Muur Chronicles


The night seamlessly flowed with the cool gentle northern breeze of the ember months. Everywhere was quiet and calm from Ileju Axis as he trekked in the faintly illuminated night to a prescheduled appointment at a proposed inner city location in Dutse, Abuja. The echoes of a barking dog can be heard from a nearby untraceable location. Street lights hovered above him but weren't swayed by the cool gentle wind of the night as he weaved through the dark alleys of the innermost part of Dutse in Bwari District inner blocks late into the night. His footsteps on the ground are the only audible sound he heard as he prodded on cautiously, his destination shrouded in mystery.

He continued down a street after a three minutes walk from the Ileju Axis he stepped off from, and observed a figure huddled in robes. The silhouette from the hooded figure sat down on a pavement to his left in an old doorway along the alley he was walking. He watched him pass, probably observing Steve's face in the darkness the night provided, he thought to himself. Or maybe, another hard drugs junkie! They are usually not lacking in hidden city ghettos like the ones off Ileju Axis from the old abandoned Airport road area of Dutse District, Abuja.

There were two other abandoned streets ahead covered by the dark night which he still had to cover in that dead hour of the night. On reaching Obafemi Street, he crossed a screen which was just fixed right in between the two streets in the billboard above him, and vanished into a dark avenue seldom visited unless you are one of the children of the night.

He continued walking, with a feeling that someone or some people are probably watching him. After taking a few steps, he stood still for a while and listened to make sure he wasn't being followed.

He checked the address he had on him, and it showed he is on track. He brought out another paper from his pocket and looked at it sternly for a while. It contained the direction to follow once he reached this point, given to him by his contact. Following the direction, he turned left and headed down another narrow pathway to an old abandoned paper factory.

Only the steady and soft sound's of his footsteps on the cement floor made the only noise from his immediate environment as he walked with caution. At the end of the pathway, there was a damp yellow light above a wooden door. A dark silhouette stood near it wearing heavy cloaked hood attire. Calmly but steadily, Steve approached the door, gave the hooded figure a pass given him by his contact. After taking his time to look through what was handed him, he thoroughly searched Steve before stepping aside to allow him go through the doorway.

He walked in to a dimly lit, large, high-roofed and scantily decorated room bustling with little to no activity. Syndicate members were engaged with smoking marijuana but were all neatly dressed to his surprise though.

There were large tables all around the room. Some people sat around them, speaking in low tones as all eyes turned to him the moment he stepped in. He noticed a gun placed skillfully on one table and spun around by a gang member. A man with a briefcase wearing colorful tattoos sat alone across from the left. He has a visible scar that ran down his left upper face like a quick slash of a blade that probably didn't get its full mark. It cut through his left eyebrow and descended below in a perfect symmetrical curve. Four men sat at the adjacent table, their focus also turned to Steve, whose entrance got everyone looking. There were about ten members around, all Nigerians.

Everyone in the room was holding, but totally concealed from unsuspecting eyes. Other syndicate members in the room were barely reflected in the dim rays radiated by the only bulb in the place. There were those who drew tattoos on their wrists just a little below the wrist joints.

He already knew what to expect, so he was not fazed one bit despite being in the midst of the most dangerous syndicate in the country that run illegal arms business all across Africa.

"Nice clothes." The one nearest from the door said to him. Steve barely acknowledged him when another added:

"You don't like compliments?"

"I'm here for business if you don't mind." He casually stated, his eyes solely focused on the one across the room alone from his left who looked like the one in charge of the group.

"Mmmm. Business?" Another high ranking member of the group said.

"Yes." He replied.

"You are late!" The one his eyes focused on replied, then stood up and focused on him.

"We don't like people keeping us waiting." He added no smile or courtesy whatsoever in his face and undertone.

"I had difficulty locating the place!" Steve replied him.

"We also don't like people who give excuses." He replied just as soon with a feigned seriousness that made Steve uncomfortable.

"But, Mr. Hick's vouched for you, so we will act like this didn't happen." He said with a relaxed face.

Steve appreciated him for it and went for his back pocket to bring out something. But, it triggered a reaction, causing the syndicate members to draw their concealed weapons, as if obeying a draw whistle. Slowly, he removed his hand from the pocket while they all watched with their weapons still drawn at him.

"It's a guide i kept in my pocket." Steve said just as soon, showing them a piece of paper.

"What are we supposed to do with it?"

"The direction to where i kept the money." He replied.

"I couldn't carry something like that around, not in a place like this; had to stash it somewhere."

"Alright" The leader of the syndicate said, but his face still didn't reduce its mean contortion.

At this, he ordered his syndicate members to lower their guns, and took the guide from Steve. After going through it, he asked Steve how much.

"Hundred thousand dollars with additional five thousand for your troubles" Steve replied. The leader handed over the guide to another member who immediately left together with four others to get the money.

"We wait!" He said to Steve before receding back to his corner across the room. Meanwhile, as they waited for the others to return, one of the gang members brought perfectly rolled marijuana and handed it to Steve. He gladly accepted it, took the lighter from his hand and lit up. Few minutes later, they came back with the money.

"Any reason to disbelieve that the money is complete?" The leader inquired from Steve.

"No!" Steve replied.

"Good! Let's talk business then" He said smiling, but Steve didn't. After taking his time to tell them what he wants specifically, they assured him he will get his package delivered as scheduled. They also told him it will be delivered through one of their trade routes in Owerri. He left after they completed other formalities.


A week ago, Linagu noticed reports of unusual interferences in the asportation links from the Universal Asportation Agency - UAA - located in Habima under the Muur Central Security Service outfit located in the third Muurdom, Kalialu. Not satisfied with the preliminary reports of the double enquiries he launched, he took it upon himself to make sure everything was in order.

The asportation lines and points were too important to be jeopardized and it was his duty as the Muur Head of Security to make sure that such incidents never happen. As he already knew, Habima is a very influential city and connects most of the Muurdom through its geometry. As such, it contains some of the most important lines and points in the ultrasonic asportation links powered by the Unerg, a non-solar based source of energy. If anyone was trying to enter into any of the Muurdom's illegally, the asportation links will be a good place to start, especially through the heavy traffics associated with the city of Habima. But, as Linagu soon found out, the interference of the travelling links mostly known as asportation links was just a distraction. The perpetrator of the act was instead interested in an ancient fail-safe located in the Habima Sanctuary of Oddities.

Linagu rushed down in a hurry to the innermost part of the Kalialu Sanctuary after leaving the UAA centre. It was a hunch call, but they mostly are always right. He had to check and confirm for sure. The Muurian government spends huge resources to make the asport links safe. Yet, the Habima Sanctuary holds an ancient artifact, the ring of ascendance, which can give a gifted user access to restricted UAA program, codes and algorithms. Access to such highly classified algorithms can allow for manipulation of the Asportation Links. Ultimately, it amounts to a security breach in the Muurian Kingdoms.

The Ring of Ascendance is kept in the sanctuary in a specially designed holding device in one of the buildings most secure strong rooms. He knew something was amiss as soon as he entered the holding room and upon noticing a breach in some of the security protocols put in place to safeguard the ring in its hold. The artifact was housed in Habima, a city located at the outskirts of Kalialu from the North of Marrialu, the capital of Muur.

He came too late. The mechanical holding device which held the Ring of Ascendance affixed to the wall laid waste on the ground when he entered the secret Hold. The triangular mechanical device was previously holding the artifact stolen by an intruder. The intruder wouldn't have gone far, he thought to himself judging from the haphazard nature of the destruction caused by the intruder in his attempt to escape after successfully stealing the ring of ascendance. Linagu left the place; and sounded a massive intruder alert in the sanctuary.

The intruder had disabled the alarms connected to the artifact before stealing it from the heavily fortified secret Hold inside the sanctuary in Kalialu, the second Muurdom. After rushing out from the holding room, he dashed straight ahead to where he felt the intruder will be heading to facilitate his escape.

Meanwhile, the whole Muurian Civil Guard working within the region deployed instantly. He had imagined that the intruder may be relying on leaving through a safely built tunnel with a protective barrier at the rear end which is known to only a few people, most of which were top security personnel of the Muurdom and have attained the mandatory Muurian honors in their respective Muurian Service units.

The protective barrier was designed to stop anyone from entering or leaving through its end, deploying an AI system that will halt any unauthorized approach using any means necessary. Linagu was surprised to see the intruder walk right past the barrier safely from afar as soon as he followed the shortcut through the Decommissioned High Tech Weapons and Riatech non-usable Armory. He knew that moment that the intruder must be a high ranking official. He rushed after the intruder immediately while the Civil Guard secured everywhere else around the sanctuary.

Once out from the tunnel, the surrounding leads straight to a thick fog mostly deployed to confuse, and eventually lead an intruder back to the hands of the Sanctuary's security services. Because of the foggy atmosphere surrounding the exit from the tunnel end, Linagu couldn't really make out the face of the person. The foggy atmosphere wasn't the only distracting object in the area however, there were other unknown structures housing other ancient relics just like the one the intruder stole. Sanctuary tour guides are usually in charge of leading visitors around the sanctuary.

He was gaining ground on the intruder, when massive energy shots were fired at him through a concealed weapon held by the intruder. The dimmed natures of the fog allowed him see the flashes from the energy blasts on time. Quickly, he readjusted his movements and took cover near a huge monument just to his right.

The energy blasts from the shooting by the intruder blasted off the monument. Linagu jumped off the structure just in time to not get mowed down in the ruins from the shattering as a result of the energy blasts unleashed at him by the intruder.

Using the advantage he gained over Linagu, the intruder launched an onslaught at Linagu with his gun as he ran through the Basden Fields area to the northern exit point through the double spaced Huima Giant Building. He sustained his gun firing at Linagu while still maintaining his escape plan which involves getting to the only vinting point in the Sanctuary as fast as possible if he wanted to ever escape. He had earlier hacked into the asportation links at the closest UAA outstation in the area and set the asport links that will transport him out of the Sanctuary through a fake Civil Guard ID.

The Habima Sanctuary and all the areas around it have no asportation links. The artifact stolen by the intruder in question is only known to a few people, and only a few top operatives and key security personnel from the Security outfit know of its existence. Of this number, only a couple of people know of its actual location in the Habima Sanctuary of Oddities.

The artifact is the Ring of Ascendance or KimaEre. It contains a very powerful Artificial Intelligence program that can be used to manipulate asportation links. This is regardless of the fact that this points and lines are practically impossible to manipulate; the early Muurians ensured same. It was created as a fail-safe for any unforeseen asportation issues that may threaten the very destruction of the asportation links. Should that happen, the KimaEre will be a very important vessel for restoration of asportation links. Since then, the KimaEre has been upgraded and can generate entirely new links likely to go undetected with the right configurations and approvals. It is a master hack for asport links.

Linagu didn't have any doubt in his heart at this point that he was dealing with someone who had vast ancient history and knowledge.

The moment he got himself up and followed in pursuit, the Captain of The Muur Civil Guard coordinating from the outside of the Habima Sanctuary informed him that all asport links within 10 kilometers around the sanctuary have been completely shutdown.

The pursuit continued with barrage of energy shots, and ducking. By disabling and shutting down the asport links, Linagu have also disabled his own advantage. The asport links could have made catching the intruder easier. But, he thought otherwise. The interferences in the asport links was obviously a hack into the Universal Asportation Agency's travel systems AI. It also confirms his theory that whoever the intruder is, he must have had an ancient knowledge about the Asportation Agency's system travelling links. He was fast enough to redirect most of the bullets and energy blasts fired from across by the intruder as he ran.

Linagu was informed by the Captain that they're closing in on his location from their end, which made him stop a bit after closing in within a few distance of the intruder near the UAA vinting point. Linagu was able to muster his usual magnetic force field with his Anani, an ultra-advanced energy manipulation high tech object. It can also be used to rechanneling Muurian magic. The force field effectively blocked off the intruder from escaping near the vinting point while he closed in on him. He didn't want to risk it, but it seemed necessary, especially as he saw what the intruder had set up for his escape by the Last Dust Of Everna Mural near an abandoned Universal Asportation Agency data station.

He quickly deployed his asport link and configured it exactly to the intruders coordinates and rushed through immediately. Upon asporting in directly in front of the perpetrator, he immediately sent out a beam which Linagu was too fast to have seen. The beam from the intruder's device slowed down Linagu's intended fast fist assault. Had he succeeded with the move, it would have resulted in him Nerging the intruder. While he struggled to escape the resultant damaging crash against the wall as a result, the perpetrator kept on hitting the force field with a conjured lightning blast that spurted out from his palms simultaneously. He quickly got a hold of himself, asported off faster than he did the first time and reappeared right in front of the intruder. Just before he could reach and pin down the intruder with a nergen, an enormous vibration occurred, shattering the force field and hurling Linagu backward for the second time. He instantly got a hold of his balance and launched another fast attack on the intruder.

Seeing him, the intruder quickly latched on to his asport coordinates and asported off the Sanctuary building before Linagu could reach him within three seconds. The intruder turned and looked at Linagu momentarily before asporting off, BUT Linagu didn't quite get the face. He immediately asported off himself and appeared inside the Security Building where the Control Unit for Kalialu Asportation links were projected on a gigantic telemetric blue screen, startling every senior security official of UAA in the room. He immediately tried to stop all exits by initiating a shutdown of all asportation travelling links in and out of Kalialu. But, it was too late. He literally saw the point of the perpetrator vanish on the projected telemetric blue screen displaying the travelling portals on the gigantic monitors inside the Control Centre.

"What happened, my lord?" filled the room as he stepped back, totally disappointed.

"Nothing to worry you with!" he uttered, lifted the shutdown he earlier initiated and asported off, knowing full well though that there is a lot to worry about.


Many centuries ago, stories were told about a group of inhabitants of the ancient earth called Muurians who inhabited the Muurlands. Divided into seven Muurdoms, the seat of power was vested in the First Muurdom, Marrialu. The legend shared, but which is mostly clouded in myths and folklore bore testimony to a people in a Land called Muurland in the far western side of the huge rivers which faced the east of the sun from the Sahara. Legends tells of an ancient race who almost destroyed themselves in what came to be known as the First Migration, the biggest evacuation witnessed in earth history. They finally settled in the planet Uriag.

Bio-cellular evolution in Uriag over the years, allowed their bodies to metamorphose in the harsh environments of Uriag, granting them extraordinary strength and speed, great body metabolism, endurance and sharp reflexes. With time, their bodies became five times denser than how it was back on earth, making them much heavier than they look.

After migrating to the new home in Uriag, and after many years of hostility, they became prosperous again, and attained a universal acclaim through sheer might and power until another King almost repeated a mistake that would have again caused a First Migration level threat. The Unerg Fires phenomenon was accidentally orchestrated by a King whose greed for ultimate power almost wiped out an entire race again. If he had been successful, he would have gained access to the Elder Chambers of the Odena.

The Odena is one of the greatest engineering wonders of the Muurs and houses three important Muurian heritage - the Unerg, the Pentacles and Mantacles of Muuragi. The Unerg is the highest and purest form of convertible non-solar based energy which Muurians deconstructed and fused with Muurian technology to create the Muurian Empire.

The discovery of the Unerg made the Muurians a Universal Power. The Muurs are governed by the Buamada's. Linagu's mother, Nee Buamada, is the Muurian Queen. The Queen controls the Muurian Central Government through the Muurdom's Official Palace. The Palace serves as the seat of government and is located at Marrialu, the First Muurdom. Under the Buamada's leadership and stewardship, The Muurs prospered and became self-sufficient in Uriag, their new home.

The discovery of the Unerg in particular helped the Muurs transform into the most advanced nation in the Universe in magic, technology, science, navigation, military, food production, exploration and transportation. Both the Pentacles and Mantacles of Muuragi are the magical way of life of the Muurs. The discovery of the Unerg helped advance this mystical part of the Muurians and turned the Mystic Arts into a vital cultural heritage.


Izemoru's unit was called back from the battlefield at Lennda near the Valley of Adrat. The fight against the Muurian invading forces wasn't a battle anymore; it's turned into a bloody massacre! The Army commander in charge of the Nolnadian forces stationed at the base located in the District of Morri gave the order.

All remaining unit stationed in Palir was to withdraw immediately from wherever they are back to Kadiran, the army base in Morri. If Morri falls, then Nolnad is no more! The Muurian invading forces had earlier deployed an electronic jamming system in Palir that has downed at least twenty-five Nolnadian made Buster TB-5 combat drones deployed by the Nolnadian Armed forces around the region. Izemoru's unit was one of the few units to survive a major Muurian assault near the Valley of Adrat.

Izemoru's base under Commanding Officer, Major Brigadier Thandeki, was near the Morri border and about 450 kilometres from the nearest major Nolnadian military base in the District of Palir. Despite the advancement in technology of the Nolnadian military forces, the Muurians still had better powerful Transmitters that blank out airborne radars and counteract armed hellfire drones. It wasn't long before Morri went down to the rampaging Muurian soldiers and the last of the surviving units dispersed at Morri. With Morri gone, Izemoru headed straight back to the Nolnadian Palace at Bloreu.

The entrance to the Nolnadian Palace building which housed the throne had a single door entrance. The door has the Nol symbol of Beaver drawn into eight places, each symbol drawn inside a block carving on the door. At the top of the door is a sleek design with the works of the tribe of Keol from the sixth District written all over it. It also has added reinforcements built into the varble pillars. It was painted grey yellow on the inside and pure ash from the outside and was designed to imitate and represent the Nolnadian culture and their historical depictions.

Most of the cultural depictions on the Hall of the Palace were drawn with inspirations from earth days, before the First Migration from earth. The drawings were all artistically inserted into the Palace Halls to give it a hallowed cultural futuristic design through their historical mineral resource, Varble. Two guards stayed either side of the door on the inside. The security outside the Palace Hall itself followed the Standard Nolnadian Government Palace Protocol. Guests are usually accompanied into the Palace hall by two guards after a thorough check. The throne's seat itself weighs about a ton, five feet high and made with nuli, thick wool. Among the components it was built with are varble, erabil, argunin, columbite, keral, asentan and an anti-matter material. Its outlook is simple with two armrests saddled on both sides for the two arms. At the front of the right armrest is a retractable golden staff fixed to it.

At the topmost part of the throne, the Nolnadian symbol of Beaver is clearly shown. It symbolizes resilience. The Nolnadian King, Daribba Nalniana VI, usually sat at the top part of the elevated structure housing the throne in the Nolnadian Palace. The King's council seated at his left and right hand side, just a bit lower than the throne. The throne itself was designed with a rare mineral from Muur and forged by the best goldsmith's in the Nolnadian Kingdom, NolSmiths Corporation. The company is owned by the Nolnadian Government.

Izemoru wondered, like so many other Nolnadians, why the King decided to keep himself up so high in the Palace throne, almost like he did not want to be reached by his people.

"It is like the King never wants to be really bothered with matters not state affairs" as his father always told him. Maybe, it is the reason why the King decided to side with Mabida and Darat to wage war against the Muurs, he thought. Izemoru was about entering the Palace through the North entrance facing the Sea when the statewide warning sounded. There was positive confirmation that the Muurians have invaded the capital. They all saw it coming, except it was not in the magnitude the Nolnadians were expecting.

"He didn't have to join" Izemoru deliberated inside his mind as he walked. "But, he did. And now the Muurs are back for vengeance and the people are paying for it with their lives." He continued to mutter.

"They are coming for you my King." one of the king's council members informed him desperately.

"Tambik, Garui, Blekai, Palir and Morri have all fallen" He added and stopped.

"They keep falling from the sky and everywhere." He added, frightened to his core.

"What did you expect initially? Conventional Warfare?." another said.

"We cannot say we do not deserve what is happening." He ended, drawing the ire of the king.

"Morri and Palir?" The king repeated in a jittery manner, but with no further answer from anyone. Both Districts surrounded Bloreu, the seat of power and where the Nolnadian Palace is situated. Before anyone could say something else, a soldier barged into the palace court from outside; it was Izemoru.

"We have to leave now." He said as a matter of urgency to the King and the other council members after informing them of the latest developments and casualties. "Palir was destroyed after Muurian soldiers suppressed Nolnadian forces in the Sea filled region, escorted the inhabitants out of their homeland and allowed them watch their District burn. Only the District of Morri stood in their way on my way to the Palace, but even Morri was destroyed within minutes with superior Unerg powered blasts from the Bladark." He relayed to everyone in the place.

"I will not run away like a coward." The king said afterwards.

"We will make our last stand here. Rally and organize what's left of our soldiers and take the people to safety. I will die defending our land and honor." He stated.

"You mean your honor? The honor that got us into the mess against some of our better judgment?" The governor, District of Aldon, angrily replied him.

"I have had enough of this insolence!" He concluded and got up to leave.

"Arrest him!" The king ordered Izemoru who stood and watched. He would have instantly arrested the said Governor on the King's Orders. But, what the governor said did strike him deeply and made him change his mind instantly. Their people are being annihilated by an enraged enemy over the king's honor and the King is still trying to kill more people over the same arrogance. It struck a chord in him which shook his loyalty to the core within seconds. This made him stand still against the order, unyielding to the king's command.

The king pressed a button at the top of the staff in the throne's armrest on his right hand. The palace guards started marching in. It was at this moment, that Izemoru defied every odd to save the governor and escape the king's horde, ensuring he didn't kill his own people who were acting on the Orders of the King.

Once they came out through a hidden Palace Entrance used by Guards, Izemoru stopped before they could make their final escape from the Palace grounds. He wanted to go back and save the king or die trying since he was sworn to protect him.

"I have to go back and protect the king." He told the governor.

"You are free to go now" He told the governor after ensuring they were safe and clear from the Palace Guards searching for them.

"Not today, my friend. Today, you save yourself and the rest of us who are not yet doomed." The governor said, praising his bravery and courage for refusing to obey the king's order and save him in the process.

"Today, you think of the future and how to restore our people, because they will need someone like you to do the right thing when the time comes to rebuild." He ended, encouraging Izemoru to look to the future now as their kingdom is gone as it is. Izemoru yielded to his counsel.

After escaping, they looked back from a distance as Muurian forces descended on the Palace, destroying it in the process and took the Nolnadian King as prisoner.


Nol is located a few nautical star miles to the planet Uriag, inhabited by the Muurians. Nol is inhabited by the Nolnadian people. Nol was formerly called Laodila before the Nolnads laid claim to the planet and renamed it Nol. It is divided into eight main Districts with Bloreu, Palir, Morri and Aldon as the major economic and political centers. The other Nolnadian Districts are Garui, Hani, Tambik and Blekai. The Nolnadians operate a palace, which also functions as the central government for the eight Nolnadian Districts. The palace is located at Bloreu, the Nolnadian capital.

Nolnad descended into total chaos after the Muurian invasion. Successive governments were toppled by protesters and people with more might. The military weapons depots were attacked and ransacked at will. People got all the weapons they could get their hands on and the government was in a state of complete disarray for years following the Muurian invasion.

Things went bad from that moment for Nolnadians, creating anarchy and chaos. The once prosperous kingdom in Nol relapsed into a deep unsteady transitional state, and many people turned wild, grabbing what they could. Everyone who could was trying to leave the Nol planet amidst heavy political instability. Incompetence and corruption became rampant at all levels in the Nolnadian society.

The police outfits were active only in some major cities afterwards because everyone almost disagreed with everyone. The public order was taken over by some gangs, who in some towns would fight amongst each other for resources control, especially in Aldon and Bloreu. In District of Bloreu, social life would function until about 4pm, under a truce. People feared for their lives from the urban areas to the hinterlands. Then the sirens would signal the beginning of curfew and gangs would start to fight with each other as it turned to a free for all debacle in most inner cities that which has turned to gangster lands.

The crisis lingered until the emergence of Izemoru. At the time the Muurs invaded, Izemoru was an accomplished Captain in the Nolnadian Guard Service. He was saved by the Governor of District of Aldon from assassination by non-loyalists to the former King due to his military status. The military was heavily used to subvert the people under the disposed King Nalniana.

He rose through the ranks to become a daring strategist, fearless, strong, powerful leader and united most of the Nolnadian people. But like all before him since the invasion, the same problem of the Nolnads still persisted; limited energy resources. Nolnadians believe this energy crisis was caused by a breach of contract between the Nolnads and the Muurs which made them dependent on the Muurians for energy supply.

Nolnadians operated a system similar to the Muurs, but Izemoru did things differently when he took over the reins of affairs of the Nolnads.

He altered the Nolnadian military formations, and invested heavily in Nolnadian technology. He made it known and drove it home from his first day as King that the Muurians are their enemies and that he is going to right the wrongs of the Ragi Agreement, an agreement which the Muurs presumably breached and used to cheat them out of the precious Unerg. It is no secret that the Unerg helped the Muurs attain self-sufficiency. Nolnad lacked the abundance of Unerg, one of the most powerful non-solar sources of energy.

Izemoru's loyalist propaganda was quite good at walking the tightrope of projecting his version of dual state-monarchical rule above the lawlessness and anarchy that was prevalent in Nolnad. He channeled everyone's anger to a single national enemy, the Muurs. The man in the street in Morri or Blekai felt that he is good and the shining light they needed.

A lot of Nolnadians started to believe he surely will figure out how to set things right. This is bolstered by the immense faith in the riches of his policies and external outreach. As part of grooming his people, The Nol Council approved a decree that allowed every Nolnad receive military training from birth. Being one of the few Nolnads that have seen Muurians in combat, he knows how powerful Muurians are. It was this fear and close contact that drives him every day.

In the fifth year of his reign, information filtered through that a highly placed Muurian official was recovering in Kaluari, a Sovereign peaceful settlement outside Nolnad, but located at the Eastern Hemisphere in Nol. Turns out it was Zanak, a high ranking officer in the Muurian Guard at a time.

Izemoru enlisted some of his elite secret security personnel to track down and capture Zanak. The mission to capture Zanak was accomplished in two days. They kept him locked up for years while trying to make him give up some useful information.

Zanak refused to divulge Muurian secrets and remained upbeat for a while. A lot of compromises and drastic decisions finally made Izemoru change his approach with him. As Izemoru walked through the well lit halls of the underground facility in the Left Wing which led to the prison, furnished with beautiful linings and fine paintings, one thing filled his mind this time. He wasn't pushing Zanak as much as he should. However, he also knew that he still had to take it slowly with him, and find a way to utilize him or risk losing it all with his impatience and subterfuge.

"You know, i grew up reading about you in our history a long time ago." Izemoru said as he entered the underground secret prisoner holding room where they kept Zanak. He didn't act like someone was talking to him.

"But, the tides changed." Izemoru said.

"Really?" Zanak uttered.

"You tell me!" Izemoru replied, but Zanak simply looked away.

"I'm not your enemy, you know, we are not your enemy at this moment." Izemoru uttered while taking calculated steps around the room. Zanak simply smiled at this.

"But, I'm going to let you in on a secret, a war is raging. I am going to wage a vicious war with your people, and take the Unerg from the Odena even if i die trying so." Izemoru told him.

"So, why are you telling me? Why not go and execute your war?" Zanak asked him.

"We need your help!" Izemoru answered.

"Good luck with that!" Zanak replied.

"Have you ever wondered how we captured you? How we were able to come over you, the almighty fearless and ferocious Zanak?" Izemoru asked, but Zanak didn't reply.

"That's what I expected!" Izemoru said, smiling at the disdain he successfully caused Zanak to express through his facial contortions.

"Haven't you ever wondered how a powerful person like you was outclassed and reduced to a mere prisoner rotting in this halls for years and years with no help whatsoever coming. I mean, with all you know who knows how your people are going to react knowing that you have been a prisoner here." he quipped.

"What if we let word out that you have been divulging secrets to us, revealing a lot of things about your people? I'm sure it won't be long before you wind up dead somewhere, orchestrated by them, probably through the Amarandubi with the full backing of your people, who knows!" Izemoru let out, while watching Zanak's reaction.

"It's not like you are ever going to be one of them again, and you are neither one of us, nor have you been helpful to actually sustain goodwill from us. So, we have nothing to lose." Izemoru ended, but the facial expressions on Zanak changed. His tactics may have worked he figured, though not so much seeing as Zanak still didn't utter a word.

"I will leave you to think about it." Izemoru announced and started leaving.

"No need. My answer remains the same!" Zanak replied.

"Then you leave me no choice!" Izemoru calmly told him in a mockery.

"Who sits on the Muurian throne now?" Zanak asked him as he was about to leave.

"Didn't know you were looking for a regime change" Izemoru replied him.

"Then you have a bigger problem!" Zanak told him.

"How so?" Izemoru asked.

"You are wasting your time!" Zanak advised.

"That's a wonderful piece of advice coming from someone who has wasted our years! You know, one of your grandfather's was among the major people that created this rift between us? Wouldn't it be nice for you to help end it once and for all?" Izemoru questioned.

A little discomfort was visible in Zanak's muted expressions. Despite knowing that Izemoru was right, he knew he would never help him destroy his people despite being banished. But, he had to give him just a little to throw him off of him, even though he doesn't trust Izemoru. That or risk a universal bounty on his head from the Muurdom!

"It's like you said, I'm no longer part of my people but i cannot allow you destroy them... At least not if there is a better..."

"Another way?" Izemoru inquired sharply without allowing him finish.

"Which do you really want? To destroy the Muurs or acquire the Unerg?" Zanak questioned him.


"That's not feasible. You have to make a choice." Kanak simply told him.

"Same thing was said of you before now, here we are!" Izemoru mocked.

"You are way too over your head Izemoru. You had help, and i know of only one person who hates me deep enough!" he told him.

"And who is that?" Izemoru queried.

"Like I said, I know of one person!" Zanak replied.

"Have it your way!" Izemoru stated.

"I could help you get to the Odena and obtain a Unerg!" Zanak yelled at him as he attempted walking off.

"Why is that?" Izemoru questioned, halting in his tracks.

"It's as you said, my grandfather was at the root of the rift!"

"I'm listening"

"I have seen thousands of your people die needlessly, and if i can prevent it this time around, then I must give it a trial." Zanak responded.

"Sure enough, you would know the numbers because you have been doing the killings." Izemoru stated.

"How well do you know the Mantacles of Muuragi?" Kanak asked.

"Not enough!" Izemoru replied.

"Well, I will show you how to gain access to the Odena through the Muuragi!" Zanak assured.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Izemoru uttered, visibly angry.

"What are you talking about?" Zanak asked.

"The Odena; I know all about it!" he yelled out.

"What you know, is what we allowed you to know!" Zanak assured him.

"Prove it!" he said. He didn't even finish before he saw himself standing face to face with a smiling Zanak, and a changed environment albeit through Zanak's illusion projection. As he tried to turn away from Zanak through a quick maneuver, an invisible object blocked his movements and affixed him simultaneously to the ground in the current position he was, as if a sudden freeze in time occurred. Just as soon, everything went back to normal.

"Was that enough?" Zanak asked him from the actual corner of the room he sat.

"How is the little parlor tricks you pulled off going to help us? " he asked with disdain in his voice, even though he got the point Zanak made through the little magical act he pulled off without his Anani.

"I will teach you Mantacles of Muuragi and you will know what to do!" Zanak assured.

"Good. We will start tomorrow then!" Izemoru told him.

"Fine" Zanak replied.

"So, who was he, the person that facilitated it?" Zanak asked.

"That facilitated..." Izemoru smiled while not completely looking at him, and continued.

"I thought you already knew!" he added, smirking and grinning as he walked off, before proceeding to meet with some members of his parliament and some top Security Chiefs.


Tracy kept smiling and brimming with joy as she walked through the well layered orchard that is reminiscent of Clifford Crescent, a greenish suburban located just a little outside of Owerri main city. The only thought wrestling and running through her mind was to tell Nora cool news she believes Nora will love to hear.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The Gateman opened the gate and allowed her into the compound before she could make the fourth knock in her usual familiar way. The gateman has become accustomed to her knocks. She made her way to Nora's room as soon as he entered; she was the only one around.

"I have missed you" Nora shot out immediately, rushed up and embraced her warmly once she saw her enter the parlor where she sat, watching a program on TV.

"Why did you keep me waiting this long?" she asked.

"I'm sorry mi amo. But, you will like what i found out" Tracy replied and held Nora by the waist, and led Nora to her own room in the five bedroom duplex built by her father.


"I found a spot, a perfect spot for us to do some outdoors, all stock!" Tracy finished.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course" Tracy replied, holding her and running her hand through her hair, slowly running it up to Nora's mouth. She moaned when Tracy's other hand gently stroked one of her nipples through her brassiere.

"Okay, okay, you win!" Nora let out in a fit of heightened sensual excitement.

"How is the place like?" Nora asked Tracy as she laid her head just an inch below her breasts as they relaxed on the bed.

"Like it was meant for us" Tracy chipped in.

"That's not what I mean. I mean hidden nature, security-wise?"

"It's all taken care of. I made sure you will love it when you see it" Tracy replied.

"We should go now so that you see it for yourself. It's the perfect place babe, perfect for us!" She finished.

"I trust you!" Nora said. They left the bed and went straight to the bathroom, had sex, took their bath before heading out to see the spot Tracy discovered for their hanging out.

When they moved out from the house, Nora could not help but ask her how she came about the place and why Tracy is so convinced that she will love the place when she sees it.

"I just want an adventure, a cool adventure that is purely natural like in the movies. We can resume our usual dillydallying in your favorite places after this if you want" she ended and smiled at Nora.

Nora has not seen Tracy this enthusiastic before, but whatever it is, she is sure Tracy always meant well. She is one of the few people she completely admires and probably worships due to her high charisma. She knows that she trusts Tracy way more than she should have allowed in the first instance, but she has earned her trust a zillion times and ways.

They strolled through the street, came out to an adjoining road, around about that created an intersection with Clifford Crescent. They stopped a cab and entered as Tracy directed the cab accordingly .The cab took them to where she packed her Honda Accord car which they entered and Tracy drove straight to her new found hide out; it was as told. The expression on Nora's face said it all.


After getting all they will need for the adventurous camping the next day, they both left to go and have some alone cool moments in the place Nora saw the other day by the mountain region. It was located in the outskirts of the main urban area of Owerri city and more than fifty minutes drive from Nora's house at Clifford Crescent. She has confirmed indeed that the place is nice as hyped, and that it will be a nice escape.

They unpacked their stocked bags as soon as they reached, got down to work and arranged the place. Doing this with Tracy felt good to Nora, she always loves seeing two of them doing stuffs together, it uplift her. She sometimes momentarily stands and observes Tracy, and she could not help but fall more in love with her. She kept wishing that moments like this will never cease in their life.

"Do you think that the country is still a nice place for us with all of the negativity towards people like us?" she asked Tracy.

Tracy stopped what she was doing and looked up at her with a reassuring smile and answered -

"No, it is not. That's why I even wanted us to be here so that I could ask you to travel with me out of the country" she ended.

Nora's facial expression did not hide the type of excitement that took over her that moment as she immediately rushed to where Tracy stood, hugged her and planted a desirous kiss on her lips.

"I will go with you Tee" she screamed, still in her tight embrace.

"This calls for celebration. Hope you didn't forget that special wine you were asking what it was for?" Tracy asked.

"Nope!" she said as she brought out the wine, poured it for them both and said -

"I love you Tracy" out loud as she hit her glass of wine with Tracy's.

"I love you Nora" she replied, imitating her, feeling like a little child.

After all the frolicking and jamboree, they had sex. What followed next is discussions on a whole wide variety of topics, but mostly about themselves, general topics, their future aspirations, life together and about their respective families.


Steve got a notification about the delivery scheduled for collection at an address in Owerri after a week. The following day, he left Abuja and travelled to Owerri. He booked the flight to the capital city overnight and was among the first Arrivals at the Hooten International Airlines, Owerri. Upon inquiries, he was told to wait for their contact. He lodged at a hotel off a street by F1 road.

The next day, Steve decided to take a stroll around town. While patrolling, he discovered a cool mountain about 30km from the main urban city. He decided to pay the mountain a visit as part of passing his time in the city. By the next day, he developed an affinity for the serenity the mountain region provided, especially the forest areas which didn't have much wild animals around.

For two days, he visited the mountain armed with small wraps of cannabis while he waited for his order from the syndicate. On the fourth day, as is now his daily routine, and after checking on the mystery order he made, he went back to the mountain to ease off and burn more trees. A shadowy but enthralling obsession that has now become a constant in his life kept him tightly occupied as he moved through the terrains of the hill-like mountain enveloped by canopy trees.

He walked through the trees with a small back pack slung across his right shoulder with the right hand for support, having made sure never to follow same path twice while entering the mountain region. Making his way into the bushes was very easy for him; he has been to his village severally and knew how to mark out places to avoid getting lost. As he reached his spot on the mountain in the dimming rays of the evening sun, he brought down his bag pack. From the back pack, he brought out a knife, a machete, six red candles, six candle sticks, a match box, a luxurious scent and some crushed pieces of incense. He also had a spray paint, two wraps of cannabis, a stainless coated plate, and an empty big Milo tin for stand, a bottle of kerosene, a blue plain cloth and his phone.

He rolled out the blue cloth on the ground, then spread the red one on top and sprayed an inscription on the red cloth. On the red cloth, he wrote the inscription, "mind, real and rising dawn". He used the machete to cut down four small trees, and after proper cutting, sharpening and turning them into sticks, he dug two holes and placed the sticks inside them firmly.

He raised the red cloth he had just sprayed and neatly hanged it on the sticks so that the cloth hung in an upright position, displaying the inscription, "mind, real and rising dawn" boldly; he smiled.

The remaining two sticks were shorter, so he simply dug another hole and placed them inside it so that they will be in front of the red hung cloth, standing as tripods. He took two candle stands and placed them on top of the sticks and firmly rooted it in after placing a candle stick in each of them. For the remaining candles as well as the sticks, he placed them each at the extreme of the plain blue cloth on the ground after adjusting the cloth to be just a feet away from the hanging red cloth. Between these distances, he put the big tin Milo and then placed the empty plate on it before pouring the incense inside it with a little cannabis.

He lit the pot containing both the incense and cannabis after pouring a little Kerosene on them, then took up the luxurious scent and sprayed it all around the place heavily, probably to mask the smell of incense or to add to the smell to get the desired denser and perfume-filled but soul lifting freshening smell around the small environment he has constructed for his purposes. Everything fitted. Then he took a tab of cannabis, sat down on the blue cloth he had spread on the ground, and lit it. Slowly, he began to draw in the smoke alongside the breathing exercises he has learnt, opening his mind up to a lot of wild thoughts. After some minutes have passed and he had finished the second tab, he folded his hands accordingly in the mudra of knowledge form, crossing his legs like monks and started meditating.

The gentle slow breeze of the mountain increased its supply, calming his nerves while uplifting his conscious through a subconscious surreal cool breeze from the trees that gently wafted through the air and calmly brushed against his skin. After a few seconds, Steve felt the hairs on his skin, especially his hands, tingle and rise calmly as if it was obeying the will of a higher force. He sat there eyes closed, breathing in the serenity of the environment amidst the smell he created. While calming his mind and trying to focus, he didn't notice when his immediate surroundings changed.

The chirpings from crickets that has been his only company suddenly seized. He opened his eyes as soon as he noticed this, but everything was as they were, normal. He closed his eyes again, the same ethereal feelings took over like something he can only feel is happening.

"Maybe I am finally high" he muttered to himself and decided not to close his eyes again. It wasn't long before he was tempted again into closing his eyes; after all no amount of cannabis has created this ecstasy in his life before, he reasoned. There is no need to miss it, maybe it's all part of the process, he reasoned again. After reassuring himself and reasoning in that line, he closed his eyes. The moment he did, the four red candles around the blue cloth raised their flames in a trigonometric squared intertwine above him to about ten feet high. The flames of the two candles on the stick in front of the hung red cloth with inscription joined together and stretched to the two candles which Steve backed as he faced the red cloth. Upon joining, they created a brilliant sparkling multicolored light above him as he sat there, folded in his meditation and oblivious of what was happening around him. Slowly, the beautiful light started descending down on him as it increased in brilliance, blazing like the northern sun of Kebbi while lighting up the whole mountain area occupied by Steve. His eyes were still closed at this point.

"Stop the doubt." a subtle voice echoed in his mind. With his eyes still closed, he tried to make out the doubt the subtle voice was referring to no avail. Suddenly, he felt a rushing wind-like force of unknown origin come down on him in a heavy brute force and swept him off, almost paralyzing him.

The incense on the stainless plate increased its scent supply, magnifying the smell. When he finally opened his eyes, he could not see or make out anything despite the huge multicolored light beautifying the whole surroundings. Unknown to him, he has been totally enveloped by the light. He tried to touch the ground, to make sure this is not him seeing visions or suffering any form of impairment in his cognitive ability and motor functions. He could not reach for the ground he sat on a few seconds ago, and this got him alarmed. He never panicked however.

While he wondered what was happening to him in that instance, wondering if he was high and acting out some cannabis driven euphoria, the subtle voice whispered "mind, real and rising dawn". Steve knew he heard a thud immediately the voice echoed and fizzled out, but he didn't know he made the thud!


As evening fast approached, Tracy and Nora both thought it wise not to spend the night in the place; though there were arguments in support of spending the night there. They packed their things, and as they were strolling out from their location, Nora drew Tracy's attention to a shiny, though dimmed but brilliants beautiful light glowing just a few meters away from them in the same mountain. Deep in her mind, Nora would have loved to go and observe, but Tracy read her mind and discouraged her accordingly.

"We can't, my Love!" nudging her to bury the thought and to see the wisdom in not going. After all, and for all they care, ritualism's or any other no-good could be in the same vicinity with them and they will foolishly walk into their scheme all because of some stupid glowing light, Tracy thought.


Steve opened his eyes after the fall to a superficial superfluous ethereal light; the environment shone brightly but not blinding to his eyes. Slowly, he looked around, perhaps not so sure that he saw things right. To his amazement, his surroundings are the only one exhibiting the ethereal rays.

"What is happening?" kept ringing like an echo in his mind; what he is witnessing didn't look real to him.

He stood up, trying to ascertain if maybe the lights only shone on him as he sat there on the ground after the fall, but realized that he was one with the light, and shone brightly alongside the light. "Do you like it?" a voice whispered to him. He pretended as if he did not hear the voice and relapsed to his previous conviction that this is purely a cannabis induced ecstasy. As soon as he did this, he closed his eyes very hard for some minutes and then opened it to see a shifting figure right in front of him. He closed his eyes again, pinched himself real hard and then opened it; the figure was still there when he opened his eyes a few seconds afterwards.

"Are you done?" it asked Steve.

"What!" Steve screamed out.

"No, no, no! This is not real" he screamed out again.

"Are you sure about that?" asked the lightly colored figure standing in front of him.

Steve turned around, away from the figure and tried to walk away, totally believing that he is about to run mad, but can avoid it by not talking back to the figure and walking away from that place.

"Steve, I have seen you, the real you, and we both can help each other out" the figure stated, fully materializing in his front. Steve stopped dead in his track. Though he could make out some of the shape shifting light covered figure right in front of him, the blazing light surrounding the environment prevented him from seeing the figure fully.

"Is this real?" Steve asked again, not wanting to believe what he is witnessing.

"Well, at this point, you make your own reality. This is the best way in which I believe I can effectively communicate with you at the moment after so many tries." The figure replied.

"After several tries?" Steve asked.

"Yes" the figure replied.

"I don't believe this crap" Steve shouted and slapped himself heavily.

"Why do you keep inflicting hurt on yourself?" the figure asked to his surprise.

"Please stop talking to me…stop making me feel like I am going nuts" Steve begged, still in disbelief.

"You are not going nuts, you are perfectly normal. I just thought you were ready today, guess I thought wrong then" the figure stated with feigned disbelief in the voice which sounded male, and then started dematerializing in Steve's presence.

"Wait, wait, this is real?" he asked himself.

"Yes…Don't you remember any of the dreams?" The figure stated, re-materializing again, but in full this time around to reveal him.

The feeling of disbelief and how unreal what he thought he is witnessing quickly disappeared. He shifted backwards a little from the figure before posing his next big question after conquering his fear that he might be talking to an extraterrestrial being after all.

"I know what you are thinking, but we don't have time. This is what is going to happen." The figure stated. Steve sniggered and smiled.

"I have time, go on" he stated.

"I am Linagu and no, you don't have time. However, let me fast track this for you." Linagu raised his hand used his telekinetic powers and drew Steve closer to himself with a brief shot of blue light which spurted from his right palm. The shot engulfed Steve's body just as quick and brought him closer.

Linagu placed a device on his wrist and reconfigured it with his Anani. Before Steve could react, he quickly released the object into the air. It attached itself into Steve's face while he screamed. Slowly, the robotic object, about one inch in size and height, crawled into Steve's closed eyes and spread out quickly like a virus all over his eyes. The eyes were quickly turned dark red, revealing a lot of universal hidden knowledge, mostly about the Muurians and early earth history as recorded in the Muurian archives and kept in the Elder Chambers of the Odena.

"My God!" he exclaimed.

"So, you know what you must do for me?" Linagu asked.

"I do, but I doubt if I will." Steve replied.

"Doubts?" Linagu asked.

"Yes, doubts!" Steve replied.

"Explain yourself" Linagu retorted.

"I don't have to explain myself." Steve replied.

For a moment, there was calm as they both stood there staring at each other, until a beam of light escaped from Linagu's Anani and shot Steve at his forehead, paralyzing him this time around. He wanted to say something but couldn't. Slowly, Linagu glided through the light-filled air towards him. Horror and fear registered on his face as his eyes got filled with an expression of sudden fear. His struggles to wriggle out of the entrapment made his neck muscles fully visible and pumped. Linagu shot him with the newly released Nergen by Riatech which combines an environment's magnetic force with the Unerg to spellbind its mark.

He tried to put up a supposed final fight before his perceived sudden demise at the hand of this powerful entity, but his only areas of strength in Linagu's entrapment are the areas not meant for physical brawls. Like a tied up cow to be slaughtered at the slaughter house, Steve stood there eyes popped out, watching in horror as Linagu walked towards him and stopped just within an inch of his eyes, staring him convulsively. The one thing Steve clearly made out from Linagu's facial appearance and total body disposition was that Linagu didn't look as though he didn't belong. Except the dressing of course!

He felt his spine tingle a bit, and then the rest of his body died except his brain and his eyes. Steve didn't know and couldn't figure out anything in that moment as he saw himself reduced to a spectator. Then his mind told him to calm down, reminding him that if Linagu wanted to kill him, he will not be dramatic about it. As soon as he told himself this, he shut his eyes in preparation for whatever comes next while Linagu continued to stare at him.

"Open your eyes." Linagu kindly whispered to him.

The moment he opened his eyes at his command, a force overshadowed him and took full control of him, causing Steve to fall down as a result. Mildly, slowly and gently, a bright blue light started spreading all over Steve's body. They started from his veins, and quickly spread all over his body, lightning up his skin in the process. His eyes were as captivating and blazing as the sun setting on an aurora aureole in blue colors. Steve's body transfigured totally, taking on all the light-shimmered attributes of the secret process Linagu initiated. He did not know how Steve will react after this, but has figured out that the gain far outweighs the risk, so he plunged on.

Though Steve's body reacted visibly with the contact, his mind remained intact as Linagu wanted it. He had figured out it is better to perform the highly dangerous Ami Nri with his refined magically powered ritual on Steve and let him decide for himself than any storytelling will tell. Ami Nri is a dark forbidden Muur ritual which bestows unparalleled powers on the host upon successful completion.

Till date, only one known person has successfully completed the ritual and attained its true immense powers. Linagu decided to perform the ritual without invitation or permission because of his sister, Neerudi. This was two years after the twin siblings perfected the Ami Nri ritual and simplified its process using the Anani. The only reason none of them has performed it on themselves was the fact that it is now forbidden in the Muurs and their physical environment cannot allow their body structure adjust normally to the after effects of the Ami Nri. Their physical structure can no longer bear the Ami Nri, even if they were to succeed.

An unknown element bonded together with trace iodine in Steve's cardiovascular walls, initiating a violent metabolism that took over his blood viscosity, automatically changing his vascular resistance and myocardial blood demand. Light colored cells rushed out from the left and right ventricles of his heart, joining with his coronary arteries and created a magnified perfusion pressure which made Steve shiver slightly on the ground.

The light cells continued its violent movements and metabolism on the arteries as it joined up with the cerebral blood vessels, fusing with his heme to alter the pump power of his heart. The reactive unknown element moved on to his cerebrovascular, and all the major glands in Steve's body system picked up activities immediately. From the pituitary to the pineal, to the thyroid and the whole endocrine system in his body, they all lighted up and continued to metamorphose in line with the process Linagu started. As the light cells continued to move around his body, it continued to bond and change a lot of his internal structures, creating molecular activities with thin heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, arsenic, antimony and thallium while also electrifying his immunoglobulin which gave it a hyperactive boost. From there, the light cell activities engineered by Linagu moved on to Steve's bones, and then filtered into his skin as it lighted up totally while intracellular activities went on within. It continued this way within every part of Steve's body until the Ami Nri was completed five minutes later.

Moments later, the whole light in the environment faded, except the light covering Linagu. He didn't know what next to expect as he watched Steve who was still lying on the ground. But, he knew the process was always going to be excruciating.

When Steve opened his eyes few seconds later, he moved his hands to check if he was still paralyzed, but was not. Quickly, he stood up and turned to where Linagu stood. There was no visible form of surprise or reaction at what just happened from him. But, he knew and could feel a lot has changed in him.

"I know what you are thinking, but…" Linagu started.

"I know what you did, but I understand!" Steve replied immediately.

"You do?" Linagu asked.

"Yes, I do." Steve replied.

"You know what to do then." Linagu said to him.

"We will see!" He replied and watched Linagu set something up on his Anani before asporting off!


Steve went straight to his bag, picked up one or two things, then started strolling down to the foot of the mountain, to the place where he can connect with the path that leads to the road he came from. Suddenly, he started hearing female chatters coming from the direction he is headed. He smiled, maybe Linagu decided to make things easier for him. He changed his path, with the direction of the voices as a guide. He plied through the rougher parts and edges of the bush, tracking the voices stealthily as the voices canvassed about the wonderful time they spent.

On making up his mind that they will be fit for the purpose he intended, Steve's mind relapsed. It relapsed into a state of confusion, of uncertainty, like these people are meant for something else and not what he had in mind at the moment. After relaxing his mind and braced up accordingly, he came out from one of the other sides of the mountain and decided to ask them for directions instead once they reached the foot of the mountain.


On reaching down the foot of the mountain, Tracy and Nora saw Steve coming out from the other side, about 25 meters from where they stood. He asked them for directions and Tracy directed him accordingly. He didn't know if he made the right decision with them as he thanked Tracy and walked away from them.

As he left them, Nora couldn't help but make a remark about him. For a brief moment as they canvassed and walked to where Tracy's car was parked, he was their topic. They finally left while he followed them at a distance. He stalked them to the Street leading to Clifford Crescent before the doubts came back. He backed away from the stalking, and went to a clubhouse in the main town where he figured will be the best place to get what he really wanted.

The moment he arrived there, he walked into KlubLite, a popular night club at Andrew Street by Fire Service Avenue. He took a seat at a clearly visible space on one of the cushions in the main club hall and started his stealth but sleek observations.

"Hey!" someone called out to him. He looked up and smiled at the female figure standing over him and waving amidst heavy blast of hip-hop music by the DJ in charge.

"Isn't awkward to be in a place like this and just stare? Look out, so many girls dancing around." The girl said to him before drinking from the cup in her hand.

"What about you?" he asked with a smart smile on his face in the best possible courteous manner he can mutter.

"Taken!" she said with a smile and walked off, back into the dancing arena. He smiled again, and then decided to do as the girl have said. If someone has noticed that he is staring awkwardly, and then he had to change that, he realized.

He went to the bar, got himself a bottle of an expensive Ciroc wine, and changed his seating position. It wasn't long before two girls came by his table and chorused "hi" to him.


Steve woke up feeling exhausted the next day at the mountain. Everywhere has darkened and the candle lights have burned down and no scent whatsoever. He frantically rushed to his bag in search of his phone to check the time. "Oh boy! " he almost screamed out. "How did this happen? What happened to me?" started ringing like an echo in his mind.

Quickly, he searched for his phone and didn't see missed calls as he grabbed it. He switched on his phone light, packed his belongings into his bag and kept it hidden in an enclave somewhere within where he is. His mind was totally troubled. He does not recollect the events of the previous night, and for some reason he totally became angry at himself.

"How could i have been in the bush till now?" He kept asking himself. As he hid the bag and tried to make his way out of his unique personal spot in the mountain, the light from his phone made him saw drops of blood on leaves and the ground. He was taken aback.

"Whose blood?" started ringing in his mind as he flashed himself the light, weighing and observing if he had perhaps unknowingly harmed himself. The blood was not his. A little agitation started taking over him as he kept seeing a lot of blood around the place as he flashed light around him; too many blood droplets. Then he saw the real shocker, two corpses, and both girls. He became stunned and terrified at the sight. A quick flash across his mind reveals him stabbing one of the dead girls. "It had to be done" a subtle voice whispered in his mind immediately. Steve didn't know if it was his own voice or another.

"This is not possible...l…this is" he bellowed and kept muttering to himself severally in denial of what his mind kept putting on replay for him to remember. Then he remembered, he remembered it all.

He left the spot where the dead girls lay, made a fast thinking and decided dumping them where the act occurred is the best move; wayward girls possibly killed for money, he figured. On a second thought, he decided that dumping the bodies farther into the bush was the better choice. He went to his bag, brought out a hand glove and wore same on both hands as he moved closer to one of the bodies. Once he was three inches near the body, he bent down, looked at her and saw two lacerations with unknown markings apart from the actual stab that killed her. He didn't know why he did that, seeing as the other body had one stab. From the look on her whole body, a huge struggle occurred before her death.

He succeeded in dumping their body further into the bush, and left the mountain with his bag. Slowly, he started reminiscing on the events of the last two days while he made his way down the mountain foot. A zillion thoughts fluttered through his mind, each taking priority than the last. But there is clarity, and he knew what to do. He smiled, and then he smirked. It didn't take long before he was at the foot of the mountain. After alighting from the cab he booked to his hotel room, Steve gently walked in and headed straight to the bathroom upon entering his room!


In the evening of the next day, the town was filled with news of two girls who were murdered in the same place Tracy and Nora both had their adventure."Tracy, are you seeing the news?" Nora asked as soon as she picked the call.

"What news?" Tracy asked her, a little perplexed.

"It's everywhere Tracy, two girls were murdered in that place we went to yesterday. It could have been us Tee" she echoed, almost at the point of crying. "Oh my God" Tracy exclaimed! Tracy implored Nora to visit her that day as they shared their escape stories with each other on the phone. She agreed.


The events kept replaying in Steve's mind as he stretched himself out inside the bathtub in his suite, smoking a tab and reminiscing on what he had done. It was regretful, but it has been done and so moving forward seemed like the best idea to him he figured. It wasn't what he wanted, but who gets what they want anyway, he told himself. He thought of calling Christie, his girlfriend, but declined to do so, citing that he is not in the best possible state of mind to call her at the moment.

As soon as he was done smoking the tab, he finished his bath and ordered for food. He wanted to tell one of the hotel attendants to arrange two girls for him to ease off the tension inside him, but decided it is the wrong move as it's not who he is. After taking the meal, he lay down and forced himself to sleep by doing a lot of breathing exercises coupled with the specific mudra to induce sleep, it worked.

He woke up towards evening time with the thought of certain girls he saw the previous day for no reason whatsoever. He figured that if they are on his mind, then there must be a connection. He remembered clearly that he had asked them for directions, and had tracked them home but had to stop because his mind did not accept his intentions towards them. He dressed up, hailed an Uber ride and directed the taxi driver where to take him.

He kept hoping that he will somehow see one of the girls, and engages in a conversation upon reaching. He planned to leave town the next day and wanted to use this as an opportunity to pass time, no matter how fruitful or unyielding the outcome is.

One of the things he observed as he reached the area around Clifford Crescent is a mini-mart and phone plaza. He figured it will be a nice place to stay and observe, and hope luck runs into him. On reaching there, he waited for a while, but nothing. He decided to go, asking himself what he's even doing. Then, he thought again about the other girl, and figured he should just try his luck there. He was about living when he saw Nora enter the mini-mart. He smiled and started walking towards the entrance of the mini-mart from where he sat. He was about entering when Nora bumped into him.

"I'm so sorry!" she echoed.

"It's alright" Steve replied.

"Hope there is no armed robbers inside?" He added in reference to the speed with which she was rushing out, causing her to smile.

"Oh no, nothing like that!" she said smiling. As she made to leave, she turned back and hailed Steve with a 'hey!' as he tried to leave.

"Have we met before? You look exactly like someone who asked me for directions yesterday."

"Well, that wouldn't be odd, seeing as I am new here and have been literally asking everyone for directions." he chipped in jokingly.

"Do you recall where?" He asked Nora.

"I was with my friend at a Mountain foot, the one near Sangel Fountains."

"Yeah…That could be me!" He calmly replied. From the look on her face, she didn't know whether to be excited or not about the confirmation. She didn't know why she bothered to ask in the first place.

"I have been sick worried to tell you the truth. I remembered you girls immediately I saw that news about two girls murdered in that mountain. Honestly, I thought you guys were the ones. I'm really grateful and happy it was not you guys. "He finished, observing the concerned reactions on Nora's face and body.

"I know it's awkward, but please can I hug you?" he asked, to show how concerned he actually was and the relief he feels at the moment.

"Umm. No!" she replied instantly. He simply smiled to it, and wanted to say something before she cut him off.

"Maybe some other time" she said. Steve smiled and told her" I doubt that though!"

"Why do you say so?"He was about to say something when Nora's phone rang and Tracy was the one calling.

"You won't believe who i am standing with at the moment" Nora said immediately she picked the call. "Who?" Tracy asked.

"The person we have been talking about since yesterday" Nora replied.

"Can you come with him to De Lars Palace?"Tracy asked.

"Hold on a second let me ask him!" Nora told her. She turned towards Steve and asked him if he is free to join them, and he agreed.

"He agreed" Nora told Tracy on the phone.

"I am waiting for you guys!" she said and ended the call.

"So?" he asked.

"Mujé!" she replied.

"What's that?" He asked feigning ignorance of the word she spoke.

"It means let's go" she said, smiling!

They both left the Mini-mart, called a taxi who took them to the place. She offered to pay. From Steve's observation, she is probably very buoyant enough, though he would have preferred to pay the fares.

"Hey!" Tracy uttered as she hugged Nora, who introduced Steve. Tracy felt a spark in her eyes when it met Steve's as they greeted each other.

"Hello! Everyone, people are watching. Can we all sit?" Nora asked, observing the connection herself. They sat down and ordered for some drinks with a lot of other edibles.

"So, what brought you to our town?" Nora asked, automatically taking charge of the discussion after seeing that her lover is literally finding it hard to control herself around Steve.

"Your town you say?" Steve asked. She nodded in affirmation, smiling.

"I am from here, though i did not grow up here." he answered.

"I love the place anyway," he continued."So, sometimes i just look for an excuse to visit, stroll around for a while and then go back."

"Stroll around?" Nora asked.

"Yup!" he replied.

"That's what you were doing that day right, or were you lost?" Nora asked.

"You are on affirmation now, the truth and the truth only." Tracy added, making them laugh a bit, drawing unusual attention from other customers.

"Actually, I just went to that place to smoke a tab, and meditate. You said to say the truth." he finished, with his eyes sternly fixed on Tracy, smiling casually. For a moment, they both paused, with a certain non-curious yet curious look, saddled with an expression of amazement. Tracy wondered at how he could just feel free to tell total strangers about a private aspect of his life without minding the reaction it may create. She admired his courage and boldness.

"Tracy!" Nora called.

"You have been staring at him unnecessarily!" Nora uttered.

"Don't mind me"

"Really? That I should not mind you?" she asked.

At this, Tracy turned to Steve. "Can you excuse us for a moment?"

"That's cool!" he replied, though he wasn't really aware of what was going on between the two. Tracy held Nora by the hand and led her to a corner of the De Lars building, far from Steve and noise.

"You have been acting very weird, Tracy." Nora uttered as soon as they were in the clear.

"I know." Tracy replied immediately.

"I know? That's all you will say, I know? "Nora asked, visibly irritated.

"I can't help it Nora. There is something about him, my attraction to him is so forcible, i can't control it. The only other person with such power over me is you, but not like this even!" she stated.

"We should go" Tracy finally ended.

"Nah. We can't. It will look somehow. Have you thought about how he will feel? I mean, you are the one that told me to bring him to this place. We have not even been here for more than seven minutes, and you want us to go!" Nora questioned.

"Okay, okay. I will try and control myself around him." Tracy said.

"I will tell you my own truth though, I think I'm into him!" Nora said.

"Whaaaat?" Tracy said, almost shouting it out.

"That's the truth. But, i am not showing it. You see the difference?" Nora asked rhetorically. They both stood there for a moment, staring.

"This is awkward, like really awkward!" Nora said.

"Yes, it is" Tracy added.

"Maybe we will just take his number, and leave" Nora said.

"That too will be an awkward thing to do." Tracy said.

"How awkward do you mean?" Nora asked.

"Taking the number of a total stranger we just met, totally know nothing about!" Tracy replied.

"I could say same about us!" Nora stated.

"Okay, we will take his number then. Let's go back before he thinks that we have deserted him" Tracy said.


They went back to their table afterwards, but he was no longer there. They both looked at themselves, and would have started the blame game before he showed up.

"Hey girls, almost thought you guys have forgotten me!" he said and sat down. They both expressed innate delight in seeing that he has not gone.

"We are really sorry about that." Tracy said.

"It's okay." he replied.

"And whatever it is that delayed you guys, i don't want to know, it's not my business!" he finished, smiling.

Tracy and Nora looked at each other, with a lot of facial coding and decoding. Then Tracy went first.

"We have something we need to discuss with you about!"

"Really, hope I'm safe?" he asked jokingly.

"You are perfectly safe. But first let me ask you, when are you leaving town?"

"Tomorrow morning!"

"Tomorrow morning?" they both chorused together.

"Yeah!" he replied.

"Like, can you delay your going a little longer?" Nora asked.

"Say, 2 days?" Tracy added.

Steve paused for a while, and looked at the seriousness on their faces.

"Wait, you guys are really serious?"

"Yes!" they answered, in anticipation of a positive answer while nodding their head in affirmation.

"Hmm! This is serious!" he said out loud. After thinking about it for a while, he brought out his phone and called his mum, telling her that he is staying a few more days, begging her to let his father know in her usual way. Then he said all the sweet things to make her happy, and she agreed, telling him to be careful.

Again, he made a call to a supplier from Sunderland, England, asking him that he will not make it to England as planned due to a hitch up, but that his supplier should send him the first shipment through the pre-arranged route. He will come there to get the second shipment himself later.

"So, there you have it, my going back has been delayed as requested. What now?"

"You will see!" Tracy uttered!


The weather changed with a visible light slowly materializing from the left side of the Buamada's Badisa. Blue clouds formed at a distance in the Badisa not far from the hallowed abode of the Muurdom's seat of power, The Muurian Palace. A brilliant light sparkled and with it Linagu emerged with his Anani in hand. The Buamada's live in the Hills of Amanuri, located in the First Muurdom, Marrialu. They call their houses Badisa.

Linagu has always loved playing with the weather when appearing or disappearing when he is not using the asportation links. This is simply to hide his identity because asportation links register usage details. Asportation travels are automatically uploaded and downloaded to the UAA Central Database once an asport link is initiated and utilized.

Linagu's use of the Muuragi has always been a cause of major concern for Linagu's Neerudi, her twin sister. This made her create a protective barrier to shield Linagu's Muuragi usage around the Palace. Everyone knows that magic has consequences. Neerudi is an extremely gifted combatant. She has received extensive training in unarmed combat, Pentacles & Mantacles of Muuragi and swordsmanship.

This enabled her to become one of Muur's foremost fighters, strategist and an expert Anani user. She inherited her father's scientific prowess, which continues to elevate her at Riatech where she works sometimes on State sponsored projects.

While trying to set an asport link, Linagu looked straight at a hilly northern front of the Badisa, and saw his sister Neerudi shaking her head in disappointment. The protective barrier also notifies Neerudi whenever Linagu makes his dramatic entry, even though this little fact is unknown to no one else. He smiled and went to meet her instead.

"Back with your usual dillydallying I guess!" His sister asked rhetorically with a tone of disappointment. Linagu briskly walked up to her, kissed her forehead and held her hand as they walked back into their home.

"He is our favorite. That's all that matters." He whispered into her ears.