Doubtful Arrival


February 20, 2029

"Is this the place?" Lucy's voice carried a hint of uncertainty as she and Belle stood before the building's door, shrouded in the darkness of the early morning. The sun had yet to make its appearance, and she had rarely ventured out this late, especially when the lack of light made it challenging to spot or fend off zombies.

Now, she was alone, not with Lucas, but with Belle instead, the companion of those who intended to harm them. The tension in the air was palpable, and Lucy's senses were on high alert as she awaited Belle's response. Her thoughts raced as she eyed Belle cautiously, her readiness evident and her senses on edge for any potential betrayal from the girl beside her.

Belle, on the other hand, nodded nervously. "Yes, this is it." Despite being only a year apart in age, Lucy exuded an air of superiority that sent shivers down Belle's spine.

Lucy raised an eyebrow, her gaze steady and calculating as she assessed Belle's response. "Is there anyone inside?"

Belle hesitated, her eyes darting around nervously, her fingers fidgeting with the strap of her backpack. "Yes, there's Uncle John in there."

"John? Who is he?" Lucy's voice held a touch of concern, her grip on her katana tightening.

"Uncle John used to be the manager of this place, the gym," Belle began, her words measured and cautious. "But nowadays, he's basically the co-leader of this place."

Lucy's knuckles whitened as she tightened her grip on her katana, her eyes scanning their surroundings for any potential threats. "Will this John try to hurt me, too?"

Belle lowered her head, her uncertainty palpable, and a bead of sweat formed on her forehead. She nervously clutched the strap of her backpack, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know."

Lucy sighed, her shoulders slumping momentarily as she realized the gravity of the situation. She knew she had no means of escape if things went south. With a deep breath, she tried to convey her instructions calmly. "Belle, open the door and go inside."

Confused and fearful, Belle pointed at herself, her eyes wide with apprehension. "Me?"

Lucy nodded firmly; her expression was resolute. "Yes."

Without daring to complain, Belle cautiously pushed the door open. As she stepped inside, an eerie chill hung in the air. The once-familiar gym now felt unsettling, and the dim light cast long, unsettling shadows.

Lucy trailed behind Belle, her every sense honed to the environment. "Who is that?" she whispered, her voice barely louder than a breath.

A low, guttural growl emanated from the darkened stairwell, and even Lucy, positioned behind Belle, caught wind of it. Reacting swiftly, she shot an icy projectile in the direction of the ominous sound, pinpointing the source at the stairs leading to the floor above.

"Wait, wait—" Belle began to protest, the sudden attack catching her off guard, her concern evident as she feared it might inadvertently harm Uncle John. The hail of ice failed to find its target, crashing against the stairway wall instead.

From the shadows, a man emerged, standing on the stairwell. Apart from the cast around his neck, he appeared rather unremarkable, wearing glasses and projecting an air of averageness. His presence in this unsettling atmosphere only added to the tension in the room. By now, she and the girl, Belle, had already entered the building, and she swiftly closed the door behind them.

The interior of the building was shrouded in darkness, devoid of light. The floor was dusty, littered with ropes, dumbbells, and even a case of rotten coconuts. Greenish stains marred the walls, and a heap of soiled white towels lay in a corner. But none of that mattered at the moment. What was truly important was the man standing before her.

Lucy wasn't one to waste time. "Are you John?" she demanded; her tone was sharp.

"Yes, I am. Who are you? Belle, can you explain this?" John responded, appearing surprisingly composed given the circumstances.

"Ah, the thing is—"

Ignoring Belle's stammering attempts to explain, Lucy jumped right in. "Your leader, Julia, is dead."

John met her gaze evenly, and his response took Lucy by surprise. "Oh."

Lucy couldn't contain her frustration. "What do you mean, 'oh'?"

John sighed, his demeanor suggesting he had been anticipating this news. "I expected it."

Belle gasped beside Lucy, clearly shocked by John's response. Lucy, however, wasn't satisfied. She pressed on; her voice filled with irritation. "If you knew they were going to die, why didn't you help them or try to convince them to stop?"

John's eyes held a weariness that suggested he had been down this road before. "I tried, but it didn't work. All I could do was save my own life."

Lucy's suspicion deepened, and she exchanged a meaningful glance with Belle, trying to gauge if Belle knew anything about this.

John, sensing their mistrust, glanced at Belle and uttered, "Sorry, Belle, but I can only save myself."

Lucy remained skeptical and pressed him further. "And how do I believe you?"

Knowing there was no way the girl in front of him could trust him, a complete stranger and a co-leader of those who had attempted to attack their base, John could only sigh before answering, "I have met Lucas."

Lucy was surprised by this revelation. Lucas had mentioned encountering a man he had mistaken for a zombie, but she hadn't expected that this man was the same person, although she still harbored doubts.

"Are you the man Lucas encountered?" Lucy asked, her curiosity piqued.

Embarrassed, John shifted uncomfortably on the stairwell, still positioned for a quick escape. "Well, I wouldn't say 'encountered,' but yes, I am. If you don't believe me, believe in Lucas. He's the one who decided to spare me."

Lucy, however, remained cautious. "I still don't trust you, to be honest. Belle, tie his hands."

John protested, baffled by the idea of being tied up in the midst of an apocalypse. "Wait, wait, why tie my hands?"

Lucy's response was blunt. "Do you want to live?"

There was no need for further argument; a silent agreement passed between them. Lucy nodded to Belle, who then took a length of rope from the nearby floor and ascended the stairs to tie John's hands.

"Be careful, Belle," John muttered, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation.

Belle remained resolute, her focus unwavering as she completed the task of tying up John. Her primary concern was the safety of her friends, Jeremiah and Kristian, whose lives hung in the balance with each passing moment. 

She knew better than to entertain the idea of attacking Lucy; it was a futile thought, and nobody would believe her intentions were peaceful. So, she maintained her silence, driven by her determination to protect her friends.

With the rope securely tied around John, Belle watched as Lucy ascended the stairs. Lucy, the companion of the man they had shot in the legs, had a wound that Belle couldn't believe he had survived. Just one bullet had seemed painful enough to Belle; she couldn't fathom how he endured two.

Lucy spoke, breaking the silence. "Let me check." She carefully examined the knots, her experienced hands making sure they were secure. Satisfied, she took the end of the rope and tightened it even further.

Belle nodded in relief, her heart racing with anxiety. Thank goodness she tied it tight enough, or else Lucy might think she was trying to betray them.

"Alright, Belle, lead me to the black building," Lucy continued, her voice stern. Knowing what she had to do now, although she had never been inside the building, she sometimes saw Julia or Matthew go in there. That's where they mostly got their food supply and weapons, anyway.

There, Belle ascended the stairs, with John following close behind. He appealed to Belle; his voice tinged with discomfort. "Could you loosen the rope? It's hurting my hands."

Lucy, behind the both of them, hearing that, immediately answered in Belle's place. Her response was firm and unwavering. "No."

As she ascended the stairs, in Lucy's mind, the urgency was paramount. Every second they spent here meant greater danger for Lucas. She had no intention of allowing John any freedom until they reached their destination.

Finally, after what felt like an exhausting workout of climbing the stairs, they arrived at the rooftop Lucas had described. "Open the door, Belle," Lucy commanded, and Belle followed suit.

The moment the door opened up, the vast darkness of the sky shone on them, with the only source of illumination being the moon's reflection. There, Lucy saw it—the door to the black building. A wave of memories rushed over her, reminding her of the time Lucas had been stabbed, and he had used his abilities to fly both of them up to hide in a similar building with a black structure on top, the same building where she had acquired her subclass.

Finally, as she entered the black building, Lucy turned to address them. "John, stay there. Belle, come with me."

Frantically trying to please Lucy and make this as fast as possible, Belle walked inside. As soon as the door closed behind them, Lucy immediately activated the holographic market auction display.

"Oh," Lucy couldn't help but mutter in astonishment as the holographic screen came to life before her. "That's new," she uttered, clearly taken aback by the unexpected sight.