He, his bed, and bolster beneath.

Sector O, Block A, 

Inside the Restricted Zone,

Summer Joy Valley, 

Paradise Hotel, Room No. 32...


In the middle of the night, clattering his teeth Aiden woke up, not knowing whether to wake up to go pee or stay on the bed, cuz the temperature outside was freezing.

Not just outside, even inside the quilt his feet were freezing cold, still hadn't warmed up yet, even though more than four hours must've passed.

As finally, Aiden got up, and jumping with his both legs he went towards the washroom, but before he even passed his bed, his hand was grabbed, "Aiden...."

Feeling his hand gripped by the warm hand, Aiden slapped Ethan's hand away "Just going to pee, go back to sleep."

Rubbing his eyes, Ethan nodded as he watched Aiden go to the washroom and come back out in no time.