
Late at night.

When it was time to sMaxwellp, Emma really couldn't sMaxwellp.

She is nervous.

Even if she thinks that there must be more good people than bad people in the world, but Andrew, she only knew one day after all.

Moreover, the information says that Andrew is mentally ill, what if he cannot control himself?

On the floor, Andrew was lying there, feeling Emma's breathing a little nervous.

"You don't need to put scissors under the pillow."

Andrew said, "SMaxwellp at ease, good night."

After that, Andrew closed his eyes first.

Emma groaned and pulled his hand out from under the pillow.

She bit her lips lightly, how did Andrew know that she put scissors?

"He won't hurt me."

Somehow, Emma's thoughts became more and more firm in his mind.

Thinking of this, she relaxed and closed her eyes to sMaxwellp.

Overnight, nothing happened.

Emma really woke up and slept soundly. When he walked outside, Andrew was already eating breakfast.

But cynthia's eyes were flushed, and he obviously didn't sMaxwellp well.

"Hurry up for breakfast. Mom gets busy early in the morning."

Andrew is really welcome.

Seeing Emma entered the bathroom, cynthia quickly followed.

"Last night, he didn't treat you…"

"No, Mom,"

Emma blushed. "He slept on the floor and didn't touch me."

To put it this way, Emma really tasted something.

I don't know if I should praise Andrew's righteous gentleman, or do I have no charm?

Impossible, her Emma has always been a flower since childhood, the love letter she received was burnt, and she could stew a pot of porridge.

Hearing this, cynthia felt relieved.

In her heart, she still hopes to wait for the time to mature. Emma and Andrew are separated. They are not the cynthiae way.

"Go, I will send you to work." After

breakfast, Andrew wants to send Emma to work.

"No, I'll go by myself."

Emma said honestly, "you are still staying at home, it's dangerous to go outside." What

if Oliver secretly starts to deal with Andrew?

"It's okay, they dare not."

Andrew frowned slightly when he saw Emma pushing the electric car.

Do you ride an electric car?

As a granddaughter of the Matthew Family, this living condition is indeed not very good.

"Thank you."

Emma really refused, so she let Andrew ride her and hide behind Andrew, at least not by the cold wind.

This feeling is somewhat different.

Gate of the Matthew Group headquarters.

At the moment, hundreds of employees all stood at the door to greet Emma.

However, anger and dissatisfaction can be clearly seen on everyone's face.

At one or two in the morning last night, they received a notice that they had to arrive at the company an hour earlier in order to welcome Emma.


In particular, there is a rumor that this Emma really caught up with the famous Daniel, and deliberately put pressure on the Matthew Group!

Let Matthew'sloss of huge profits not to mention, still wantonly not to go to work.

Even President Stuart and her uncle had to whisper to beg her to work!


How could there be such a person?

A group of employees, resentment.

Stuart stood at the front and naturally felt the anger of all employees. This is the effect he wanted.

He didn't believe it, Emma, who had made the public angry, could stay in the Matthew Group!

When she signed the contract, she would be a mess.

"Have you called Mr. Daniel?"

Stuart asked.

"Yes, it was said that Emma really came to sign, he said he would come to the door."

Oliver was full of envy.

He went to sign the contract, and he didn't even have the qualification to meet Mr. Daniel, and Emma really came to sign, and Mr. Daniel personally came to Matthew's.

This bitch woman really has a means.

In this way, it is better to let the entire Matthew's see, Emma really looks!

Andrew was riding an electric car, and Emma behind him had no place to put his hands. He had to hold Andrew's clothes lightly.

"Unexpectedly." From

afar, Andrew saw Stuart standing at the door with a group of employees, and there was a hint of play in his face.

This Stuart, it seems that he really does not know life and death.

Emma really got out of the car and was immediately frightened.

Isn't it just Stuart, why do all employees come to wait for themselves?

She suddenly felt a little cramped.

"Welcome Miss Emma back!"

Oliver gave a look, his secretary immediately shouted.

Soon, hundreds of employees shouted in unison.

Emma could obviously feel that their tone was full of anger, resentment, dissatisfaction, and even disdain.

So long in the middle of the cold wind, it will be unhappy to change who feels.

She did not expect that Stuart would have such a request.

"Emma, are you satisfied now?"

Stuart had a smile on his face, but this sounded strange.

It seems that all they did was forced by Emma, and they could only compromise.

Emma's face was a little bit red, and he didn't know how to explain it.

It's useless for her to explain?

Those employees looked at her and almost killed her!

"It's quite satisfactory."

Andrew nodded, looked at Stuart, and said lightly, "You are doing well."

This sentence made Stuart's eyes burst into flames instantly!

What does Andrew mean?

Seems to praise a dog!

What he wanted to say, but Andrew had ignored him and directly walked into the company with Emma.

"What people really think what do the math!"

"Good arrogant ah, no wonder theEmma really be so arrogant, not that a door-law it?"

"I heard that was a tramp, as well as mental illness, Emma really taste really heavy ah "

A group of employees whispered.

The resentment is even greater.

They were still a little unbelieving. Emma was really such a person.

But now, Emma's useless husband is so arrogant and dare to ridicule Stuart. Isn't Emma really more domineering?

It seems that it was pretended before.

Too hypocritical!

Emma's eyes were a little red. She was not deaf. Some words were not loud, but she still got into her ears.

She was wronged. These things were not done by herself.

"Don't care about other people's views."

Andrew said softly, "If you can't reach you, you will desperately slander you, do you understand?"

Emma looked at Andrew stunnedly and nodded.

Stuart rearranged the office for her, a separate room, bigger than her own, but also luxurious.

It also dissatisfied other employees.

Emma really wanted to refuse, but Andrew pushed the door straight in, not at all polite.

In his eyes, his wife stayed in such an office, wronged her.

"Dad, people in the whole company now hate Emma."

Oliver was gloating, "and that neuropathy!"

Stuart sneered. He had to deal with a person. There is a way that Emma in every district does not need him to spend much thought.

"Mr. Daniel is here?"

"Should be coming soon."

Stuart nodded: "Wait a moment, Emma will really show his true face. You said, if Andrew's neuropathy knows his wife, he will be ruined by Mr. Daniel. Willn't it be neurotic attack, kill President Daniel?"

Speaking, the faces of father and son are full of playfulness.