Luxury cars will be high-profile!

Go home.

Emma took the ointment and carefully applied it to cynthia.

This slap must be very painful!

Her tears could not help falling.

"Silly boy, I'm okay."

cynthia helped Emma really wipe away her tears.

If they did not arrive in time today, I am afraid they would be taken away, and by then there would be no way to say ten mouths.

"Andrew, you come in, I have something to ask you."

cynthia walked into the house, and Andrew immediately followed.

The door closed and there were only two of them in the room.

"Sorry? Ma, it's my fault."

Andrew stood there, apologizing seriously.

cynthia looked up at him.

That card has a minimum amount of one billion dollar. She knows that Andrew is rich, but she didn't expect that he would be so rich.

Andrew is not an ordinary person. What purpose does he come to his home?

"What the hell are you?"

cynthia asked again.

Her expression was very serious.

She was more worried about Emma than she was wronged.

Andrew knew that he could not hide it, and took out the piece of candy paper that had been stored for many years directly from his pocket.

"This is…"

cynthia recognized it all at once.

The Matthew Family had just started a business that year, and it was a small workshop making candy.

She had packed a lot of this candy paper by herself!

"Fifteen years ago, I lived on the street and wanted to end my life. A little girl gave me this candy. She told me that as long as I ate this candy, life would become very sweet."

"That little girl Very kind, she saved my life more than once."

Andrew took a deep breath. "Such a kind girl, I don't want her to be hurt, I just want to protect her."

Where did cynthia not understand, that The kind girl is Emma.

Andrew came to her house in order to repay her gratitude, and was only close to Emma.

He promised himself that he would never hurt Emma and would not destroy her.

With his wealth, what woman can't get?

"Mom, I know that you don't know me yet and don't trust me enough, but I will work hard to let you accept me, even if I can't be your son-in-law, I want to be your son."

Andrew said seriously, "This mom , I'm sure."

Just now in the bank, Andrew Thunder furiously angered her, that look is not pretend.

He really regarded himself as a mother.

Especially the sentence: "This is my mother, you dare to fight!"

cynthia still feels trembling.

No one has ever defended her like this, even Logan did not.

Thinking of this, cynthia felt a little moved.

Andrew is not malicious, this time it was indeed a misunderstanding.

"Mom, I'm really sorry this time, it's me who made you wronged." Andrew apologized again.

"I don't blame you for this. I got the wrong card myself."

cynthia shook her head. She was sober and didn't lose her temper.

If you didn't get the wrong card, you wouldn't have this problem.

"Let's go out, I won't tell others about this."

Logan and Emma are still outside, and she doesn't want to worry them.

The two went out and Logan was angry.

"Isn't it just a bank card, are they so suspicious of people?"

Loganqi, however, saw that his wife was aggrieved, her eyes were red, both angry and self-blaming, blaming herself for being incompetent and unable to protect his wife.

Even Emma didn't understand that a bank card would produce such misunderstandings.

She knew that Andrew's Cary had money, but that's not the case.

Andrew didn't know how to explain it.

I am afraid that my own black card, the Global Banking Alliance, has only issued about one hundred cards, and there are ten cards for myself.

"Dad, Mom, I am not good this time, I apologize to you."

Andrew said, "So, I invite everyone to dinner, it is a surprise for Mom?" When

such a thing happened, cynthia was not in a mood to cook, At this point in time, the Wu Zang Temple was indeed a bit hungry.

"It's too expensive to eat outside."

cynthia shook her head. She now knows how rich Andrew is, but she doesn't want to spend Andrew's money.

"It's not expensive, as long as Mom is happy, it doesn't cost much."

After that, Andrew directly turned around to start the car, "Emma, push Dad out."

Soon after, cynthia and Logan took the seat In the seat, Emma sat in the co-pilot, and Andrew drove away from home.

At the cynthiae time, a Porsche was slowly stopped at the door of the Huacheng community.


A fat man sitting in the car, with a fat face, laughed, "Stop here."

"Dad, this is the exit, stop this to block others."

"Stupid you!"

Jaxon scolded, "Do you know, luxury cars will be high-profile!"

"You stop here to block them, they Although I will scold you on my mouth, I will look at your car seriously, and then I will be jealous in my heart

, okay ?" The two got out of the car, Jaxon held a briefcase, and looked back to make sure that his car was blocked After entering the exit, this entered the community.

"Go, pick up your aunt!"

Just two moments after the two left, Andrew drove to the exit. When he saw a car blocking the front, he immediately blew two horns.

The security guard heard the sound and walked over quickly, looking helpless.

"The driver has entered the community!"

Andrew wrinkled slightly: "Call him and come over to move the car." The

security guard immediately dialed the mobile phone number left in the window of the Porsche and it was connected in a moment.

"Sir, your car is blocking someone else's car at the exit. I'll trouble you to come over and get off the car." The security guard said politely, obviously knowing that driving such a luxury car, he couldn't offend.

"What move? What happened to Lao Tzu for a while, let him wait!"

After that, Jaxon hung up the phone, feeling a little proud in his heart.

With more than one million Porsches, who dares to touch them?

Wait for you!

At the door, the security guard looked embarrassed and helpless.

"They said, let you wait."

Andrew's face sank, and he had to eat with his mother-in-law's family.

Have a bad temper when driving a broken Porsche?

"What should we do, or we will go out and take a taxi?" Emma said helplessly.

It's really helpless to meet such people.

"Otherwise forget it, I'll go back and cook two dishes." cynthia also said.

"No, I've made a reservation for the hotel, and, mom, you rest today and don't cook."

After that, Andrew directly filed, and the throttle roared!

"Andrew, what are you doing?" Emma was really nervous.

"Boom!" The

brand-new BMW crashed directly on the front of the Porsche, and immediately crashed the front of the Porsche.

"Andrew! You are crazy!"

Emma couldn't help screaming.

Own car, but a new car!

Moreover, if you hit someone's luxury car, that would cost you money!

Andrew calmly said: "Today is the first time I invited my mother to dinner, not tolerating other people's influence."

He reversed his car and continued to collide . He crashed three times in a row, directly knocking Porsche away, and then went away.

The security guard standing at the door was stunned!

It's too fu*king crazy!

A brand-new BMW, even without a license plate, just hit it like this?

It's still Porsche!

He turned around and glanced at the front of Porsche, which was so bad that it was covered with debris.

Many people around watched, and all of them were stunned. Some people couldn't help but took the video. Soon, the video spread on the Internet.

"Fu*k! It's too ridiculous, the new car, is it so ridiculous?"

"The owner of the Porsche is really bad, so he deliberately stopped at the exit channel to pretend to be forced? This is good, I have a hard stubble!"

"There is a follow-up Really looking forward to what the Porsche owner will look like when he sees it, ha ha ha ha!"

On the Internet, instant boiling, accusing Porsche owners of being unethical and supporting BMW to teach him to be a man.

I don't know how many fans, the blood in the body is boiling!

Similarly, Emma's family of three sitting in the car, the cynthiae blood boiling.

"Andrew, this is a new car!"

Logan felt distressed.

It took less than a day to buy, and the front of the car didn't know what it was like. Although it wasn't his car, he was also distressed.

"Do you need a lot of money for this repair?"

cynthia asked.

Emma didn't really speak, she didn't know, she could only turn her head to look at Andrew, and she couldn't help but ask, is your guy sick again?

"It's okay, don't need to repair it, just buy another one tomorrow."

Andrew wrote lightly.

Emma's family stopped talking.

They feel that they and Andrew are clearly people from two worlds.

Would a man who put hundreds of thousands of people in his eyes like this be a tramp?

Why would you be a son-in-law?

At that time.

At the gate of the Huacheng community, a few people were coming, led by the Porsche car advocate Rong, and beside him was his sister Annabel, who was the neighbor aunt who humiliated cynthia.

"Sister, I can be promoted now. I entered the headquarters of Fingol Bank. The annual salary is much higher than before! No, I just bought a luxury car!"

"Luxury car?" Neighbor aunt Annabel said, "My neighbor also I bought a car that seemed to be BMW. I heard that it was nearly half a million dollar!"

"A half-million BMW?"

Jaxon sneered, disdainful, "This car is a younger brother in front of my Porsche!"

With that said, he took out the car key and prepared to unlock it, but suddenly he saw that his car at the exit was missing?

He subconsciously pressed the unlock, the lights lit in the corner, the front almost broken into a Porsche, only a light but also bright ...

"ah ah ah, my car how things turned out!"

Chang Yung-an old blood Swelled up and passed out directly.