As Steve ran the whole scenario again in his mind after taking the delivery, he decided there is no need actually waiting for the supposed two days he would have taken to run his package before leaving town. Then he remembered Tracy and Nora, and realized he is cut in-between the web of satisfying three desirables. What lay ahead in front of him that night though is the one he should think of he figured.

"Hey?" he said as soon as Nora picked the call.

"You missing us already?" she asked jokingly.

"Probably" he replied.

"What's up?" Nora asked.

"I know I promised you guys two days, but something came up and I have to go visit my sister tomorrow. Will you guys mind going with me?" he asked.

"Wow. Really?" Nora asked.

"Yeah, though I will be spending few days there. Three to four days at least."

"That's nice. I'm up for some adventure time, though I don't know if Tracy will be available. But you should call her, you know you can be quite…" she didn't complete the sentence, making Steve to laugh out casually.

"Okay, I will do that." He said.

"Quick notice though, my girlfriend will be there too."

"Hahahahahaha. I see you Steve." Nora retorted.

"I don't know what you are seeing oh, but I hope it's good." Steve taunted her.

"No problem. I will get to see and know two important people in your life, it's a great catch." Nora replied.

"Alright then. I will see you tomorrow morning." Steve said.

"Yes dear. Bye!" Nora said.

"Bye dear." Steve replied.

"That was easy." He said to himself afterwards before calling Tracy.

"Steve love!" she replied upon picking the call.


"What's up?"

"Just wanted to tell you that…" he didn't complete it before she cut him off.

"Don't worry, I know about it already."

"Really? How?"

"I'm here!" Nora echoed.

"God!" Steve retorted back immediately, though not quite surprised, and they began to laugh at themselves.

"You guys eeh! I will see you tomorrow then." He stated.

"Yes dear. Goodnight" Tracy replied.

"Goodnight." He said and ended the call.

He kitted up afterwards, and after checking up the two guns for the umpteenth time, neatly tugged them into his wears, perfectly concealed. As he stepped out from the room, Linagu's words came rushing to him.

"With a first unexpected windfall of energy that might well leave you speechless, so bewildered you will be when you receive such an amount all at once…and it will certainly exceed everything you could have imagined? And that will be but the beginning." Linagu has said to him back then, though he is yet to fully comprehend the full implication of those words. He brushed it aside and zoomed out, the unknown attraction fully in his view. He started wondering why the force suddenly reignited heavily, weighing deeply on him like a purpose driven mad fuss as he approached the previous road he intentionally decided to not continue on just moments ago. As the driver continued to navigate through the roads, across Ledding Street and through the popular Hilltop Road before Energy Avenue, his mind kept ripping through, on and off between what lay ahead and Linagu's confusing nightmare.

"Your life will never be the same again. Your doubts will disappear. Your future will look cloudless. You will become serene, self-confident and happy. Sometimes it's intense, but mostly within your control. You will soon see for yourself to what extent this new Life, so much in sync with who you really are, will open up new horizons of intense, absolutely wondrous realities far beyond anything you ever hoped to experience." Linagu's words kept reverberating in his mind as he sat at the back of the car.

As they drove on, the force increased its hold on him, a pure sign that he is almost where he needs to be at the moment, and then Linagu's words hit him again. No, it was the driver this time.

"We are here Oga!" the driver alerted him. He jolted back to himself, paid him and told him to come pick him up at a particular time later that evening. "Please make sure you are on time" he kindly added to which the driver promised to heed to, acknowledging the fact that Steve has been too generous to him within this few days.

As soon as the driver left, he started approaching the street he was being forcibly attracted to. He looked up straight ahead, trying to figure out exactly where he is and the name of the street. He was looking when a quick blinding flash came rustling up in his eyes, exerting so much pressure on him, lightning up his entire system and he could almost feel himself at the point of exploding instantly. Then his body calmed down again, with him making quick successive but calculated turns to figure out if anybody was watching or saw the seizure he just experienced. It didn't appear like anyone was concerned with him, there was rarely anyone there anyway.

He continued and began scouting the place. He noticed that he saw more police patrol vans as he began his rendezvous, realising that there were too many Police checkpoints for his liking within the vicinity. The force continued to attract him even more at this point, and so he knew this is where he needs to be, and that something was definitely beckoning to him. As he kept rummaging this in his mind, he also knew his problems lined up for him, they were men armed to the teeth and fully trained to assault. He didn't know if he was prepared for it or for them as he didn't know what he was actually there for. He knew for sure though that this is the place he needed to be.

"Your doubts will disappear... Your future will look cloudless!" reechoed in his ears.

"Hey? " someone shouted, making him turn to the direction of the voice.

"Raise up your hands and start coming slowly" the voice ordered.

"Shit!" Steve calmly muttered to himself, still immobile with his hands raised up though.

"Stay calm, don't overreact." he said to himself as the person with hands on the trigger of his A-K 47 probably fully loaded started approaching him. His eyes was fixed on him, making Steve not to realize early enough it was a Police officer.

"Stay calm!" he whispered to himself again, by which time the officer was standing just a few steps away from him.

"State your mission? " he ordered.

"My mission? " Steve asked back.

"Is that a wristwatch on your hand?" the officer asked.

"I know what I'm wearing officer!" Steve replied.

"Mind telling me why you are wandering around in a reserved area by this time?" the voice asked, fully at alert.

"Reserved area? For whom?" he fired back.

"Alright; Turn around and start walking." the officer ordered.

"To where?" Steve asked.

"You have questions to answer! " the officer replied.

"For what?" Steve inquired.

"For trespassing, among other things." the officer replied.

"But my superior officer will tell you more. Now move! " he ordered.

"I can't do that! " Steve retorted.

"I will act like I didn't hear you right the first time around" the officer said.

"Now move!" he commanded again, drawing closer to him to intimidate him more with his fierce looking demeanor. But, he had misread Steve.

With a quick reflex calculated maneuver, Steve took the gun away from him to the utter surprise of the police officer who became heavily agitated, fear stricken and jittery; fearing that he may have met his waterloo.

Steve stood there, looking at him with a cynical grin, gun in his hand pointed at the officer.

"What's your duty within this perimeter?" he inquired.

"I'm the Second Sweeper, Patrol Duties!"

"How does it work?"

"We take turns." he replied.

"How many sweepers?"

"Three! The Third Sweeper begins when I return."

Steve smiled, but it was an empty laugh of pity. He fixed his gaze on the officer, it's like a sudden realization filled him up.

"Why is the security around here beefed up?"

"From what I heard, it was requested." the officer replied.

Steve nodded his head in agreement.

"How long before the third sweeper starts thinking something is off? " he asked.

"About fifteen minutes, give or take! " the officer replied.

"Good!" Steve replied.

"Why aren't officers guarding this house but left it to private guards?" he asked.

"We follow orders and commands!" the officer replied.

"Too bad for you though!" Steve replied.

"I need to be in that house!"

"That is suicidal sir!"

"I didn't know our hallowed officers were against citizens committing suicide!" Steve retorted.

"I agree. But our first duty still remains the protection of lives of the citizens of this country." the officer replied.

"So you are one of the good guys I suppose?" Steve questioned.

"I don't even know what that means anymore!" the officer replied.

"You know, i have no issue with you." Steve stated.

"I have already made my peace with that!" The officer replied, but the fear of imminent death was clearly written all over him, evident in his jittery reply.

"What if i give you a choice?" Steve asked.

"Do i have a choice?"

"Good, we are on the same page i suppose. What's your name? " he asked.

"Osakwe Chinedu Elvis with Force number... "

"Don't worry." Steve cut him short.

"Are you married?"

"Yes, just recently!" he answered.

"That's nice. Any kids?" Steve inquired.

"My wife just gave birth to twins. Both girls!" he answered.

"Wow. You should be with your family you know, not here!" Steve stated.

"Actually, my Leave starts tomorrow. Just wanted to do this for today before taking it"

"You are one lucky fellow officer. Congratulations! Please go and be with your family." As Elvis started to slowly walk away, Steve told him to stop.

"I need your uniform if it's okay with you." Elvis didn't even bother saying anything, and started to undress.

Steve lowered the gun he seized from him, a newly acquired AK-47 assault rifle reminiscent of the force. He quickly disintegrated the whole parts in quick succession, much to the surprise of the officer. Seeing as the real threat to his life has been removed, the officer decided to make a go at Steve, who unknown to the officer has brought out his preferred sleek Ruger MK3.

"You sure about that?" Steve asked him immediately, pointing the gun at him, causing the officer to stop dead in his track. Steve could see with the officers reaction that he never believed his eyes, and with the way he looked at the gun, he's never seen anything like it before.

"Na wa o! I thought we already had an understanding Officer?" Steve queried.

"I will do as you said; please i will do as you said. I will do it, I will do it..." he shouted repeatedly. "Too bad for you: someone is already flashing light and coming at us. "The person's death will be on your conscience Officer." Steve cajoled him.

The officer immediately removed his clothes, and every other thing he was wearing and asked if he is free to run away. While still pointing the gun at him, Steve clicked his tongue loudly, sending the officer in unprecedented fright before telling him to run. The light that was flashing at a distance stopped immediately, and the normal dim nature of the whole Energy Avenue returned. It appeared as if no disturbance ever occurred in the vicinity. Steve quickly took the officers uniform and wore it, before moving towards the building that has been forcing him on, dragging him as if he is telekinetically entwined with the object of the magnetic pull. As he came within few feet's of the building, he brought out his silencer and attached it to the Ruger MK3 he carried with him before knocking on the gate.

"Who is that?"

"One of the officers sweeping the area. Someone says he has urgent business with this house, and since we don't know him, I have to come and inquire if..." he didn't finish before the gate swung open and he immediately released two shots to the head of the person instinctively. He staggered backwards while his blood spattered Steve's face; in his hand was a .43 caliber pistol. He could see him fall back immediately as the gate flung open, hands clinched to his gun, a pistol Steve didn't have the time to start checking out its specifications as he trudged on and immediately took cover.

Before the two guys who saw the gate flung open unusually from their end inside the compound could react, they were gunned down but not before one of them sounded a huge alarm with a gunshot. With a fast run for it, Steve rushed into what seemed like the main entrance to the main building. The force increased its hold on him at this point, like it earlier did in the street. The flashes cleared from his system just as soon as they started, allowing him to notice heavy movements within the compound from where he stood. His eyes lighted up again, his fists clinched heavily to his Ruger MK3, and his body metabolism structurally kept readjusting uncontrollably as he ran quickly with this burden to the end of the entrance, using every force within him to knock out the door with his leg.

He squat down at a corner of the room he found himself, almost going blind from something he couldn't quite understand. It became almost unbearable, yet the movements and conversations all around him increased as he felt them approaching more nearer to where he hid.

"You are surrounded, whoever you are. Show yourself!" a voice commanded just few meters away from him.

He figured they were just afraid, and wanted a quick way out for either party. He knew what he must do, but he is finding it out in the most excruciating manner possible. He weighed his options.

Quickly, he drew out the FN-17 as the Ruger MK3 was still in his hand, ready for whatever comes. "Go…go…go!" greeted him almost immediately. Obviously, they have started converging on his location and pinned him to that point he figured.

While fighting with the temporary lightning flashes within him, Steve didn't notice there was another door right before him in the room. But, when the tiptoeing footsteps were almost upon him, he sighted the door almost instinctively. Before two of the oncoming men could rush in, he pushed through the door with a big force instantly, sliding down and shooting two other persons at the other end. They were also expecting him, but never knew how he was going to enter or where exactly he will enter from as the room was almost dark.

Serious gunshots began in the room, as what seemed like backups arrived the scene just outside the room. Then it happened for him. He looked just up ahead through an opening and saw the unknown object lighted up beautifully but contained in a fixed steel box with another unknown object in liquid form covering it. The gunshots continued, though he was stealthily hidden and protected as the bullets kept flying around. As it continued, he closed his eyes, and fixated his thoughts on Linagu's words. He dropped his guns on the ground closely, and pointed at fallen bricks few inches with his right hand, as if trying to control and lift up the fallen bricks through a well concentrated effort; It worked. Linagu was right in saying that high adrenaline always works, he figured in that moment.

He again looked and observed through an opening where the force of attraction was, it lighted up dimly like it was calling out to him. Though his focus was on the object which has forcefully drawn him to the place, he overheard one of the men telling a senior member that police are being deployed to the place.

Having realized the possibility of what he could do, he shifted his focus to the object of attraction, a Muurian artefact. Fists clinched and tightened, mind fixated on where the bullets have been incessantly coming from, he forced himself to produce a massive surge of energy from his hands. To his own surprise, he succeeded, forcing the gunshots to abruptly stop as they wondered what could have caused such massive light up inside the room. It was like something he couldn't control took over his whole body that moment. Instantly, he realized at the moment why his body kept readjusting uncontrollably without his control; he is transforming.

His attempt to keep himself in check as the lightning surges in him kept running it's course, sent an unintentional massive force of energy that leveled the room he was in. The gunmen trying to force their way through to get him were caught in the crossfire, and the stone structures collapsed on some of them while he shot three of them instantly to the head. The remaining two ran away upon seeing him emerge.

He made his way to where the object of attraction lay, thinking though that no one else could be there, but was surprised to meet the room heavily guarded. He was immediately surrendered by angry mean looking men with heavy assault rifles who seem to be waiting for the order of an odd fellow within their midst before opening fire on Steve. Realising what he has walked into, his hands went down immediately, though occupied with his two favorite weapons as he looked on, trying to figure out what next to do within the circumstance he currently finds himself in.

The odd fellow who has been sitting down, less concerned somewhat, stood up and walked up to him.

"Who are you?" he questioned. Steve simply smiled but didn't utter a word.

"Why are you interested in this object? " the fellow asked again.

"I'm not actually. The reverse is the case" Steve said.

"Oh really!" The odd fellow replied.

"That thing drew me here, and i don't know why." Steve said, pointing at the object, a circular motionless artefact decorated with zigzagged cross with stars at the tips, birthed all round with crystallized glass-looking dark colored erabil. Erabil is a rare element in Muur used to control powerful objects, but mostly to keep them safe from people handling it. Erabil also has other uses, especially when converted to liquid form.

"Not if you die first!" the odd fellow said to Steve.

"Don't you think there is too much blood spilled already?" Steve asked.

"Yours will add to it and be the final one." the odd fellow said, then went back to his sitting position and ordered them to kill him with a blink of his eyes and an affirmative nod.

Steve thought he could have used his new found powers to maneuver his way by manipulating elements and probably putting them all down before they could say jack; he was mistaken. The bullets rained in heavily on him from all angles almost as soon as the odd fellow gave the command. He couldn't believe it as he saw himself fall down, the life in him quickly drawing to an end with his blood oozing out uncontrollably from bullet holes rented on his body. It all happened so fast before he could react.

Upon dropping, his first thoughts were simple, like it's okay; he has made a regrettable mistake admittedly. He tried to think of how to stop it and escape or change the situation as the life in him quickly started squeezing by, fizzling out before his eyes. He mentally logged the information, realizing he wasn't truly ready to die and should have never engaged in his folly so stupidly. Seconds later, his simple thoughts began racing. The clock was ticking, and his thoughts became very clear. He wanted to escape it, he wanted to stop it. He wanted to halt the feeling of worthlessness, the feeling of total numbness and dark shadows looming all over his eyes, eclipsing and overshadowing it in total blackness.

Then the panic set in. He began to lose his breath and failed to swing or move any of the parts of his body. His body started growing cold; it was very visible in his eyes as it fizzled in horror shiver. He could feel his body moving without his control, and then what was left of his subconscious mind took over entirely. At this moment, death became so very real. He could feel its sharp grip bearing and hovering all over him. The feeling was not fun, gentle nor violent; It was just indescribable.

He felt his clear and rational thoughts disappear. He tried to scream desperately for help, but could not speak. The feint sound of his heartbeats seemed like echoes from a distance away. His last thoughts, the thoughts that kept flashing through his fading mind were of people he cared about. He cried with regret and felt helpless and frightened, wondering if his desire for vengeance has ruined him. He felt a great sense of disappointment in knowing that in his weakest hour, no one was going to save him, and that he was dying alone in the midst of strangers. Then, the pain was gone, but it was nothing to facing the absolute horror of his own mortality conquered by an everlasting enemy that awaits everyone; a messenger unchanged and dedicated to dispensing it's duty diligently. It all happened so fast within few seconds, but it felt like he was going through it for ages as time itself slowed down.

As he touched on the ground with a heavy thud, he saw a light appearing at a corner. Suddenly, sparkling in the light, a silhouette appeared as if it had magically descended from up above, so heavenly in its appearance. The silhouette then assumed a human shape and, to his utter surprise, he could have sworn to his failing thoughts he recognized the presence.

The scene altered itself as he looked on while the silhouette stood. It's whole picturesque depiction was covered in a halo of bluish light in the middle of a seemingly awesome garden graced with blossoming trees, golden fruits, and green plants with magnificent silver highlights. It was a beauty to behold. He didn't know what he was witnessing or its significance but kept watching as it piqued his full attention. After all, what else could he have done, he was dying or probably dead, and he didn't know the difference at this point.

As he watched, the silhouette looked up into the sky, the sun suddenly changed its transit across it's native orbital shadow, and in a full ascending phase, came to rest next to Jupiter which seemed to have lost all its rings to the fiery and rattled sun. The odd perturbation scared the silhouette, making it light up unexpectedly, sending out uncontrollable rays of light saddled with massive destruction and annihilation. Everything started closing on it as the silhouette started to vibrate violently. As it did, a slight tear occurred in its halo, like its impenetrable defense was broken.

As this occurred, the silhouette removed its gaze from the sky and took a different direction from the path it stood, as if its leaving the magnificent garden. Then it started wandering in a dark gray land, bathed in a thick fog. Everything went dark!


Massive deployment of police personnel were already outlined outside the house. The heavy shootings have alerted the whole surroundings. The Police Commissioner who has been informed of the situation amid ongoing development directed that Emergency Protocols be set in play, and that no participant or culprit of the disturbance goes free for whatever reason. Though he has earlier earmarked the X-Squad, D-Special Task Force and D-Unit, he sent in the X-Squad and Special Task Force nonetheless headed by Chief Superintendent Roberts. The Commissioner needed a big win and has vowed not to take his chances with this opportunity.

Immediately the X-Squad arrived, Mr. Roberts took charge of the whole operation and laid out guidelines for the Breach Protocols to be employed immediately. According to him, the X-Squad is to lead the charge while the Special Task Force is to play support from the flanks, aided by six snipers on both sides of the play. Two sweepers were to block off an exit particularly annexed to the building which they have enough knowledge of, while the remaining officers are to lie in wait just outside the gate with the Chief.


The smile on the face of the odd fellow as Steve lay down life lesson the floor with his blood littered all over the place was priceless. It was like he knew this moment was going to happen and prepared for it. He quickly ordered that the men secure the dimly lit object and transfer it to an erabil case he provided. They were in the process of moving this when they noticed massive movement in the compound. One of their scouts alerted that the police has breached the main gate and approaching very fast.

They have been surrounded heavily by the police and will have no other choice than to shoot their way through them.

"No!" he said.

"I will handle this myself!" he added.

Two people have already been gunned down by the elite X-Squad as they made their way deeper into the compound and more closer to where Steve lay on the ground together with the rest of his assailants.

As the X-Squad approached, one of the snipers made a kill for himself by taking out a lookout scout in a secluded area of the building.

The odd fellow removed the gloves from his hands and took the object which is now in the vase. He looked at it intently a few seconds, mumbled a few words, dropped it back and stepped aside. Within seconds, the vase released a melted organic liquid out of a whitish smoke that evaporated from the vase, and out came a vicious looking creature which horrified even the people with the odd fellow. The odd fellow mumbled a few words:

"Hadshakara kukulu wayka!" and the creature left, making a terrifying shrilling voice like a banshee.

"Look!" one of the men who shot Steve pointed out, forcing the attention of his fellow comrades to where Steve was lying down, lifeless. Steve had started glowing, and of the most beautiful light, so ethereal and magical. His body healed up immediately, and he moved. They all became agitated and opened fire on him again. But, it was stopped by the light which he was covered in. The odd fellow couldn't believe his eyes and brought out what seemed like a magically crafted weapon, blasting a host of unquantifiable bolts of energy at Steve. The light absorbed it in and re-fired it at him, sending him flying off and crashing through a lot of debris. Steve was yet to wake up at this moment.

Down at the hallway, one of them heard a sizzling sound as the X-Squad made their way in

"Do you hear that?" one said.

"Shhh!" he motioned to them, signaling them all to stay still which they did.

Then they all saw it, a devilish imp looking vicious thing with an ugly face, slithering and climbing up the ceiling towards them very fast. Bullets rained in on it as it skidded, sliding from wall to wall, using the dimness to its advantage and tore them to pieces one after the other until all six men were dead. Their torn bodies littered the debris filled hallway.

The attack was going on when Steve opened his eyes, totally lost from the look on his face as he struggled to stand up to the surprise of his assailants who quickly ran away from him upon realising this wasn't what they signed up for. While they ran, Steve heard the shrilling cries from the creature unleashed by the odd fellow. The creature has turned to the running men to satisfy its killing urge after tearing the policemen apart in its rage. As the creature approached ferociously, it was sent crashing down to a room nearby from a highly amplified energy blast. At the end of the hall where the blast came from stood Steve!


"Something is wrong!" The Chief said as all outside noticed that the shootings have stopped. He quickly mobilized men, but not enough to alter the already existing formations and strategy set in play. Armed to the teeth with their gadgets and gears, they immediately moved in into the building but were surprised to see everywhere calm, a lot of dead bodies lying around and debris scattered all over the place.

Inside the building, Steve forced the odd fellow to revert whatever he did to unleash the creature after figuring out what happened from one of his assailants, which he did. As soon as he did that, Steve developed this big urge to kill him, but decided not to against his better judgment. A few seconds later, a vaporizing cloud with muddy bearings started to manifest in a light form to his surprise. There and then, Linagu appeared from.

With a quick glance, he observed all that went on and signaled Steve to hand over the unknown object. He wanted to put up a protest but Linagu will have none of it.

"Don't worry...In time!" Linagu uttered. He was still agitated when the object left his grasp for Linagu's and his fight back by trying to control and direct some logs at Linagu with his mind were dissipated as soon as it manifested.

Linagu then muttered some words, and disappeared as he came, though leaving him with a specially engrafted Anani, promising to send help on its usage. Steve never understood the type of help he meant.

As he turned immediately to face the odd fellow, the odd guy conjured up a blinding light and vanished with it before Steve could blink.

He stood there, looked around at each corner and point in the shattered building, lifeless bodies met his eyes. He noticed also that the whole building was under assault, and unfortunately, he was the only one left standing at the moment.

"You are a weapon!" a voice within him echoed as he made his way out, but his mind was made up already. He figured he has achieved what he came for, even though not of his own accord. He needs to look forward to his own personal revenge on Landon, a revenge that has consumed him and which he has refused to let go. He quickly removed the police uniform he wore, and checked for his guns. He picked them up and started walking out coolly and composed. He was barely outside the building when he met the group being led by the Chief, who opened fire on him immediately. To his surprise, the Anani lit up and put up a shield in front of him, effectively blocking off the bullets. This amazed the officers who were literally dazed by the act. They have never seen anything like this before all their life, and the surprise on their face said it all.

In his mind, he smiled as the bullets stopped while they gaped in awe. He could have ran or tried to maneuver his way out in some other way, but he didn't get the chance. What came next was an act of terror, filled with excruciating horror. His eyes literally lit up as he tried to control himself, not understanding why his body suddenly changed; it was the lightning flashes again. The shootings kicked it in and he lost control of himself instantly. Before he could blink his eyes, he has unleashed an uncontrollable heavy energy blast which hurled most of the officers off their feet into the air, smashing some to the walls. For those that tried to run, he rushed up to in unimagined quick moves, knocking them out with heavy punches and blows.

The Chief managed to maneuver his way out to try and warn the rest of the unit's outside. But, it was too late, Steve was already outside before he knew it and was trying to find a way to escape as he didn't want to continue the engagement with the police any further. They all started shooting at him immediately they saw him, including the Chief that warned them, while also taking cover.

The anani deflected it all for him, although he kept wondering why they were shooting at him since he wasn't there to harm any of them. As he ran, his adrenaline triggered a dormant force in him beyond his control. His body lit up very fast like a quick rise of the sun rays, and before the police officers shooting at him could understand what was going on with him, a highly amplified ultrasonic blinding high-pitched energy blast escaped from his body, causing a huge tremor within and around before he came to, and got a hold of himself. It was then he realized what he has actually done. Almost the whole area of Ledding Street as well as surrounding areas were laid to waste as a result of the energy surge his body unleashed, with bodies scattered all over the place, charred. He was overwhelmed with anger and totally distraught, visibly weakened and shaken, with tears in his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"What have I done?" He kept asking himself as he stared, totally distraught, unable to fully picture the magnitude of the kilometer wide damage all around Ledding Street. He managed to get small composure of himself in his downcast, before running off!

The odd fellow couldn't believe his eyes as he reappeared at a distance, another area not quite far from the scene of Steve's carnage. He was visibly shaken, irritated and angry at himself after escaping just in time before the massive explosion wrought by Steve. He made a call and requested for a meet with the caller at the other end of the phone. After that, he vanished again. Few minutes later, he came to the meet location and started waiting. It wasn't long before a mean looking but handsome man appeared out of nowhere.

"Yes?" the man inquired with no formality.

"Something has happened!" the odd fellow stated.


"Yes! The object was acquired which you are aware of, and i was in the process of moving the object to the agreed destination after following all the agreed protocols, routes, directives and discretions, yet someone knew exactly where to find us!" he lamented.

"A Muurian?" the man asked.

"No. He wasn't!" the odd fellow answered.

At this, the man came closer, quickly reached for the odd fellow's neck and jacked him up. He wriggled in his grasp, trying to make him understand that he fulfilled his part of the bargain by acquiring the unknown object, stating that what came next was not of his making nor told him!

"You failed!" the man echoed and snapped the odd fellows neck, then flung away his dead body in disgust and asported off angrily.