Goodboi's Roomates

Viktor smoothly and quickly got out before Eva could curse him and took out his small duffel bag while the other two girls had at least one large trolley suitcase with them.

Eva's car left at a speed way faster than it came in while other cars also came and went after dropping off youngsters from different families.

The entire place was now bustling with the lively and nervous energy of the freshers.

Some, like Tiana, weren't nervous at all, but instead, it was as if they had finally found freedom, while people like Sayana were worried about settling in and making friends.

"Dorian, it looks like our dorms are in the opposite direction. The signboard says that the boy's dorms are located in the east and the girl's dorms in the west. You won't have trouble following the map, right? Do you want us to show you the way?" Sayana asked, wondering if Viktor would get lost following the directions.