Outside the basin of the Eugrit River situated at a small town called Taral in the District of Palir, some Nolnadians gathered and were having fun in the dimming rays of a setting sun when something washed up just along the reeds. It was the amulet which Agumi spit out after killing Bromari during his very short escape. Linagu had decided to send them the amulet attached with the Muur symbol of peace, which was a mockery and a warning at the same time.

The object was picked up by a child who was showing it to his peers when an adult sighted it, recognized what it is and took it away from them. He rushed immediately to a nearby Nolnadian District Police Post situated in Taral and reported the object. From there, it went all the way up until Izemoru got the information. Though disheartened that another Nolnad has paid the ultimate price for the glory of his policies, he saw the situation as a win. He was happy that despite the shortcomings, his plan is taking shape. It was previously unheard of that anyone breached the Muurs entry points until he came to power. However, he realized that his secret is no longer a secret and that he needs to make his play sooner rather than later or risk losing it all, his kingdom inclusive. But, he was happy nonetheless, because to know the enemy is half the victory. Over the years, he has devised his plans and perfected most of his strategies while awaiting an opportune time to strike.

At the time he was drawing up his battle plans, he always had it in mind that he is trying to match up with an enemy that has the might to wipe them off, but it never deterred him. He knew that the Muurs are at a point in history where keeping the peace is like religion to them more than destruction and would avoid war at all cost. Therefore, Izemoru evolved beyond deterministic battle plans in favor of resilient strategies that could adapt to real-time situations as they occurred.

He correctly realized that the enormous size of the Muurs control in both universal navigation, resources, magic, the Amarandubi, their military and political power over a lot of colonies and planets made it impossible that they could be penetrated without being notified.

They are not the Muurs for saying sake, and are not the most feared race in the Universe for nothing after all; it was general knowledge.

What Izemoru did plan out though was for a single assault on the singular most important thing they actually needed, the Unerg. This was why he figured out quite early that for a single leader to control every detail of Nolnad's forces and tactics was a wrong approach. He knew that his strategy executioners, mid-level generals, main strategists, the military, logistics providers, agents and every other volunteer would have to be trusted to act independently in service of any overall mission. He noted that his intentions, the main purpose of the war they preach was what mattered most instead of disseminating detailed tactical plans all the time. He believed it deprived them of improvisation skills, which will be very important as they are going in almost blindly despite what Zanak said or didn't say. Therefore, as their intelligent reports, on field observations, even suicide attempts and breaches on the Muur gained momentum, he provided generals directives that stated his overall intent.

The generals, his main strategists and war chiefs have constantly been devising strategies and reporting same back to him along with approval ratings and on field assessment with regards to implementation. Working alongside Zanak and in secret with Varodi, he was able to train his personal warriors who were learned in some powerful magical ways of the Muur if Zanak is to be believed.

After thinking hard about the recent incident involving Bromari, Izemoru summoned all his top military men, strategists, economic advisers, generals and his top agents. Due to the urgency of the summons, they all arrived almost as soon as they were summoned later in the evening at his battle headquarters located in Karrine, a heavily guarded city in District of Bloreu, the capital of Nolnad and seat of power. Why he chose the place to site his battle headquarters, no-one knew but the nearness to seaports and the hideous nature provided by the gigantic mountains might be among the reasons.

The headquarters and the surrounding buildings connected to it cover a massive 7000 hectares of land if you don't count the camouflaged entrance to the headquarters.

The entrance is designed to appear as a series of buildings that was destroyed by fire with burnt vehicles added into the depiction to make it more real to an onlooker. However, once you get past the deception, what lies ahead is a long beautifully designed road flanked by huge mountains on both sides of the walk. At the end of this road is a giant seemingly unbreakable door that grants access to only recognized persons through eye identification.

However, it is one of many entrances to the secret sanctuary. At the far Eastern corner from the lower mountainous region, there is an underground bridge which linked up an access road from under sea. The bridge is constructed with Aramn, the best steel byproduct in Nolnad, giving it a v-shaped outlook not visible from the surface above. This is the most preferred entrance for most. The other main entrance is reserved for Izemoru and a few select officials and personnel. It is a short distance portal unlike the river entrance and is constructed near the biggest twin structures in the whole location. Both structures sports massive square-shaped buildings that looks like a cathedral from aerial view. At the portal from the buildings end, there is a tall sized iron gateway separately standing amidst a hall filled with different kinds of newly designed Nolnadian weapons, machine's, other highly advanced machine systems and technologies. At the centre of this iron gateway is a double shaped eye figure with a cross-linked section designed in it. Transparent glass beams fixed directly from up the top surface which served as the rooftop inside that particular room. Once someone is coming through the portal, every other light in the room goes off except the glassy beam holder's fixed directly on top.

Along the shelves on the walls are many prototype weapons and produced ones perfectly arranged within segments and compartments. A lot of scientist's, engineers and other personnel occupied with one thing or the other are the only constant in this place, attending to their various functions as if time was behind them all of the time. At the other twin structure which is linked with a transparent glass bridge, is an emergency situation room, the central control and an administrative arm that controls and coordinates every activity in the place, specially handpicked by Izemoru himself. They helped ensure that everything went according to schedule and in line with his vision.

East of the twin towers, about two kilometres from the second largest structure in the place, is the Asurga. It is mainly an energy supply line, a limited energy supply accumulated from years of buying alternative power source from Drobidders. The Asurga is a useful source of energy nonetheless, though very much costly and environmentally unfriendly than the supply from the Unerg.

At the Northern far end of the twin towers is the House of Refuge. It was built mainly to help their people escape in case the mission fails and the Muurians retaliate; a gateway to make sure the ones who survive help keep the Nolnadian blood line going.

When everyone arrived, they all went straight to the emergency situation room for the all important brief before the final meeting where the last details will be cross-checked, and all intelligent reports fully analyzed.

"What is our level of preparedness at the moment?" Izemoru asked as soon as everyone was settled.

"We are at least ninety percent ready!" A top official answered him.

"What's the hiccup then?" He probed.

"The Daspo Marigal is not yet at the required level for a perfect engagement!" said the official. The NolMop is the official Spaceship of the Nolnadian government and boasts of impressive features. However, the Daspo Marigal is an upgraded version of it, designed specifically for the one time assault they have been planning for years. One of the most impressive features of the new upgraded Spaceship is its ability to maintain the size of the previous version while concealing its own size which is three times the size of the NolMop. The final stages are being delayed because they needed some elements capable of making the hideous part's fully undetectable when they enter the Muurian airspace for the duration of the assault. They knew it will get discovered by the Muurs in the long run, but which time will probably be too late if everything goes smoothly.

"How long till it's ready?" Izemoru questioned.

"Not long now, just a couple of things to fix up and upgrade. If we can get Niobium in huge supply that will do the business" The engineer replied.

"Alright then, we will make sure you have everything you need to complete your work." Izemoru replied him.

"We will do our best!" He replied and left with three others, who are his colleagues, to continue their work.

"Where are we with the rest of the plan?" Izemoru asked to no one in particular, looking around the room. Another official stood up, and in his hand is an electronic gadget that had screen and touch functions. He flipped through it, got what he was looking for and projected it to the big screen in the room for all to see. His name is Kamo Ndilak, Izemoru's right hand man, his Chief strategist and Head of Nolnadian Security.

On the big display screen he projected were various entry points into the Muurian planet, Uriag, which they have been utilizing in the past to carry out secret field mission's with the help of Zanak. Almost every strategist and tactician in the room has been led to believe that that's how they will launch their attack totally.

"We all know this map." Another official said. Everyone gave affirmative approval in reply, and then he continued.

"This has been our focal point of operations since the beginning, why bring it up again on the big screen for us to see?" Another official asked.

"Because it was an indirect way to create awareness" Izemoru replied immediately, signaling Kamo to go on with the vital information he was about to share.

"I'm sorry to let you all know that you have been misled, and it was intentional!" Kamo said afterwards.

"Kamo, I have known you since we were children, you don't speak in riddles. What happened today?" Ebri, a military chief asked from his corner of the room, an indirect way of telling him to go straight to the point.

"This... this is all for the preparation and not the actual assault plan." Izemoru said, taking over from Kamo while pointing at the screen.

"My leadership method has always been whatever best suits the situation that is not against the interest, peace and security of our people." He added, looking at them while they nod in agreement.

"You all don't really think the Muurians will be stupid enough to leave these places porous even after numerous failed infiltrations from us, do you?" He asked though not expecting an answer from anyone.

"We have always been exposed from day one, and that is our main advantage."

"But..." Ebri wanted to say something but was abruptly interrupted by Izemoru who continued with his speech.

"It was one of the first things i learnt from our Muurian prisoner. You can hate the Muurs, and there is enough to go around heavily for everyone in thick bites, but this people have a strong bond that not even banishment or exile changes that!" He stated and continued.

"I want to assure you that all this while, all we have been doing is alert them to our plans, the peripherals anyway."

"But..." Ebri wanted to interject again and was neglected the second time by him.

"You will have your time to echo whatever it is that you can't seem to want to let out Ebri, though I'm sure there won't be need for it after I'm done.

"We have gone pass hypothesis, theories and tests...and observations. The time, the awaited moment is now upon us and which is why it's time everyone knew the actual plan and how we proceed from now onwards." Everyone readjusted their seats and paid keen attention to him.

"The Nolniana has always been the key, and I'm not talking about the old one. I'm talking about the Daspo Marigal, Nolniana II."

The look on the faces of the officials except Kamo was one of inquisition, expecting him to explain further.

"Professor Bij and his team were able to solve one of the nagging issues of the newly designed IPT."

"Interplanetary Portal Travel?" someone said out loud.

"Yes... Not at 100%, but the timeline is achievable before the final assault itself!"

"Of what use is the technology if it's the Muurians we will be using it on? They have the asportation links alongside ultrasonic highly advanced radar mapping systems in almost everywhere you can think of." Natin, the Head of Field Operations asked in total disbelief.

"It is the key because they will not be suspecting it. When the Daspo Marigal is finished, its size is going to be triple the size of the NolMop. Ikea and his crew are almost now certain of completing and fixing a key element, a complex algorithm that will shield it from radar and sonar systems, making it impossible to detect it's actual size, at least till we pull off the plan." Izemoru replied.

"Inside Muurian airspace? What are you talking about?" Ebri queried, surprised at the new plan.

"We are going in properly of course. We were invited to the Dare Runs!" Izemoru replied. "That's how we are getting in!" He concluded.

"This is ridiculous, sorry to say your highness!" Another top official said dismissively.

"Do you have any better idea?" Kamo asked him and he remained quiet.

"If there is something our king has lived up to, it's his plans. Let us not forget how things used to be before he came and united us all under a common cause. I know there are disturbances here and there, and there is doubt definitely and some people can't wait to go back to anarchy. However, we should never forget that he has never failed to deliver anything he promised. Never! So, for one last time, i indulge all of us to have faith and trust that he knows what he is doing. I trust him with my life and i am proud of all we have achieved together. We must trust in his plans, especially now more than ever." Kamo ended, and Izemoru took over immediately.

"That was really wonderful Kamo, thank you. Listen everyone; I can see all your faces. I can see and feel the doubts and fear, and it is expected. We all know who we are taking the fight to, and if you are not scared one bit, then you should not even be here. But, trust me when I say it is the right thing to do, and the best way to execute the plan which we all have labored for all this while." He said.

"Before I ask any further questions, what's the plan? Or is it something you will spring up on us at the D-day?" Ebri questioned.

"No, this is it, the full brief." Kamo answered and then changed the screen view to show a detailed graphical plan outlaying how the attack is going to happen and how they will end. This is to help each unit prepare thoroughly in advance before the final meeting.

"So, if i understood correctly from the graphical analysis on the screen, you are saying we are going to enter into Muurland officially through a state visit, the Daspo Marigal will conceal its size that contains necessary equipment's and gears alongside some Special units, and that the IPT will be deployed through the ship once on Muurian soil?" Ebri asked.


"I still have my doubts!" He said afterwards.

"As is expected" Kamo answered.

"Now, we are avoiding sensitive weapons and equipment's as they may be easy to detect. However, Ikea has assured that we will have a window of about two hour's tops before everything takes a dive for the worst."

"Too short; this is uncharted territory!" Natin reminded him.

"I know which is why we are working with one hour only." Izemoru said. There was murmur as to the adequacy and execution of the plan within the expected time given, especially as it is in the most secure place in the universe.

"Listen!" Izemoru commanded.

"I didn't become what I am today by being afraid of taking risks. Every risk I have taken, I have done so for my people with my life on the line just like everyone else. I'm not afraid to die. I am a warrior and a soldier before I was king of Nolnad. Most of you here are my personal friends even before all these. However, there is something most of you are not understanding, why this task must be done, and must be done now or there won't be no tomorrow! Go ahead, tell them!" Izemoru said, ordering the Minister for Energy to tell them the energy situation.

The Minister for Energy and Power Resources has been in the meeting all this while but was distantly placed from Izemoru that he was barely visible. He rarely initiated conversations with anyone all through the discussion.

"The truth is we have been living on borrowed times all these while. We barely have enough energy as it is to last us a year. It's the simple truth. This place alone drains so much power because of all we are building here. How we even managed to get this far, I really don't know. In case you all don't know, the Muurs stopped supplying us with the Unerg years ago when we started to raise questions as to the Ragi agreements which they cheated us on. We all know they asurga is just a temporary fix." He finished.

"I am doing this for our children, for my children. This peace that we all suffered to forge together, that's what I am fighting for to last. That's what each and every one of you have been fighting for too and which you all helped me to sustain. We cannot back down now, and i want you for the last time to trust me. However, I cannot have discord or doubts at this point. That said, we are not authoritarian and I am not a tyrant so anyone who feels this is it for them, and cannot continue is free to leave. You will join up with the people who will not participate in this battle in our alternative plan at the house of refuge and with my full blessings." Izemoru stated and then started staring into space as they all sat in their seats, thinking hard about the choice placed before them.

"Can I ask a question?" Ebri said after a few seconds.

"Go on." Izemoru said.

"What is the alternative plan? Because, I clearly didn't hear you say anything about it previously." He asked.

"Project Nol: Survival. The details are still classified and will be made known on the day we launch our attack." Izemoru answered.

"I may seem like a very inquisitive person, and i am a very inquisitive person." Ebri said afterwards, making everyone to cackle and giggle with mild laughter.

"I appreciate your honesty." The king replied.

"But, I am not in any way doubting your plans. They have led us this far, to this very moment where we have a very big surprise advantage against our enemies. But, my area of concern is the Unerg, our target prize. This is something even the Muurians barely know nothing about its actual whereabouts despite the open location of the Odena. We all know the reason why. I don't know how well all my reports were reviewed but even Natin and Elumiane seated here can testify to the fact that we cannot access the Unerg, unless we somehow make the Queen give it up. We know there is a second person that has access to it but we don't know who. Wouldn't it be..." He didn't finish before Izemoru cut in.

"I love that you are very much concerned about the impossibility of gaining access to the Unerg. But, I want you to concentrate and execute the part that will be assigned to you and leave the rest."

"When is the expected day of attack?" Ebri asked with a repressed respite in his voice.

"As soon as Ikea and his team finalize their parts, we will make the final preparation and we will gather here again for the final evaluation before our assault." Izemoru answered him.

"In the meantime, everything shared here including all information spoken here must remain a secret. None of the district governors were invited here for obvious reasons and I would like for it to remain that way." He finished.

"So what's next?" Another highly-placed official asked him. She is in charge of liaison among all the different agencies, departments and military.

"You will liaise with Kamo closely now more than ever and make sure that everyone is kept on track and fully aware of everything." he replied her.

The chief of police who is in charge of the Nolnadian police raised issues about the lingering security issues and how old days are rearing its head again, suggesting that gangs are rising up again in clusters and handfuls across the kingdom.

"You have a sworn duty to our people, chief. I cannot teach you how to do your job; you are more qualified than me." He said, making everyone to laugh casually.

"However, whatever you need to maintain the peace, you just need to mention. This..." Izemoru said, referring to the reason they were all gathered there in the first place. "This is my main objective right now. I put you in charge because you are the best suited for the job. So, do what you think is best at all times with regards to your complaint." He stated.

"Thank you my king."

"You're doing a very wonderful job by the way. You're doing a great job, a very great job." Izemoru said to him afterwards as a vote of confidence on his efforts, which is a wonderful commendation coming from the king himself. The Chief smiled to this.

It wasn't long before the meeting finished and everyone left and went back to their work and different assignments depending on who was doing what. Izemoru went back through the portal he came from alongside Kamo and Ebri towards the evening as both had unfinished business at the main headquarters. Izemoru retired to his official quarters where he resides with his wife and three children, two girls and a boy; located not far from the capital building. One of the most beautiful things about the building and its environment is the perfect sunset shade that illuminates from the horizon and radiates scenery that will make the aurora aureoles full of envy.

"How did it go?" Samori, his wife asked as soon as she saw him come into their living room while also welcoming him in the process.

"You know, the usual." He replied.

"You always say that when you don't want to talk about your day. Tell me what else happened apart from the usual?" She asked as she tried to help him remove his clothing, a thick green fabric of some sort fabricated and designed from their finest wool called camir. This always distinguished him from everyone else especially as it was specially designed for him and imbued with protective elements.

"No need, I will soon be going back to the office." He casually told his wife as a way of telling her not to bother with removing the clothing.

"You just came back!"

"You need to rest." She added afterwards calmly and lovingly stroking his chin.

"I will rest only when we have the Unerg." He said.

"Then you must eat first before going anywhere else." The wife demanded.

"As you please"

"Very well, come."

She led him to the smaller rotua hall, which is more like a banquet hall except it is small in comparison to the usual banquet halls.

"What of the children?" He asked.

"Trying to make their father proud. Kurin says she has a big surprise for you." He smiled.

Samori called on one of the caretakers of their home to go and fetch their daughter as she was around somewhere in the palace.

"What really happened?" The wife asked again.

"Well, I cannot say I don't really deserve it." He replied.

"Deserve what?"

"The people are losing their trust in me Mori, its the truth."

"Not from where I'm sitting, no that's not true."

"You can say this because you were not there. People I rebuilt this whole Kingdom with were looking at me as if I didn't know what I was doing anymore the moment I let them in on how we are going to launch our plan."

"Even Ebri was questioning the strategy."

"Ebri may have his flaws but he is a good military man and always has your back no matter what happened today. Don't forget that." Samori assured him.

"I know, and that's why it's more of a concern to me." He said as he chumps down a bunch of sumptuously prepared wild boar meat.

"Is that what's getting you all worked up?"

"No, we are almost at it Mori. We are almost at the point of being a universal force as well as a story to be told among the survivors of our failed final attempt to reclaim our right. This is when things usually turn bad if care is not taken."

"I didn't marry a man who is afraid to take risks. Everyone in our land knows what is at stake and have made their peace with it. This is no time to lose hope; this is not the time at all." Samori encouraged him. He raised his head and looked at her for a while, smile written all over his face with an expression full of gratitude. "Thank you." He simply uttered afterwards. As soon as he finished eating, he told the wife that he has to get back to the affairs of the Kingdom.

"The Kingdom can wait. I want you to rest, tomorrow is another day. You barely rest, remember you're not a machine.

"No kingdom business at home!" She added, smiling as she sat across from him in the rotua.

"Your counsel is very much received and appreciated your Highness." he replied her, and finished chowing down on the rest of the food while they discussed about their children, and about the fate of Nolnad and the increasing crime rate in the land.

"Talking about uprisings, Demir has been complaining and yearning to prove himself. It wouldn't be bad to allow him deal with it." She said.

"Deal with it? I hope you don't mean killing our people." He joked.

"What else is left? The peace talks are not working and Zoria is too mild mannered and soft on them." she said, referring to the policing style employed by Zoria, the chief and Head of the entire Nolnadian police force.

"Zoria is doing a wonderful job Mori. Give the man a break." He chided.

"Not enough!"

"What do you want me to do? Besides I have told him to always call on me if he needs anything the District Governors could not provide."

"Give Demir something worthwhile to engage in. If he is going to be your successor, this period is the best times to allow him learn some things, some lessons even. Something…defeat or victory alike; You have protected him long enough, and he is getting restless especially as you froze him out of the war council for the Muurian assault."

"I didn't freeze him out. His time will come, but, he has to be alive first. Every risk i have taken is all so that he wouldn't have to, to protect them and every other child in Nolnad. The adults will handle this, so let him be a teen for life and leadership is forever."

"You should do well to tell him that yourself." She told him as they left the rotua to their bedroom for the night but not after spending quality time with his children. "You know, there is a story I have not told anyone before." He said to her in their bed.

"I'm pretty sure you have told me most anyway. Let's hope I don't have to pretend not to have heard this one so that I can enjoy you tell it over again,

Especially how you go over the details" She said smiling.

"No, not this one..."

"Okay, go on; let's hear it, this special one you have preserved till today."

"One morning at dawn, I saw a strange radiating glow shining from somewhere. It seemed to come from the neighboring woods just outside my father's house in Walir, Blekai. This was just few months after the ill-fated war with the Muurians when our king colluded with his king mates to invade Kaluari."

"When you were in the kings-guard?"

"Yes. You know, most of the people never saw it and they thought I was mad or trying to anyway, especially as i had nothing going for me, and the kings loyalists were still after my head.

"That morning at dawn, picturing the strange glow where it was perfectly sited, I started walking towards it because I wanted to see what it was. I walked for over forty-minutes following its direction alone among the trees with the disappearing moon overhead my only light-way as night gave way to brightness along its path.

Suddenly, the ground caved in under me as i was a few feet's from this beautiful glow. I fell and ended up on the moist floor of a cavern, some sort of underground chamber. After getting up and taking a quick detour, I looked up and noticed that it was in fact one of the secret grounds of the controversial sect, the highbonders."

"Never heard of them" Samori chipped in.

"Neither did I. But, what I discovered there was beyond my understanding. At the centre of this mysterious cavern stood an impressive vardle desk and on it was placed a very old ancient Book, like the Muurian Mantacles of Muuragi for emphasis."


"It turned out the book is the source of the glow that brought me to the place. When I opened it..." He demonstrated, readjusting himself on the bed.

"...a strange wind blew across the whole place, right through my face which made me stagger back a bit; then calmness returned. However, as i perused through the old parches of the book, I discovered something.

It was pictured perfectly on a preserved parchment, the celestial Sphere of the Highbonders."

"The celestial Sphere of the Highbonders?" She repeated.

"Yes... Strange isn't?" He asked her.

"What does it mean - the celestial sphere?" Samori asked instead.

"Hope. It means hope!"

"Oh! Now I fully get it!"

"Turned out it was all a dream afterwards!" He added

"You can't be serious!" She chided, cuddling up to him.

"But, it wasn't just a dream for me, you know. It was the beginning of my triumph and how I united our people together."

"Not a bad origin story as origin stories goes." She said, teasing him.

"More like a catalyst. The origin was set the day the Muurians reneged on our agreement with them and made away with the Unerg!"

The next day, Izemoru woke up very early and went for a view outside. The rain had washed away the heavy overnight fog, allowing for him to witness the beginning of a beautiful sunrise. Pure blue airy and soft clouds floated lazily above in no hurry in a sea of blue sky. The grass and beautifully decorated flowers stretched across the plain waiting for the sun's rays to touch them again, giving them nature's sweet delight to glow and grow more beautiful and captivating all day. Birds chirped loudly and urgently as if in a hurry to herald the new day; they never seemed to lose their enthusiasm over this single event. He sat there on a finely decorated cushion and listened to them chirping away at the top of their lungs and smiled.

"Knew you must be here when I woke up and didn't see you around" Samori casually told him as she admired him from up close after sneaking in behind him. She went further close to him, held his hand warmly and rested her head on his right shoulder and sat in the vardle cushion which he sat.

"A force of habit"

"Come then, you have urgent matter to attend to" she said after a while with him.

"And you didn't say."

"Didn't want to interrupt this moment"

When they entered back to the house, he saw Kamo and Zoria sited in his small palace office, totally shaken with unpleasant faces that forebode bad news.

"What happened?" He asked, surprised at the sudden visit from two of his top important men at the same time.

"There's been a breach at Zurui in Aldon." Kamo said.

"Aldon? What happened?" He asked, visibly not happy because of the implication of the news.

"No word yet" Kamo replied.

"I have to go there!" Izemoru finally stated after trying to imagine in vain what could have led to such breach at this dire hour.

"That will be ill advised your Highness. We are currently on it, but i just wanted to tell you in person." The chief of Police told him.

"Scale?" Izemoru inquired and led them further inside the office, to the emergency quarters.

"It's the Portora gang from first hand situation report at the moment. Somehow, they got information about the secret energy particles we have been purchasing off Drobidders, and attacked the base. More than fifteen security personnel were injured, and we still don't know the total number of fatal casualties." Zoria informed him.

He was weakened; tapping successively and uncontrollably at the vardle table which his hands rested on, which also magnified the sound.

"Did they succeed?" He questioned.

"Yes, they did!"

Silence fell on the whole room momentarily while his hand tapping continued disproportionately.

"We blocked everywhere, so there is no way they can escape." Zoria added reassuringly, breaking the silence.

"I should have listened to you Kamo; I should really have listened to you and dealt decisively with Neddina when I had the chance. Now, we must do what is necessary." he said out of regret, but not that much perturbed again as he was few seconds ago.

"I want you to get them, and I want you to get them back with everything you have." He ordered Zoria and left soon afterwards with Kamo.

"Send a message for the Midlighters."

"Are you sure you want them involved with this?" Kamo asked him.

"Yes... I need a rapid response team which they can provide, so as not to deplete our already stretched resources."

The Midlighters are among the vicious and cold-blooded soldiers separately kept by Izemoru for secret and classified Operations. They are sometimes referred to as the Nol Shadow men, and has pledged an eternal allegiance to Izemoru. They were specifically trained by Varodi. Numbering about five thousand, which is the unofficial figure, they mostly serve as Izemoru's secret weapon, which is why he makes sure they receive the best and are updated with military training he can afford.

"As you please; what about the chief?" Kamo asked.

"The chief will get his win; we just don't have time to wait all day!"

"I will ensure it is done!" Kamo said and left.

"Trouble?" Samori asked as soon as she walked in, catching him off guard in his deep thoughts after Kamo left.

"The particles... They stole the energy particles!" He said out to her.

"What particles?"

"The huge reserve at Aldon"

"Maybe I'm not being strict enough, and Neddina has tested my patience enough!" He added and left alongside the wife who persuaded him not to lose it at this dire moment.


Zoria met with the District Governor and the District Police Head at Zurui, Aldon. The District Police Head showed him exactly the level of damage that was done.

"This was not in the report I received earlier." He said.

"We did not have the full report of the situation at the time." Kanata, the District Police Head replied.

"I am taking over this whole mess, this is totally unacceptable." Zoria angrily replied him. Even though the governor was also present, he did not utter a single word since the conversation began between the two.

"The force will need access to everything that will help us track this gang responsible for this in order to bring them to justice."

"By all means, yes" The governor responded.

"What type of justice are we talking about here, just to be on the same page with you" The governor asked.

"The justice I have been sworn to uphold!"

"The justice you have been sworn to uphold?" The governor repeated after him. No reply.

"And where was that justice when our people were being murdered for some stupid energy particles?" The governor queried, visibly irritated.

"I understand your pain, and I share it with deep sympathy. They're my people to whom I have sworn to protect, and which I have obviously failed. But, this is no time to gloat, this is time to make sure that at least the perpetrators of the act do not escape within this short window we have now. This is time for action!"

"And action it is!" The governor said blatantly. The tone of the statement raised a suspicion in Zoria.

"What have you done?" He questioned.

"What you should have done!" He replied and walked out with his aides as the District Police Head stood there contemplating, not knowing whether to follow the governor or stay there with Zoria.

"He overrides my powers... There was nothing I could do" he finally muttered to Zoria.

"What did he do?" Zoria inquired.

"Some of the men whose relations and friends were victims of the attack volunteered to track down the gang responsible, kill them and destroy the energy particles. Apparently, not everyone cares much about the King's Muurian propaganda."

"Destroy the particles? And you..." He didn't finish and walked out in a hurry, furious.

Zoria quickly mobilized every available police unit in Zurui, declared Neddina a national emergency and activated DOOM ZERO, which is to say that the success of the task ahead is the most important moments of their police career at the moment.


Back at the capital, Kamo set up the arrangement for the Midlighters, securing quick transport for them to Aldon. Some headed straight to Zelmi and Aridai, the other localities surrounding Aldon. The next day, some of the officers under the Operation Doom Zero tracked down one of the gang members to Juniade off Emira from the 6th Verta in Zurui. He was meeting one of his girlfriends without the knowledge of Neddina nor any other gang member. They got vital information from him that the Portora gang is planning to sell the energy particles to a Dro-Bidder. Dro-Bidders are freelancers who specialize in coordinating black market deals, especially for people who are not in business with the Muurians. They also trade in classified weapons and Muurian decommissioned artifacts.

After organizing for the Midlighters arrangements, Kamo went straight to brief Izemoru on things.

"We have set up everything."

"I actually wanted to hear that they have recovered it all!" Izemoru replied instead.

"They will. The gang has been zeroed in, and it's only a matter of time now."

"Let's hope you are right!"

"What's the status of the Daspo Marigal and the Cartor 2-E?" Izemoru asked afterwards.

The Cartor 2-E is a special biosynthetic high caliber weapon designed to penetrate the tough skin of Muurians. It relies on a lot of energy to properly function.

"Almost ready" Izemoru replied.

"Bring up the live feed with the chief, Asti." Asti is the AI in charge of Palace control system.

"What's the status, chief?"

"Just about to launch an assault, but little complications came up. We are handling it accordingly."

"What complications?"

"The governor mobilized and armed some of his people alongside local security to personally catch Neddina and destroy the particles."

"What? Get them to abort now!"

"I'm afraid it's out of my control now. They're already ahead of us."

"Asti, get Keraya Lamin on the feed now!" Keraya is the name of the District Governor of Aldon.

"Your Maj..." He didn't finish before Izemoru cut him off.

"Reverse that order right now."

"I cannot do that!" The governor said as matter of fact.

"Are you defiling your king's command?" Izemoru questioned.

"I earlier made my displeasure about the citing of these energy particles here, but i was assured it will be safe, free from raiding due to our position. Now, look at the situation. Hundreds of citizens have died in a single day attack, and for what? Your refined energy particles?"

"Listen Lamin, I know you are angry right now, but don't lose sight of the bigger picture. Don't lose sight of the goal because of this setback. I truly do understand your pain Lamin, but you have to call off whatever you got planned as you are only putting them in harm's way. Neddina, the leader of the Portora gang did this to smear me personally and turn the people against me. I assure you, he will pay with his life and blood for his crime against our people."

"I already trusted you once, well up till yesterday. Moreover, there is nothing i can do right now anymore even if I wanted to. I don't control them per se!"

"Prepare the Palkia Burner Nolniana; we are going to Aldon immediately." Izemoru ordered Kamo and cut off the Governor from the feed.

"But, my king..."

"Please do as I asked!" Izemoru cut in sharply.


Neddina and Izemoru share a history that transcends the current serenity and peace which Nolnad currently enjoyed before they had a brutal falling out. Since then, he always kept to his own, and Izemoru never bothered him. But, the theft and attack is new, and the timing premeditated. Though he didn't know the reason for the attack, Izemoru thought it is out rightly presumptuous.

Meanwhile, in the bustling town of Irnin, a suburb of Zelmi, Neddina and his men holed up in one of their secret fortified hideouts.

"We are being circled like hawks and vultures gathering to feast chicks and carcasses!" One of Neddina's men said out loud to the hearing of everyone. They were waiting for the three Dro-Bidders they already contracted with. However, one of them pulled out, citing too much heat, noting that the type of attention on them is not good for his business.

"You are welcome to leave, Nanya. But, if you are going to stay here, you need to keep your act together!" Neddina calmly told him. He wasn't seated himself, but was going through a list of inventories which they had in the place.

"It's happening any moment, prepare the men." Neddina ordered to one of the members closest to him to his right. He always loved the landscape view from the window building's top, so it was his preferred look out choice setting.

"It's done!" Oren, his third in command told him.

"Move it, let's go!" Oren ordered the others.

Afterwards, he walked to the wall on the opposite end of the hall, stood there and uttered "Decrypt and Activate EP-001." to the buildings AI central control.

The wall folded backwards and brought out a big screen projection. He keyed in some key logs which activated a sensor affixed to a structure inside the spacious room to his left. The camouflage gave way to a thick heavy door built as a gateway to the more secured part of the building inside.

"Alright, move it!" Oren said to some of the members, urging them to pack in the remaining energy particles. The energy particles were smoothly arranged and packaged in ash colored cases and perfectly lay inside erabil sealed transparent cubes.

When they were through with everything, Oren asked Neddina the next thing to do, and he said "contact him now".

"And the other Dro-Bidder?" Oren inquired.

"Forget about him!"

The person he wanted Oren to contact was a representative sent by Bonadi.

"You know, you could just speak to the machine instead of typing and pressing on the screen yourself." Neddina advised him.

"Old habits" Oren replied, smiling.

"Initiate hibernation mode once everything is in stock and fully accounted for." Neddina added as Oren went about his task to set up the communication link with Bonadi's representative.

At one side of the spacious circular room sat a varble light steel chair, Neddina's second favorite position in the room. The chair was fitted perfectly to the ground with a big computer system to its left showing a round black circle with grey blue lines rolled inside it and demarcated by slight dark holes. On the display were other simulations, links, connections and various other programs simultaneously working and displaying together. Though the computer appeared like the central control, it wasn't. There were other computers and big machines as well as a very big map displayed through a huge lit custom design globe screen.

"It's connected now!" Oren told Neddina after a few seconds. He stood up from his preferred view point and went to the second chair which faced the video link directly.

"You are late." He uttered.

"No, I'm not. He decided to do his thing his own way." The person on the other end spoke.

"What do you mean?" Neddina questioned.

"It means that my business with you has come to a conclusion." He answered and disconnected the connection link from his own end.

The room went silent as everyone looked and stared at Neddina who also tried to make sense of what he just witnessed like everyone else. Few seconds later, they got a beeping alert on their live feed, a connection request from an unknown source.

"Patch it through!" Neddina commanded.

"I really must advice against that" Murena, his second in command stated immediately as he walked into the room. He was sent to finalize a deal with the Retan Gang.

"Your reason?"

"Our current situation Neddie" He retorted almost as a whisper to him.


The moment the feed connected with the unknown connection, Bonadi came on live. "Sorry to come in like this" he apologized instantly.

"A last minute decision on my part; where are we with everything?" He inquired.

"Everything is ready as planned, but the price just went up by ten percent...for obvious reasons!" Neddina replied.

"Can I see it?"

Neddina signaled to one of his men to bring a case for Bonadi to see.

"Just one?"

"The rest are secured here in this building." Neddina replied.

"Send him the coordinates!" Neddina said to the AI, authorizing the computer to send the locations exact position to Bonadi in order to facilitate his asportation to the place.

"Request Processed!"

Few seconds later, Bonadi asported in directly opposite Neddina, startling everyone into drawing their weapons before Neddina calmed the atmosphere.

"Shall we?" Bonadi asked, signaling that he wants to see the whole particles.

"How are we sure you won't zap off same way you zapped in as soon as you get hold of the particles?" Murena questioned.

"He keeps to his words!" Neddina replied him and walked while Bonadi and everyone else followed him. Once he came to a blank wall designed as an access door, he said - "Deactivate Hibernation, Activate and Decrypt EP 002." to the screen right in front of him before turning to talk to Oren.

"Take about ten men with you; secure Lane 2 Point Off 3 and adjacent Lacte building. Lacte is a very popular building that houses a corporation in Zurui which produces and manufactures highly advanced chipsets and advanced computer hardware's for the Nolnadian army and some gangs.

"Coordinate every activity surrounding that area. Hopefully, everything goes as planned and you meet us in Palir. You already have the location." Oren left as soon as he got the instructions from him.

"The rest of you, follow your unit commanders."

The room's structural access interface automatically and systemically altered, leading them to where the bulk of the refined energy particles were stored. The Nolnads and Muurians have slightly different ways of measuring energy for purchase purposes. But, in all, the amount of a given energy, be it chemical, solar, lightning, mechanical, thermal or gravitational energy conversions and reconversions are measured through a Standard Power of Unerg. This is similar to the Joule's and Watt measurement system.

Bonadi went through the cases, about twenty in number, with each casing holding enough energy particles to power an ultra modern city for about fifty-five years. After going through it, he commended Neddina for being a man of his words too.

"Shall we?" Neddina said afterwards, inviting him to come over to his second most preferred place in the building which was in the previous room.

"You said you will grant us a rare opportunity once this mission is complete?" Neddina reminded him.

"Yes that I did"

"I want Nolnad." He said, creating an askance look on the face of some of the gang members still around.

"That's it?" Bonadi asked.

"And your friendship"

"Ah. We are already friends my friend. And you are in luck, Nolnad shall be yours sooner rather than later, more sooner than you realize." He said smiling.

"How soon?"

"The next things I'm about to say are for your ears only."

This prompted Neddina into telling the others to give them space while they wondered deep within them what was actually going on.

He went on to tell Neddina about Izemoru's plans and his own plans for Izemoru. He was pleased from what he heard, especially the fact that Bonadi just confirmed to him that Izemoru's plan is doomed to fail.

"So, who keeps the energy particles?" He asked Bonadi.

"You keep it, as a sign of my trust. I will ask for it when i require it. Do you agree to that?"

"Of course" He replied as they shook hands and created a Universal Bonding Agreement. This form of agreement is recognized everywhere as a legitimate agreement mode which is justiceable and recognized by criminals and governments alike.

Once they were done with the whole thing, Bonadi left. A few seconds after he asported off, a big bang sounded immediately, vibrating heavily all through the building they were in. They thought Bonadi has done something funny and may have used the heavy bang to create distraction and abscond with the refined energy particles. Neddina rushed back into the Holding area immediately and discovered that everything was as they left it, including the refined energy particles. The sound instead came from the aggrieved officers, guards and angry Nolnadian citizens from Zurui, the small peaceful mini-city in Aldon where they stole the particles from.


"Sir, we are reading an unusual energy signature from this point." said one of the top ranking officials coordinating operation Doom Zero alongside the chief, Zoria. Zoria himself stood there in the Operations control room observing and directing activities on the big monitor in the room. The official would rank as a commissioner of police.

"There's a team on the way around the location. They're waiting for your order sir." He said.

"Carry on."

Meanwhile, the Midlighters have also tracked the energy particles to the same location, at the same exact coordinates.


Neddina requested for situation report from Oren's end and he confirmed that everything is in play. He told Oren to maintain the location and inform him of any further changes.

"What's next?" Murrena asked as soon as he dropped the conversation.

"You know what's next." Neddina replied him.

He has anticipated this moment, banked on it after he realized that the total particles reported stolen was actually under-reported by the government in the broadcast. Apparently, the rest of the refined energy particles was hidden somewhere else in an undisclosed facility outside Zelmi. He decided they were going to make a statement. Murrena coordinated the men, making available a strange automatic weapon which utilizes the energy particles, making its blasts last far longer. All they needed to do was plug in a refigured particle accelerator energy disk into the weapon and fire at will. One of Bonadi's advanced custom designs.

"They don't know what's going to hit them." Murrena said afterwards after caressing the weapon for a while.

"No, they don't!" Neddina chipped in.

"You need to leave." Murrena advised.

"And miss this?"

"I'm staying."

"They're ready for transfer now." another member brought to their notice, referring to the packaged cases of the refined energy particles.

"Good. Activate and Encrypt EP 003." Neddina ordered the AI. This was the final exit for their escape with the particles, which will end with its successful transfer to a more secure location. The location is on a need to know basis, including the astac injection. Astac is an illegal drug in Nolnad used to alter memories. The men selected for the job to transfer the refined energy particles left immediately the cases were secured through a secured secret passage inside the building. Once they were safely out of the zone, Neddina hailed Murrena.

"Party time" He said afterwards to the rest after making sure that Oren and his group were still holding their position as instructed. More weapons and body gears were given to the men. After that, a loud speaker that could be heard for miles came on with a live broadcast, and Neddina is the broadcaster.

"People of Zelmi and fellow citizens, if you are hearing this broadcast, greetings; my name is Neddina!" He spoke through their well positioned broadcasting equipment's, his voice reverberating over miles.


"Sir, we are getting a live broadcast from the gang." the officer immediately rushed in and alerted the Chief.

"What's going on?" He questioned.

"We don't know yet, but Neddina is making a live broadcast over an open channel."

"Live broadcast? Where are the men you said were on their way there to recover the particles?"

"They're on ground sir." He firmly replied the chief.

"And you are telling me about some live broadcast? Get me the team leader now." He commanded, which the officer promptly linked up with again; they have been in communication all through the mission.

"You had your order. What is the hold up?" The chief queried.

"Sir, we are in some altercation with an elite division claiming to be some Lighters...they say the king sent them." The team leader replied over the channel.

"Put the person in charge on the speaker." The chief ordered, and it was done.

"This is Keiche, but I'm sure you already know that chief."

"State your mission Keiche." The chief ordered.

"As usual, we are here to assist." Keiche stated an indirect ridicule to the Police Force in Nolnad.

"Assist them with whatever they need...and stay out of my men's path Keiche." The chief simply stated to the surprise of everyone, though they didn't show their displeasure.

"Yes sir!" replied the team leader of the police unit embarking on the mission. They severed the link, and the chief ordered one of their computer guys to jam that broadcast by coordinating with the Broadcasting Division of the Force.


"Today, I am going to expose a lie." Neddina continued.

"…A lie that the king has been feeding us for the past twenty years." Neddina's voice echoed over the audio system.

"Sir, they cannot block the broadcast." The officer communicated to him shortly afterwards.

"Why?" The chief asked, almost yelling.

"They are transmitting from outside Nol, and not just an outside frequency, high grade Muurian broadcasting equipment." The officer responded.

"We have to assume that everyone is watching it at this moment!" He ended.

At this point, it dawned on the chief that they were probably too late to the dance. He realised they have finally created and offered Neddina a nationwide platform on a platter.


"We have been lied to by our king over the years about a plan, a certain plan that will ensure our survival. Not just our survival, but our prosperity and technological advancements in navigation and Nolnadian science. We all bought into the story and soldiered on like good Nolnadians. It was a well crafted story to unite us, and we all did our best to unite and made sacrifices for a peaceful Nolnad because it is our home after all. Up till this moment, we continue to make sacrifices everyday for our homeland. That Nolnad has insufficient and limited energy sources are the core of the lies we have been fed to achieve this unity; that we need the unerg because its power is unlimited, safe and readily available for other conversions not possible with other energy sources. But, that's a very big lie." Neddina's voice echoed over the sound system.


"Sir, the king is on the link." the official informed the chief while he was focused on the live broadcast. Once he was connected, "Withdraw your men immediately" was ordered by Izemoru.

"I should withdraw the men?" he asked, as if he didn't hear Izemoru correctly.

"Yes, that's what i said."

"We have our duty to ensure that no Nolnadian life is further lost to this debacle, and that is what we are going to do respectfully your Highness." the chief replied.

"Don't make me invoke Nol TCN 23(1)(a)" Izemoru pleaded with him, suggesting he should defer to reason and not make the situation more complicated than it should. NolTCN23(1)(a) is the part of the Nolnadian Charter which grants the king power in a national crisis to make executive order for the security of Nolnad and its interests.

"Then we will both be doing what the law stipulated, and which i have no issue with." the chief replied him. Zoria, the chief of police is a wise man, and has always been acknowledged as such. As he watched the broadcast, he knows that whatever happens today, he has by acts and omission exculpated himself without tainting his conscience and image. His eyes are set for politics after his role as the chief of police in Nolnad.

"You are a good man Zoria." Izemoru said and declared the provision of Nol TCN 23 as subsisting from that moment in an executive order that was circulated to every agency in Nolnad.


"It is, and has always been for the king's personal gain, not the people. He doesn't care about the people as much as he would like us to believe." Neddina continued.

"We have enough refined energy particles to last us many years, enough time to get better relations with the Muurians. Why is the king hell bent on our destruction? I'm talking about the destruction of Nol itself. Didn't the last attempt teach everyone some lesson? Why did the king and his collaborators sign off on this suicide mission knowing full well what it means for us all?

"We are in Zelmi, somewhere in the Zurui coastal areas that our own Lacte is situated. We are surrounded by angry citizens who didn't like the fact we are exposing the government. They're backed by the police and some of the king's special assassin's. But, fear not, we shall overcome all of them and continue to expose them till Izemoru resigns or is killed by me!

"They have built a sanctuary for themselves to bunker out any reprisal attack from the Muurians if their suicidal mission fail. They also selected themselves and their families as the eligible. Is that the equality Izemoru the king preaches for us Nolnadians?" He asked, ending the broadcast abruptly, while giving the order for his men to engage with the Midlighters and police.

The broadcast was just a distraction to actually pin down the locations of the King's Midlighters who were gaining holds on them, and kill them without them knowing they were the ones walking into a trap. Zelmi was theirs after all, and Neddina knew exactly what he was doing. Few seconds after the broadcast, the Midlighters and police officers who were attempting to breach Oren's position met their Waterloo when many other gang members surrounded them after they fell for the trap set by Neddina. All of them, about seventy, were killed by the gang members on the spot.


"Status report?" Izemoru requested after the massacre which his men unintentionally walked into.

"Keiche? Anyone, report your status?" He inquired again but was met by the same silence and radio static noise. A few seconds later, a voice came over the frequency.

" was a trap." however, he didn't finish stating what he intended before shots was heard from his end; Neddina just finished him off.

"Expecting someone else?" Neddina replied him after taking the radio transmitter device.

"Listen..." but Neddina didn't wait to hear him, and ended the transmission immediately before blasting it to pieces and left with his gang.

Izemoru did his best to conceal the defeat which currently stared him in the face as all his prominent officials trooped to the capital building for an emergency state meeting as a direct result of Neddina's act; the first of its kind in a while. When they started the deliberations, no one even bothered to analyze the damage to their campaign as it was obviously badly damaged. However, the first thing Izemoru did was reduce access to the Nol TCN 23 declaration directive, restricting clearance levels of some top officials he didn't trust.

There were a lot of oppositions to the modifications, especially from those directly affected by the directive. However, Izemoru's argument is to the fact that some of them have been compromised, and he couldn't risk it at the moment, especially as they were very close to their long time objective. He made them understand that the compromise is the reason they are in the situation they are at the moment.

"So, what's the way forward then?" a top ranking official from the commercial industry asked. Izemoru wanted to speak, but their chief Energy and Power Engineer cut in immediately, politely requesting for permission to make a suggestion he believes will solve the whole energy loss problem.

"Let's hear it then." Izemoru said.

"Personal scouts sent in an unofficial capacity to Duria reported positive feedbacks. There is enough energy particles, huge niobium and columbite deposits that can still help us successfully complete our long term plan, the reason why the people actually believed in your government." He ended.

"You know what you are talking about right? In case you have forgotten, you are insinuating an interplanetary level conflict that goes against the Muurian Planetary Autonomy Charter which they enforce to the later. Or am I mistaken?" Kamo questioned.

"Not if we control and coordinate it in the manner and means i believe we are capable of. It's stealing, and we will handle it as such." He simply stated.

"He has a point though." Izemoru acknowledged while laughing lightly about the stealing illustration he used.

"Can you liaise with the military and Midlighters within the shortest possible time to embark on the said mission?" Izemoru asked.


"Good...go about it then!" He ordered.

Izemoru also met with some other officials as well as prominent district officials, reassuring everyone that everything is still on track while urging them to keep the peace and manage the resultant fallout from Neddina's act against the state in the best diplomatic manner possible.


Steve calmly smiled at Neerudi's beautiful cheeky and light-colored brown face for a while before asking her if she was supposed to be giving a direction to somewhere, making her to smile.

"Maybe...want to come?" she replied.

"Sorry, not today. Nice chat by the way." He said out loud and motioned with his hands as he attempts to walk away. His mind was constantly pacing as he didn't know who or what Neerudi is, nor did he understand what she was saying.

"My brother know him, he sent me." She said, making Steve stop in his tracks.

"What?" Steve asked, wondering what she was speaking as he didn't understand it.

"Damn!" Neerudi exclaimed in disgust in Kenuaui, their language. It was an angry reaction to the fact that the Intergalactic Translation Device was still switched on, probably from his last usage of it or it turned on while she was in transit inside the asport links.

The energy her body gave off in her exclamation made Steve's anani light up, something it normally does when it feels an agitation force of any form towards him.

Neerudi switched off the ITD afterwards, defused the situation with her hands, signaling that Steve should calm down and allow her speak. He agreed, culminating in the anani automatically switching off its defensive mode.

"You scared me there." She said.

"Sorry about that..." He said before realising himself.

"Did you just speak my language?" Because I can swear that I just heard you speaking something I didn't understand few seconds ago."

"It's the device, a translation device. Anyway, yes I speak your language, it's still very much easier than the rest as it has many similarities with ours." She explained to him.

", are you giving a direction to somewhere?" He repeated in a cynical manner, so uncharacteristic of him.

"Wow!" She exclaimed, but more in wonderment.

"Sorry if it came off the wrong way. I have had a rough night, and i wouldn't want to spend any seconds more than I need to inside this place. Have to be somewhere right now." he found himself explaining.

"I understand!"

"Thank you."

"I'm Neerudi, Linagu's sister."

"Who's that?"

"I helped him design your anani you know." She said, pointing at the Anani he was holding.

"Have I seen you somewhere?" Steve questioned.


"Here, let me show you!" and her anani lit up just like Steve's. She did some configurations, scrolled through some files and algorithms, and flipped it over to Steve. A projection formed from it, displaying who she is to Steve.

"I can also render your anani defenseless from an attack coming from mine as further proof if you want."

"Why is that?" He queried.

"I have always anticipated a day like this. I have also anticipated how this conversation will go in this scenario a lot, and in each simulation, you always prefer to see it out, just like now." She told him, and he smiled a bit with the idea she may have cultivated about him from this scene already.

"Well, it's all in your favor anyway." he retorted back. "Good!" Neerudi said and went about with operating her anani. "Alright, done" She said politely a few seconds later.

"Cool then."

"Are you ready?" She inquired. Steve told her to go ahead with it.

"Alright; Wait for we go!" She said and hurled two powerful energy bolts at him, followed immediately by a massive force field. As she stated, his anani didn't light up as usual and no defense field was created, rendering him powerless against the force that smashed him. The quick resultant effect hurled him backwards about 20ft from Neerudi, dazing him momentarily as he smashed through trees amidst a brief lightning spark. She hurriedly walked to him after that, inquiring if he is alright.

"You did warn me." Steve said in her defense, laughing at himself amidst expression of slight pain from the fall.

"This is one of my special friendly non-hazard blasts, and only a few people could handle it still." She said.

"Handle it she says..."

"You will be fine... You could have blocked or deflated it though if you were practicing." she replied.

"I'm into some family lessons today I guess."

"What is that?" she asked.

"He also said almost exactly what you are saying."

"So, why is that?" She questioned.

"It's just been three days... three days you know." He calmly replied.

"You are quite handsome you know, especially when you are resignedly talking about things you think are out of your hands." she told him, not minding what he just said.

"And you look adorable and quite beautiful." He replied.

"Thank you."

"And we are still inside the forest...shall we?" he said, motioning the last part of his speech with his hands instead.

"Oh no, i have to get back." She replied.


"We will see again tomorrow." She told him.


"Your anani; once it makes this beep, I'm around and calling." She said, demonstrating what she meant by showing Steve.


After that, she bided him goodbye, created an asportation link and asported off the place back to Muur.