Dark Phoenix

"I am just a vampire who happened to be vacationing here, and now you people are ruining it," Viktor said with crossed arms as he wondered who this guy in a creepy cloak was.

But he now realized why he was feeling weakened. The Void Temple had something to do with this, and he didn't find it surprising since the Void Force was the bane of the Odic Force.

"You outsiders are not welcome to our ancestral land. Leave now, or you all will die before any one of you can even enter our temple. No matter how powerful you people can be, you all would be no stronger than ordinary mortals once inside the temple. It will only make it easier for us to get rid of you all," Aelita said as she tightened her grip around her heavy hammer.

Lord Phoenix nodded slowly, "You are right, young girl. But you know that once I get the Void Ring, none of you will be able to stop me. No…not only you people, but the entire Odic Realm would also soon bow to its true master."