After ten minutes of walking,Xiao Long and Zhi Huo finally reach at the market place of the Qing Long Town and this market also start from the main south gate of the town and end at the north main gate of the town.

Other than that, It also took almost fifteen minutes for Xiao Long and Zhi Huo to reach at the market placed and this is because the Zhi Clan is located at the rear of the Qing Long Town.

Even though the Zhi Clan is the ruler of the town, the Zhi Clan did not choose to reside at the center of the Town but they choose to reside at the rear of the town. The rear if the town can be said as the largest and beautiful place in the Qing Long Town and because of that, the people of the Zhi Clan did not said anything even though they all are living at the rear of the town.