Clearing Up Things

*Tralala! Tralala!*



"Uh…Viktor! You broke my alarm!"

"Oops, sorry. I was just feeling a bit cranky, and this thing just messed with my head. Why do you even keep an alarm with such annoying sounds at 4:30 AM? Not even the chicken in my previous house would wake up at such early hours." 

"Annoying? This was the only one in the city with the sweetest tune, and I had to keep it early; otherwise, I would be late for my job. Besides, your chicken must have been lazy and bored just like you, hmph," Taya petulantly pursed her lips while lying on the bed, fully awake, realizing that having a super-strong lover was indeed going to make her life different yet again.

Viktor softly chuckled as he smiled and hugged her soft naked body, "Relax…I will buy Your Majesty the best alarm clock in town. By now, you must have known how rich I am."