Scary Rumors

However, before Viktor could expect an answer from them, he saw the two dozing off already.

"Oh damn, I just can't help myself, poor things," Viktor shook his head in pity and decided to sleep as well.

The next morning, he woke up a bit late on purpose, but the two ladies were still fast asleep. 

"Hey, you plans in getting up?" Viktor asked as he nudged them both after sitting up.

"Psss...s...sleep…" Sarah incoherently mumbled while Susan was still in her dream world.

Viktor had no idea that they were this exhausted and felt that Umilia indeed had the best stamina, considering how she didn't get exhausted like these two despite battling many rounds with him.

"Alright. You two sleep. I will go and talk with gramps and see if he is up for an outing," Viktor said as he got off the bed and took a shower.