Passing Week

Lucas chuckled as he responded, glancing at the remaining zombie before turning his attention back to Lucy. "It's fortunate that the bright green orb managed to grab the zombie's attention. Without it, we might have become zombie snacks by now."

"Yeah…" Lucy murmured, her gaze fixated on her hand, a mixture of gratitude and bemusement swirling within her thoughts. 'Should I really be grateful to a zombie?'

"Why don't we find a way to use the skill today? The day is coming to an end, after all," Lucas suggested, scanning the surroundings for a suitable practice target as they continued walking down the road.

"Sure... I'm also quite curious about the skill's capabilities," Lucy replied, still rubbing her hand absentmindedly. She turned her head to observe the setting sun, its warm hues casting a gentle glow.

Taking note of a group of zombies in the distance, Lucas pointed them out to Lucy. "How about those zombies over there? There don't seem to be any more level 4 or higher zombies in this vicinity.

"Okay," Lucy agreed, making her way toward the zombie group. Fortunately, they were near a building, shielding them from another group hidden around the corner. A week ago, facing such a situation would have been daunting, but now, both of them were eager to test their skills, even considering zombies as practice targets.

As Lucy moved to engage the zombies with her katana, Lucas discreetly positioned himself near a building's corner, musing over the possibility that the level 4 zombie might have attracted the other zombies in the area.

With a swift leap, Lucy lunged at the zombie, her combat skills improved since they began their journey.

"System, add 2 points to agility," she whispered.

The notification sounded in response, and Lucy continued her focused assault. 

"System, add 4 points to Strength."

The response echoed, confirming the enhancement of her strength. Lucy deftly handled the incoming zombies that had noticed her presence. She likened their behavior to mobs in a block-based game as she swung her katana downward.


[Level 2 Zombie Killed, Awarding 100 Exp!]


Taking down level 2 zombies had become routine for Lucy, but now the question remained; how would she utilize her newly acquired skill?

Examining her bloodstained katana, Lucy decapitated another zombie with a decisive strike.


[Level 1 Zombie Killed, Awarding 50 Exp!]

[Received 5 Coins!]


As she continued dispatching zombies, a thought crossed her mind. 'Should I just let a zombie scratch me to test the skill?' Pausing her attack, she glanced at Lucas, then back at the remaining zombie. With a muttered "Tiny immortal!" she activated the skill, enveloping herself in an invisible barrier.

Now that I've said it aloud, the name does sound rather peculiar, she mused inwardly, her body now shielded from harm. Capitalizing on this newfound protection, Lucy dashed into the midst of the densely gathered zombies, swinging her sword with abandon. 

She felt the sharp claws and teeth of the undead scratching at her, but the barrier rendered the pain almost negligible. Knowing the time limit was about to expire, she unleashed her ultimate skill—a spinning slash that sent zombies flying, their heads and limbs severed in the process.

Well, I suppose this skill suits her quite well, Lucas thought from his hidden vantage point. He watched as Lucy's reckless yet effective spinning slashes decimated the zombies.


[Level 3 Zombie Killed, Awarding 150 Exp!]


With the barrier's protection gone, Lucy's last strike cleaved through the last remaining zombie. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she exhaled audibly.


Lucas approached and handed her a water bottle, a familiar routine by now. Lucy contemplated their progress as she poured water over her katana.

"I guess we're on the same level now, aren't we?" Lucas commented.

"Hmm... I suppose so," Lucy replied, her gaze fixed on the fading sun.


"What...?" He responded; his curiosity piqued by her sudden address.

"I've been thinking... Should we help Sarah now that we're both level 12 and have classes?

Lucy's question conveyed her concerns, revealing what had been on her mind.

"Oh, speaking of that, maybe we can head there tomorrow. We've only been away for a day, so I don't think they'd have any ill intentions towards Sarah and the others just yet," Lucas suggested.

A sigh of relief escaped Lucy's lips. "Alright, then. Tomorrow it is. But first, let's find a place to stay. I still find the night too dark to deal with zombies."

"Yeah, I agree," Lucas nodded, and they continued walking. Both of them were cautious enough not to hold conversations out in the open where they could be overheard.


January 28, 2029

12:00 A.M.

Amidst the peaceful slumber that had gripped them, a sudden noise resonated through their minds, pulling Lucas out of his dream of indulging in a mouthful of strawberry grape cake. Blinking his eyes open, he was met with a holographic display of words hovering before him.


"Phase 1 Week 1 Completed!"

"Life Integration Finished!"

"Kill Count Achievements Locked!"


"This is going to become more challenging, isn't it?" he mumbled to himself, still groggy and careful not to wake the still-sleeping Lucy.

Sighing, he attempted to settle back into sleep, seeking refuge in the colorful world of his dreams, momentarily escaping the grim reality that had begun a week ago.


As the moon surrendered to the dawn, Lucas stirred awake, opening his eyes to find Lucy's face in proximity. She was busy drying her damp hair, her melody carrying a touch of melancholy.

Curiosity piqued, Lucas inquired, "What song is that?"

Startled by his sudden wakefulness, Lucy ceased her humming and replied, "Huh? What song? I honestly don't know."

Narrowing his eyes playfully, Lucas scrutinized Lucy's avoidance. "Alright, if you say so."

Unperturbed, Lucy continued her task, her gaze focused on her hair. 

"Well, I'm going to take a shower now. Just remember not to barge into the bathroom," Lucas said, stretching his limbs as he got up. 

"Yes, I'll give you your privacy," With a simple hum Lucy agreed as Lucas began preparing for his shower.

After Lucas entered the bathroom, Lucy released a sigh and decided to practice her sword skills. Although she didn't possess any formal training, she attempted to mimic the techniques she had seen in those martial arts movies reminiscent of the ones set in the land of pandas.

With each swing and slash, she contemplated the changes her body was undergoing. 'I'm definitely gaining some muscle,' she noted as her sweat began to trickle down her skin. Despite her increased strength, swinging the sword around for extended periods was proving to be tiring.

Her thoughts drifted to her parents. "I wonder if mom and dad are still alive," she mumbled, her voice barely audible as she took a seat on the floor, sweat dripping from her brow to her neck.

"I miss my air-conditioner," she confessed, feeling the discomfort of the new reality they were living in. The absence of her parents and the familiar comforts of home were starting to weigh heavily on her heart.

Closing her eyes, she leaned back against the wooden desk, letting out a sigh of fatigue. Their current lodging was situated to the north of a small hotel. While they could have sought refuge in the hotel, they decided against it due to the potential dangers that could arise during the night.

A creaking sound caught her attention, and she opened her eyes to see Lucas emerging from the bathroom. As he noticed her gaze fixed on him, he inquired, "What's up?"

With a contemplative expression, she asked, "Lucas, are we going to assist Sarah today?"

Lucas considered her question before responding, "Well, yes, but I wouldn't exactly call it helping Sarah. Let's find out what's happening with James and his group. He's an ex-officer, yet something about him seems shady."

Time seemed to crawl in these challenging days, and despite their progress, there was still a long way to go. "This won't be easy, will it?" Lucy sighed; her brow still damped with perspiration.

Staring at the small hotel that they had occupied a few days ago, Lucy voiced her uncertainty. "Lucas, are we really going back in there?"

"I think so. We can't avoid it forever," Lucas replied with a sigh, both of them approaching the building. They didn't bother trying to elude the guards, as they were now cloaked in their class robes that they conveniently stored in their pouches.

Advancing toward the building, Lucas grew more focused with every step, his senses on high alert. Suddenly, a tall figure approached them, causing them to halt in their tracks.