Innocence Amidst Chaos


Lucas walked; his steps heavy with the weight of his own bloodied body. He had promised Lucy that he wouldn't get hurt again, but here he was, going back to her injured.

'Meri is nowhere to be found.'

It was as if she had vanished into thin air. The corpses of the two humans near him served as a grim reminder of the near-death experience he had just endured. There hadn't been a chance to use any of his skills this time, unlike when facing zombies or humans in close quarters. This time, he was out in the open, facing an enemy armed with a gun.

"It's about time," he muttered to himself. He had been holding off on taking any lives, uncertain about the morality of it all. Killing those two humans had given him experience points, as indicated by the notifications he had received.

It feels weird,' he thought, contemplating the strange sensation of killing a human and treating their life as a source of experience points. But in this world, where morality and discipline had all but disappeared, violence was often the only currency that mattered.

Lucas couldn't help but wonder who had provoked whom first. Had Meri incited the conflict, or had their group initiated hostilities? In a world where survival was paramount, such distinctions seemed less relevant.

The fight had already attracted the attention of multiple zombies, drawn by the sound of gunshots. Lucas could see them approaching, their relentless march signaling imminent danger.

Lucas's eyes gleamed with a tinge of regret as he spoke aloud, his voice carrying a sense of resignation.

"Open System."


Name: Lucas Tharla

Age: 16 years old

Race: Human Tier 1

Gender: Male

Title: [Dawn Kingdom King] [Twilight City Lord]

Legend: 0.6

Class: God of Fire and Heat

Subclass: King Authority

Subclass: None

Subclass: None

Level: 24 (1,000/50,000)


Agi: 24

Str: 40

Int: 30

Vit: 46

Unallocated Stat Points: 0


[Clawing Fang: Manifest a temporary long claw for 30 seconds. (2 uses/day) Grade 1!] 

[Fireball: Summon a fireball and launch it at a target!] 

[Knight's Blessing: Bestow the class of a kingdom knight upon a living creature. (1 use/month) Grade 1!] 

[Knights Summon: Summon the kingdom knight to guard the king. (1 use/month) Grade 1!]

[Royal Blood: Protection of the spirit. (1 use/month) Grade 1!]

[Subordination: Mark a living creature as a follower of your domain. (2 uses/day) Grade 1!] 

Unallocated Skill Points: 24 

Coins: 50,000

Achievements Completed: 10 ᐁ

[Silver] Class Change in One Week

[Silver] Sixty-Eight to Discover the Class Change Building. 

[Gold] Eliminate One Level 2 and Nine Level 1 Zombies in Two Days. 

[Gold] Forty-Eight to Discover the Auction Market Building. 

[Gold] Sixty-Seventh to Own a City 

[Platinum] Eliminate Four Level 2 and Forty Level 1 Zombies in Four Days. 

[Platinum] Eliminate One Level 3 and Ten Level 2 Zombies in Five Days. 

[Platinum] First to Own a Kingdom.

[Platinum] Retrieve One of the Artifacts Before Phase 2 Started. (Crown) 

[Mithril] First to Clear a Level 8 Dungeon.

Items: 9 ᐁ

Appraisal Magnifier [Uncommon]

Holy Bracelet (0/3) [Rare]

Steel Jian [Rare]

Inventory Pouch (100/100) [Epic]

Dark Magic Spear [Heroic]

Fire Ring [Heroic]

Hurricane Ring [Heroic]

King's Crown (Artifact) [Heroic]

Fire Robe [Legendary]


A whole month had passed, but Lucas had only just reached level 24. Maybe Lucy had a point; he seemed to be getting lazier. As he gazed at the 24 unassigned skill points, Lucas finally made up his mind.

"System, add 4 skill points to Clawing Fang!"

As the notifications chimed in:


[Allocating 4 Skill Points to Clawing Fang!]"

[Upgrading Clawing Fang to Grade 5!]

[Increasing Duration!]

[Update Completed!]

[Clawing Fang: Manifest a temporary long claw for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. (2 uses/day) Grade 5!]


"Those four skill points went just like that," Lucas muttered. It was his first time using skill points to improve any skill, but he had realized that his sword alone couldn't deal with enemies up close effectively. A fist was faster than his swinging jian, and despite the injury on his side, Lucas understood it clearly.

'Maybe I've gotten rusty from not going out for a few days,' he thought, filled with determination as he eyed the oncoming horde of zombies. Gunshots in an open space multiple times were like an announcement of their position.

"So what? You want a taste of my blood?" Lucas said defiantly, though he staggered as he walked, his wound causing him pain. It seemed that the lucky star that had protected him had finally abandoned him. 

First, he had been stabbed while fighting a zombie, then his wound had opened up while dealing with an ancient vampire, and now, avoiding gunshots, a woman had struck him in the same area, reopening his wound.

"It hurts, but what can I even do?" Lucas wondered aloud. It wouldn't be long before those people sought revenge for killing their two members.

"I should have killed them when I first encountered them," he regretfully admitted. "I should have just broken that one guy's neck if we were going to end up as enemies, anyway."

It was time for Lucas to acknowledge his faults. Perhaps it was his arrogance or his belief that if he didn't harm them, they wouldn't harm him. But now, Meri was missing, and he had almost been shot while looking for her. His only companion, Lucy, was stuck at the university babysitting Cale.

Observing the approaching zombies, Lucas could see variations in their levels. But what could he do? Lucas smiled.

'Okay, I have to survive. If I die, the barrier will be broken, and Lucy will be devastated,' he thought.

"If you crave my blood, the sensation of my flesh, and the succulence of my body, then step up," Lucas sneered as he readied his jian. "Because I'm not giving in without a fight."

"Clawing fang!" he declared, as claws began to grow from between his fingers. "I won't back down without a fight."

With a leap, he charged into the midst of the zombies, wielding his jian with mastery, slashing through their rotten flesh with ease. His fireballs erupted in bursts of intense heat, incinerating the undead in his path. As he delved deeper into the horde, he encountered zombies of various levels.

They were relentless.

Level one zombies, the weakest of the lot, fell in a single swipe or succumbed to his fireballs. Their frail forms were no match for Lucas's enhanced abilities. He continued to carve a path forward, his movements fluid and efficient.

Level two zombies were a bit more resilient, but they still couldn't withstand Lucas's upgraded clawing fang. Their flesh and bones crumbled under the power of his strikes.

"Fire blaze!" he exclaimed.

Level three zombies showed a bit more resistance, but Lucas was relentless. He dispatched them with a combination of fiery explosions and precise claw attacks.


Level four zombies posed a greater challenge. Their decaying bodies absorbed more damage, requiring extra effort to bring them down. Lucas's jian struck with precision, while fireballs detonated in their midst, reducing them to ash.

Level five zombies, some with remnants of clothing and hair, were tougher foes. They lunged at Lucas with surprising speed, but his agility matched theirs. His fire control abilities kept them at bay, burning away their relentless advance.

"Hurricane leap!"

Level six zombies had grotesque mutations, with elongated limbs and twisted features. Their strength was formidable, but Lucas's clawed hand allowed him to fend them off. He leaped through the air, delivering deadly strikes and evading their grasp.

As the number of zombies grew overwhelming, Lucas quickly switched his jian for the dark magic spear, a system weapon he had obtained as an achievement. With the spear in his hand, Lucas felt a surge of power, reminiscent of his early days in the apocalypse.

'Time for some shock therapy,' he mused. "Maybe your hearts can beat again."

"Shockwave!" he shouted, thrusting the spear towards a group of zombies, sending shockwaves through them, causing their bodies to flail around like leaves in the wind.

"Combustion!" he yelled again, and the zombies, now flailing and burning, exploded from the inside, their bodies scattering in all directions.

Level seven zombies were approaching the upper limits of undead strength. Their skin was tough and leathery, but it was no match for Lucas's fiery onslaught. He moved with grace, taking advantage of his enhanced agility and strength to defeat them.

"Hurricane spiral!"

Level eight zombies, nearly as strong as Lucas himself, proved to be a significant challenge. Their rotting bodies resisted his attacks, and their sheer numbers threatened to overwhelm him. But Lucas fought on, his determination unwavering.

Although he was afraid, dealing with these zombies was preferable to facing humans armed with guns. Even with his newfound strength, he knew he wouldn't survive a gunshot, no matter how high his vitality was.

Level nine zombies were monstrous, towering over their lesser brethren. Their movements were slow but deliberate, and their resilience was unmatched. Lucas faced them head-on, his spear and fireballs combining into a deadly dance of destruction.

It seemed as if there were no end to their numbers, and Lucas wished the enemy would simply be devoured by the horde. However, that was not to be.

Finally, Lucas felt it, a sense of being hunted, the feeling of losing control as fear took over his body. A level ten zombie, the current apex of undead power, emerged from the horde. It radiated an aura of death, sending chills down Lucas's spine. This was the ultimate test of his abilities.

"Fire shield!" Lucas murmured, knowing he couldn't defeat them all in direct combat. He needed a strategy. With a burst of fire, he created a protective barrier around himself, buying a moment of respite. He assessed the situation, understanding that he had to conserve his energy for what lay ahead.

The horde of zombies surrounded him, their ravenous groans filling the air. Lucas took a deep breath and prepared for the battle of his life.

"Royal blood!"