, "It was Emma's door-to-door husband!"

They had just given Andrew a new life. Even if the boy didn't thank Dade, he would dare to start Oliver.

A wandering child, an incompetent useless waste, he reversed!

Stuart was furious.

"That son-in-law's son-in-law hit?" In the

data, Andrew is a wandering child, even a wasteful one, and even has intermittent mental illness. I am afraid it is a sudden mental illness.

"Emma really let him slap me, he really did!"

"My hands were interrupted!"

Oliver's eyes were red.

When did he suffer such a loss?

Stuart frowned.

"That boy is mentally ill, and I am afraid that he has a mental illness."

He immediately made someone call the doctor to treat Oliver's wound. "Don't provoke this neuropathy, Emma, dare to let that Andrew hit you, hum, I will not She will be forgiven!"

"Dad, drive her out of the Matthew'shouse!"

Now there is a good excuse.

If this matter reaches Matthew, Emma's family will get out!

Even the commander Sun dare to fight, who gave them the courage?

"Emma is currently in charge of a project. At a critical time, the contract is about to be signed, and if she is kicked out now, I am afraid it will have an impact."

Emma's work ability is extremely strong, and he won a few in just two years. project.

This is exactly why Stuart and his father worried that Emma would stand firm and completely threaten them.

"Dad, the projects are all about the cynthiae. Anyone who sends them can sign the contract. If I sign these big orders, Grandpa will definitely value me more."

Oliver said cruelly, "Get her away! Let them do this A parasite, let's all die!"


At that time.

Andrew followed Emma and returned to her house.

Along the way, Emma was still a bit stunned, and she never thought that Andrew would beat her for her.

When she was awake, she had to worry again. Andrew might offend Oliver with this action.

With that jerk's temper, he will definitely retaliate against Andrew.

"Ding Dong!"

She rang the doorbell, and after a while, Logan opened her mouth, looking at Emma's real eyes, full of guilt.

"Emma, you are back."

Logan saw Andrew behind him, his expression was stagnant, he didn't say anything, but just nodded slightly, "Come in, come in."


Not allowed to come in!" Andrew hasn't entered yet, cynthia. Quickly rushed out, and there are still tears on that face, "

Get out of me! Get out of me!" "It's all because of you, Yu really wants to be a joke in Fingol City, you ruined her!"

"You Fu*k me! Fu*k!"

cynthia cried while crying, ten thousand unwillingness, let Andrew become her home-in-law son-in-law.

If Andrew is excellent, then she can barely accept it.

But the result?

Andrew is ten years older than Emma, and he has nothing to accomplish, even a tramp!

She can't afford to lose this person!

Andrew did not speak and turned to go, Emma suddenly took his hand.

"Mom, let him go in."

Now let Andrew go out, Oliver will definitely find someone to kill him.

He only beat people for his own sake, Emma couldn't care less.

"Emma, he…"

"He…now is my husband."

Emma bit his lip. The husband's name was so strange, as if with a needle, it hurt her heart.

cynthia trembles her lips and shakes her head in despair: "I don't care anymore!"

After she finished, she ran back to the room and slammed the door shut.

"Come in."

Emma said softly.

Andrew nodded and walked into the room that didn't seem big.

The Matthew Family can be regarded as a third-rate family in Fingol City, but the real family of Emma is more difficult than ordinary people.

"You come with me."

Emma was really afraid that cynthia would rush to Andrew and lead him into his room.

The room was not big, but it was neatly packed.

Emma took out the blanket from the cabinet and took out the straw mat on the ground. There was a trace of fatigue in his voice.

"Don't go out recently, Oliver will not let you go, stay in my house, he at least dare not come to the door to start."

Emma really looked at Andrew. It was really hard to imagine that he suddenly had a husband.

"In the future, you sMaxwellp on the floor, I sMaxwellp on the bed, we are each other, well water does not violate the river, is there a problem?"

Andrew did not speak, just nodded.

He knew that Emma really couldn't remember himself, he couldn't like himself, he might even hate himself, because he suddenly became her husband.

But she is always kind, because she fears that Oliver will hurt herself and would rather grievance herself, but also to keep herself and protect herself.

This woman, grown up, is still so kind.

Andrew hesitated, whether to take out the candy paper, and thought about it, or not.

The two were silent and the atmosphere was awkward.

Suddenly, Emma's phone rang.

She couldn't help but look pale.

"Emma, from today on, you don't have to come to the Matthew's Group to work anymore!" The

phone call was from Oliver, soaring, "Huh, my dad has fired you! Your family, just wait to starve!"

said After that, Oliver hung up the phone with a bang.

It took Emma a long time to react.

She was fired?

Just because she let Andrew beat Oliver?

But from small to big, this bastard has not bullied himself, what kind of punishment has he received?

Emma really wanted to cry in grievance.

Andrew frowned at a glance.

Is this Oliver looking for death?