A Village Girl?

The girl finally looked at Tiana and said with a cold stare, "Watch your mouth, girl. Who you are is none of my concern."

Tiana felt goosebumps from this girl's light gray eyes staring at her for some reason, making her guts tell her to not provoke her any further.

Yet Tiana wasn't the type to just back down like that and said, "You should be. I am Tiana Snow from the Snow Family. Just you wait. Soon this room will be mine alone, and you are going to end up in a room you don't like."

The girl subtly scoffed as she continued reading her book, "The Snow Family? It is not like your family rules the world, does it? Now go bug someone else. I need some peace while reading my book."

Tiana's eyes quivered when she saw how nonchalant this rude girl was to dismiss her family's name just like that. Was she just ignorant or a fool? Either way, Tiana understood that there was no point in arguing with this girl anymore and decided to deal with this by herself later.