
Sector- M, Block- A,

Military Base No. 5,

Ethan's cabin...

The first thing Ethan did after entering the room was to hang his baby's photos all over the wall.

If by any chance, Aiden saw the number of photos of his, he would surely fall in horror.

These many photos, what was this pervert thinking of doing with them?

Of course, see his baby after waking and before sleeping. Cough, cough, also while jerking, but that was secret.

And then, one by one, he placed his clothes and his baby's clothes in the same cabinet, and with that, he was done.

Yup, he didn't bring anything else. The only thing he had except his clothes and baby photos were his laptop and phone.

Which were both half-filled with his baby's photos and videos, so they were the same.

But at least he had movies and series in them to see.