Let's Make A Deal

Talia's werewolf form was quite impressive and awe-inspiring, standing on all fours. However, right now, Viktor wasn't in the mood to appreciate her werewolf form as he firmly said, "Let her go, Talia."

"Damn…it…" Ayana gritted her teeth as she grumbled, feeling regret for being overconfident. Almost her entire body was pressed under just one of Talia's large paws, and if anyone else saw this, they would think that Ayana would get crushed in to a bloody pulp any moment.

But the only reason she was still alive was that Talia was barely applying any pressure on Talia and also why Viktor was vigilantly standing still while trying to defuse this situation without getting Ayana hurt.

Hot fumes escaped from Talia's maw as she said in a soul-melting voice, "Aya~...Honey…why are you so cold to me…your mate? I will release her as long as you agree to become mine," Her voice was not only charming but sounded even more mature than before.