Seeking Clarity

Lucas just shrugged, looking just as puzzled. "I also have no idea. I got it on the 21st after killing a mutated fish. It took a while for the system to communicate with me, but I somehow sensed it was connected to killing that mutated fish."

He looked at Lucy and added, "Since you're unfamiliar with the system, my guess is that if someone never tries to kill or doesn't interact with the system at all, they remain oblivious to its existence—much like you."

Lucy gave him a serious look, really paying attention to what he was saying. "If your theory holds, then why do humans diverge into zombies and players, while other species simply become stronger as mutated versions?"

"Considering what you shared about your party," Lucas started, "I think it has something to do with human consciousness and the subconscious capacity for thought and reason. Did anyone consume alcohol during the party?"

"Why ask about alcohol?" Lucy was a bit puzzled, as his question seemed out of place when talking about zombies.

"Well," Lucas considered, "alcohol might disrupt their thought processes during the system announcement."

Lucy's eyes widened as she realized something. "Wait, are you suggesting that alcohol could impact how people respond to the system?"

"Yes, assuming our theory is accurate," Lucas said. "People who became zombies might have had their subconscious and conscious faculties disrupted when the system was introduced. As for us players, our consciousness remained clear when we heard the sound, enabling us to accept the system willingly. Do you follow?"

Lucy nodded, showing that she got it. Lucas went on with more details. "So, unlike us, both zombies and mutated animals might have their own systems, but only we possess the intelligence to comprehend and make use of it. The system, while seemingly unhelpful and obscure, ensures equality by granting every species a system. However, whether they can utilize it depends on their capacity."

Looking right at her, Lucas said, "Based on this premise, it's possible that we can also provide experience points to zombies. It seems that both mutated animals and zombies possess their own levels, offering varying experience points based on their levels. Though I'm uncertain of our value currently, considering our intelligence and strength."

"Lucas, how many intelligence points do you have?" Lucy asked.

"Hmm, I believe I have around 25 points, which is just five points above the average," Lucas replied.

"Only five points..." Lucy mumbled; a bit disheartened. She thought to herself, 'Damn, I'm even below average. No wonder I struggle with my studies.'

Changing the subject, she asked, "So, Lucas, how old are you?"

With a grin, Lucas replied, "I'm 16 too, just like you. Had my birthday three days back."

Lucy nodded, taking it in. They were both trying to figure out this weird new world together.

Turning back to Lucas, she wanted to steer away from the serious stuff. "Hey, me too! I hit sixteen last month," she shared.

This surprised Lucas, and he joined in her joy. She was just a bit older than him. Lucas, standing at a standard 170+ cm, looked pretty average, and Lucy had thought he was 18 when they first met.

Amidst her playful teasing, Lucy got a curious thought. "Wait... was your birthday on that very day?" she asked.

A bit choked up, Lucas admitted, "Uh, yeah."

Amused, she teased him more. "So that's why you're so strong. Took down all the zombies at your birthday party, huh? You seem like a guy with a big brain."

"Well, I suppose, but my birthday was actually that night," he clarified, avoiding eye contact.

"What about your parents? Adults usually drink at parties, right?"

Lucas hesitated before admitting, "No parents. They're not around anymore."

"I'm so sorry," Lucy expressed her sympathy, creating an awkward pause between them.

Clearing his throat, Lucas forced a smile, trying to lighten the mood. It worked, and Lucy burst into giggles. Seeing her laugh, Lucas joined in.

The awkwardness faded, and Lucas suggested, "Let's get moving. The sun's going down soon." He checked his phone; it was 12:24 p.m.

Perplexed, Lucy asked, "Where are we going?"

"To the city," Lucas replied, a bit surprised by her uncertainty.

"Why? It could be full of zombies."

Lucas explained, "I'm going there to level up. If what you said about a high zombie population is true, it's an even better reason to go. The city probably has the most zombie experience points right now. Mutated animals level up too fast, and there are too many of them. Killing zombies for experience gives me a chance to survive encounters with mutated beasts in the future. Plus, zombies lacking decision-making abilities and hunting instincts are easier to take down than mutated animals."

At first, Lucy thought about talking him out of his risky plan, but his argument just made too much sense. Considering her days of just avoiding zombie bites, she realized her view had been too short-term.

Torn between running from the city and getting stronger for self-defense, Lucy sighed. "Okay, can you take me with you? If the outskirts have mutated beasts from slaughterhouses, as you said, it might not be safe there."

"You're welcome," Lucas agreed warmly. Having someone to share thoughts with felt comforting in this dire situation. An introverted person, he rarely had friends outside of online gaming. Real-life peers, even at construction sites, avoided him because of his golden skin tone, thinking it meant dirt and a lower social class. Rumors about him being an orphan with bad luck only made things worse.

Lucas sighed, thinking about his situation. Despite the complications, he knew having a companion for discussions and support was useful during this apocalypse. Survival was the priority, and he couldn't be picky about companionship.

His gaze focused on the fair-skinned girl in a red and white school uniform of decent quality, while he wore three $2 shirts he'd found in a sale. Sighing, he thought, 'She seems like a decent person.'

Approaching her, he said, "Let's get moving."

"Sure, just a moment," she replied, finishing the snack from earlier.

Watching her eat, Lucas advised, "You know, avoid alcohol. We're still minors, and it's bad for your liver and kidneys. The people who drank turned into zombies."

She was momentarily speechless. "Got it," she said, hiding her annoyance. 'Obviously, I didn't drink any. Or else I'd be a zombie snack by now,' she thought.

Lucas saw her following his advice as a good sign. "Ready?" he asked as she took the last bite.

"Yes," she confirmed, swallowing the last bit.

"Let's go," Lucas said, grabbing his bag. They left the white building together.


"Stop swinging that around," Lucas facepalmed, watching as his spear took down the last zombie.


[Level 1 Zombie Killed, Awarding 50 Exp!]

[Received 5 Coins!]

[Leveling Exp Reach: 410/400!]

[Leveling Up: Level 6!]

[Receiving 2 Stat Points and 1 Skill Point!]


"Put all your stat points into strength from now on," he suggested, watching Lucy struggle with the heavy katana in one hand.

"I'm thinking the same," Lucy replied, a bit bitterly. After leaving the class change building, they ran into three zombies, and Lucas took care of them himself. Impressed, she asked him to help her get stronger and face zombies on her own. Little did she know he'd throw her into another trio of zombies with the long, black katana.

Thinking back, she felt a bit defeated. She swung the hefty katana wildly out of fear, killing two zombies with spins, while Lucas skewered the last one with his spear.

"You could've warned me before tossing me in," she said, feeling more at ease with Lucas as she got to know him.

"Zombies don't give warnings; real life doesn't work like that, Lucy!" Lucas retorted, rolling his eyes. He understood her personality better and was getting more comfortable with her.

Lucy went silent at his response.

"Did you level up?" Lucas asked suddenly.

"Yeah, leveled up twice."

"Then put all those points into strength. I have some points left. Just say what I say, changing the number a bit," Lucas instructed, looking at her before saying, "System, 2 points to strength."


[Allocating 2 Stat Points to Strength!]


After the system notification sound, he said, "And if you want to put points into something else, just change the name. Like this…" "System, 2 points to intelligence."


[Allocating 2 Stat Points to Intelligence!]


"Get it? Give it a try."

"Sure, umm…" Lucy replied, looking away from Lucas.

"System, 4 points to strength," she said, the familiar robotic voice in her head.


[Allocating 4 Stat Points to Strength!]


"Did you hear it?" Lucas asked, looking at her. Lucy nodded.

"Alright, let's keep going," Lucas suggested, picking up both his spear and her cleaned katana.

"Here's yours," he said, giving her the katana.

"Thanks," she said, liking the clean blade without any lingering green blood.

"No problem, you're welcome."