
In their hearts, they cursed Li Xiaomi for using such a cheap trick to make Li Jing feel bad.

Everyone knew that Li Jing lost her mother and doesn't have any siblings. They also are aware that her father is also not fond of her.

Li Xiaomi just rubbed it in her face that she doesn't have any people who care for her in her own father's house.

No matter how strong a person is, the feeling of being unwanted mentally wrecks him or her.

They start questioning themselves. Their existence.

They question themselves, Aren't I good enough? Don't I also deserve to feel wanted?

The same things were raised in Li Jing's heart.

She genuinely felt bad for herself.

She felt so lonely. The inside of her stomach started twisting in a hurtful way. Her heart suddenly felt burdened.

She wanted to share her burden with someone else.

But putting on a blank face, she blocked every voice around her.

Finally, they reached their destination.