Conditions are not cynthiae


Oliver was furious, but he dared not fight back.

His hand was interrupted by Andrew, this lunatic!

He didn't want to cause this neurosis!

Stuart frowned. He didn't expect that he had found Emma's son-in-law, who was really a neuropathy. He dared to fight Oliver in his own face.

"I haven't settled the accounts with you yet!"

Stuart narrowed his eyes with a predominant gesture.

But when he saw Andrew's eyes, he seemed to have fallen into the abyss!

Both legs couldn't help but tremble slightly.

It's like seeing a terrifying beast, opening his blood basin!

What a terrible look!

"Look for me to settle the account?"

Andrew said lightly. "It seems that you are not here to ask Emma to go back to work, but to make trouble."Oliver, Stuart calmed down instantly and forced down his anger.

He didn't want to delay the most important things because of a neuropathy.

After signing the contract, pack them up!

"Huh, Emma, Matthew's need you, come back to help."

He looked at Emma, but there was no sincerity in his tone.

Emma didn't know what to do for a while.

Even cynthia was stunned.

She never thought that Stuart would one day come in person to invite Emma to work.

It's just that their attitude was just too angry!

"You still don't seem to understand."

Emma really didn't know how to speak, and Andrew helped her.

"I want to remind you last time that you have to whisper to ask for help. Today's attitude is not good enough. If you come again tomorrow, the conditions will be different."

Oliver, Stuart's face finally changed.

His eyelids jumped and looked at Andrew coldly.

"You really think that without Emma, we can't sign this project?"

"Do not believe it, you try."Andrew still calm, calmly let cynthia and Emma both looked a little dumbfounded.

This… this is really the homeless son-in-law they just recruited?

"Emma, my dad gives you the opportunity to don't understand and cherish!"

Oliver said angrily.

Emma really stiffened his chest and said firmly: "I'm not rare!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Stuart said three good words, glanced at the three Andrew, and smiled at the back room. And shouted, "Logan, you are the head of the family, well

done !" After he finished speaking, he snorted and turned Oliver away.

The door of the back room only opened at this moment, Logan rolled out of the wheelchair and came out pale.

Stuart did not leave, he did not dare to come out.

"Big brother is angry?"

Logan said a little timidly, "What can I do?"

Sumie glanced at him, not angry.

When your daughter was bullied, where were you?

It's good now, and ask them what to do!

"It's not just a job, I'm not rare."

Emma really looked at his parents. "Dad, mom, you can rest assured that I can feed you!"

cynthia looked at her daughter and was very distressed.

The responsibility of this family is on her shoulders.

She wanted to take care of Logan, just to help Emma, but she couldn't help anything.

"There is still me."

Andrew said, "I will take care of you too."

Suddenly, both Logan and cynthia looked at Andrew.

Just now Andrew gave Oliver a slap, just because he did not speak badly to cynthia, and cynthia looked at it. Even if she didn't like Andrew anymore, she couldn't say anything at the moment.

"I'll cook."

cynthia turned into the kitchen.

Logan didn't know what to say, and entered the back room again, closing the door.

Emma really pulled Andrew into the house, and it was a little unexpected.

"You, what did you just say?"

"I said, I will take care of your parents with you."


Emma looked at Andrew with a stern look.

She has not accepted that Andrew is her husband.

She was even thinking about when Andrew could make it clear that they were impossible.

Not only because of Andrew's background, he is ten years older than himself.


Emma hesitated.

"You are ready to sign a contract at any time and adjust your status."

Emma really forgot what she just said when she heard Andrew's words.

"Uncle, will they really come to me again?" Mr.

Daniel's project has indeed been followed up, but the details are almost the cynthiae, only the contract is left, and it is just a form.

You can sign for anyone else, but you don't have to go by yourself?

Needless to say, Stuart and his son have a wide network in Fingol City. It's not easy to find a personal matchmaker.

"Well, you have to."

Andrew said very simply.

Stuart and his son returned home.


Oliver shattered the teacup on the table directly.


Why? " He roared, "Dad, why did you stop me? I'm going to kill that neuropathy!"

Andrew slapped one after another. This was going to spread. How could Oliver still be in the South Estopia?

How would anyone laugh at him, he was beaten by a neuropathy.

"Don't provoke neurosis, they don't commit crimes when killing people."

Stuart snorted.

He did not expect that he wanted to choose Emma's most wasteful husband, but he picked a lunatic.

This kind of person is less than a last resort. He doesn't want to provoke him at all.

But why is Andrew's eyes so terrible? Even people like themselves who have been in the mall for a long time are a little scared when they see it.

He is a neuropathy, it would be normal to fear him.

"Dad, what should I do now? Emma is a bitch, and we are also whispering to beg her, and she dreams!"

He didn't believe it. Without Emma, this project would not be available.

Stuart narrowed his eyes, took out his cell phone, and made a few calls.

"Then I will trouble you and invite you to dinner another day!"

He found someone who knew President Daniel and took the lead.

The details of the project are almost the cynthiae. The signing of the contract is just a form. He doesn't believe it. This Daniel is willing to sacrifice such a big benefit for a cheap woman!

"Relax, President Matthew and they often have cooperation with Headquarters Daniel, let him help with no problem."

Although there are some costs to pay, it is better than whispering to Emma's family.

Hearing this, Oliver finally felt relieved.

"Dad, when this project is settled, I want to get Emma's family out of the South Estopia!"

Oliver's eyes flashed a bit of evil thought, "If it's not because she is my sister, I want to…"

"Oliver, don't do anything too After that, knowing by grandpa, you are done."

Oliver calmed down instantly.

He just thinks about it. Although Emma looks beautiful, what woman does he want?

"Ring Ring Ring…" The

father and son were talking, Stuart's cell phone rang.

He picked it up, and Mr. Li returned, and it seemed that the matter had been resolved.

"Mr. Li, how is it easy for you…"

"Stuart, what's your peace of mind! If you offended Mr. Daniel, let me touch the mold? Now even our company's cooperation is fail. Issac

fu*ks your mother!" "You fu*king deliberately pitted me, I wrote this down!"

Over there, President Matthew screamed and hung up the phone directly.

Stuart suddenly froze.

What do you mean?

Doesn't Li even say good things?

Even Mr. Li's project is yellow?

What does this mean Daniel always mean!

"Dad, no… don't you really want us to whisper to ask Emma really?" Oliver slipped.