Heroic Destiny

Lucas, like everyone else in the room, was completely stunned. The term "hero" bore immense weight and significance, especially in this context. It wasn't merely a title; it denoted a Rank 8 class, the highest one known so far. The realization that they were in the presence of someone with such a prestigious class was astonishing.

As the magnitude of this revelation sank in among the crowded attendees, murmurs of awe and surprise swept through the room. Amid the commotion, Lucas keenly observed the reactions of his fellow attendees.


"The Hero has sung a Song of Honor!"

"Title: Dawn Kingdom King has been activated!"

"Dawn Kingdom's King Resists the Effects of Skills!"

"The honor of a king surpasses that of a hero!"


Suddenly, a screen materialized before Lucas, pulling him back from his thoughts. He glanced at the two individuals flanking him, their eyes deeply engrossed in the unfolding spectacle. Turning his attention back to the man at the forefront, he watched with curiosity.

The man cleared his throat and began, "My class is that of a hero, a title I'm sure you're all well aware of, as it is currently one of the highest attainable classes." He paused and gestured to a woman in a resplendent white gown adorned with golden embroidery. "To demonstrate this, allow me to introduce Melissa. Melissa, would you kindly join me here?"

With a graceful movement, the woman with wavy, blonde hair and striking blue eyes ascended to the platform, her high heels clicking against the surface. Jessica couldn't help but remark, "They look like a couple," to which Christopher nodded in agreement, saying, "Indeed, they seem like a perfect match."


"The Hero has executed a Dance of Glory!"

"Title: Dawn Kingdom King has been activated!"

"Dawn Kingdom's King Resists the Effects of Skills!"

"The glory of a king exceeds that of a hero!"


The hero continued his speech, his hand resting confidently at his side. "By my side stands Melissa, a saintess chosen by the gods themselves. She possesses the unique ability to glimpse into the future, which allowed us to foresee this very event. With my divine abilities as the hero and Melissa's status as a chosen one, who can doubt our success? The future is in our hands."

As he spoke, Lucas noticed Melissa giggling, her gaze shifting to the enthralled audience. "Indeed, the hero's words are true," she chimed in. "I assume none of you present here possess the rare rank 8 class, like the two of us. It is our destiny to lead humanity against the mutations that threaten our world."

The saintess continued, her voice brimming with conviction. "Once, I was a humble accountant, but now I stand before you as a saintess, bestowed with glimpses of the future. The world I have witnessed is a dark and ominous battlefield where monstrous creatures soar through the skies, war cries reverberate, and colossal serpents emerge from the ground. I have seen seven great evils."

Interrupting her, the hero pressed forward with urgency in his tone. "Do you all hear this? The world hovers on the brink of ruin unless we take action. However, we hold on to the belief that hope endures. Join us, and together, we shall rebuild our world. If you harbor doubts about our words, then place your faith in our strength. What are the odds of a hero and a saintess crossing paths unless it is the will of destiny? Join us."

The two of them exchanged smiles, their pristine white uniforms symbolizing purity and the embodiment of glory. They bore the weight of the world upon their shoulders, chosen by destiny itself.


"The Hero has orchestrated a Symphony of Pride!"

"Title: Dawn Kingdom King has been activated!"

"Dawn Kingdom's King Resists the Effects of Skills!"

"The pride of a king surpasses that of a hero!" 


With skills activating so frequently, it wasn't entirely unjustified to consider their class as the highest rank, although Lucas still harbored a preference for his own class, one that began with "God," over the hero and saintess 

The room crackled with an electric atmosphere, a potent blend of excitement and uncertainty that pulsed through the crowd. Emotions surged as the attendees grappled with the weight of newfound revelations. Lucas, amidst the opulent spectacle, found himself torn between awe and a lingering doubt that gnawed at him.

As the hero held forth, his eloquent words weaving a tapestry of destiny, and the saintess prophesied impending catastrophe, Lucas furrowed his brow in contemplation, unsure of the authenticity of their claims.

Christopher leaned in closer to Lucas, his voice barely above a whisper, a conspiratorial tone coloring his words. "A saintess, huh? Claiming she can peer into the future? Lucas, have you ever thought about joining them?"

Lucas leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper, and a touch of caution in his words. "You know, we've never crossed paths with them before, have we? Their true intentions remain a mystery to us. Still, considering the world outside this dungeon they mentioned, maybe teaming up with them is our safest bet," he mused, his brow furrowing in thought. "I need some time to think this over."

Jessica, overhearing their conversation, chimed in, her brow furrowing with concern. "You're right, Lucas. I mean, I'm in the same boat. We don't know them at all, but there's something about them that makes me want to trust them with this."

As the trio exchanged their thoughts, the hero and saintess continued. Their words reverberated through the room, finding receptive hearts while sowing seeds of doubt in others.

"That concludes our speech," the hero declared, his gaze sweeping across the room. "Thank you for your attention. Anyone who wishes to join us, please come forward and sign your name along with your location."

With that, the hero led the saintess off the table, boldly stepping off it. In any other setting, such an act of stepping onto a table while others ate might have been considered rude, but at this moment, nobody protested. The awe they commanded seemed to silence any objections.

Lucas glanced around as people, some even mid-meal, abandoned their plates and utensils to flock to the hero's location. A low hum of conversation began to stir once more.

Lucas seized this opportunity to excuse himself. "Pardon me, I'll be right back." He intended to search for Lucy within this grand hall. She had been in the middle of a shower when they were inexplicably transported here. Her hair might still be damp, but in this world of strange transformations, who could predict anything?

He pondered her whereabouts as he weaved through the bustling crowd. 'Where could she be?' Lucas mused, his thoughts wandering. He imagined her, perhaps, with her hair neatly tied back and a dress cinched at the waist.

Lucas was deep in thought, his mind ensnared by contemplation when, out of nowhere, his musings were rudely interrupted by a sudden collision with a passerby. "Sorry!" he hastily blurted out, the force of the impact nearly sending the unfortunate stranger sprawling.

In this foreboding dungeon, a realm inhabited by tier 1 humans wielding formidable powers, the looming threat of a cataclysmic clash hung heavily in the air, should one accidentally provoke the wrong individual. Lucas's immediate attention was captured by the man he had unintentionally collided with—a man of East Asia descent, seemingly in his mid-20s, exuding an intriguing charisma.

Their eyes locked in a charged moment, and a spark of recognition ignited in the man's gaze, swiftly followed by a hint of disbelief. "The Winter King?" the man uttered in disbelief, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Huh?" Lucas muttered, utterly baffled by the unexpected reference.

However, the man had no intention of offering an explanation. Instead, his face twisted into a mask of pure hatred. Without uttering a word, he strode forward, colliding forcefully with Lucas and sending him sprawling to the ground. With an air of disdain, the man continued on his way, leaving Lucas both bewildered and stunned, sprawled on the floor.

Lucas grappled with his shock. "What in the world was that?" he muttered to himself as he struggled to regain his footing.

Suddenly, within his field of vision, a hand extended toward him, adorned in a graceful evening glove. Lucas's gaze traveled upward, taking in the owner's attire—slingback heels, an elegant blue ballgown, and finally, her face, framed by a bun and accented by sapphire-hued earrings resembling delicate snowflakes.

"Lucas, come on. You can either stand up on your own or take my hand. Your leg seems to be fully healed now," she said with a hint of amusement.

With his wits returning, Lucas eagerly grasped her outstretched hand, allowing her to assist him to his feet.

Lucy's voice broke through the tension, her words carrying a mix of frustration and relief. "I've been searching everywhere for you. Thank goodness they provided me with this attire. Whose absurd idea was it to pluck someone from a shower and drop them into a dungeon?" she exclaimed.

Lucas couldn't help but chuckle at her remark, and Lucy continued, her tone lightening a bit. "By the way, Lucas, you clean up quite nicely. Maybe consider wearing this more in the real world and, please, try not to get yourself injured. It's ridiculous how many times you've teetered on the brink of death without actually crossing over."

"Yeah, yeah," Lucas conceded with a grin. "I'll stop getting myself into dangerous situations and take better care of myself. I'll even pay back all the coins spent on the elixir you bought."

"You don't have to do that; it's fine," Lucy replied.

"No, I really should," Lucas insisted. "I mean, look at you, with just one earring left. It's kind of strange, isn't it?"

Lucy nonchalantly waved off his concern with a dismissive flick of her hand. "It's really not a big deal. Don't worry."

Sighing, Lucas knew that Lucy would likely continue to reject his offer. He shifted his attention to the man who had bumped into him earlier, even after his apology. 'What a jerk. Who is this Winter King, anyway?' he wondered.

As if sensing Lucas's curious gaze, the man's eyes darted in his direction. Startled by the sudden eye contact, Lucas promptly shifted his attention back to Lucy.

"Are you okay, Lucas?" she inquired, her voice laced with genuine concern.

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine," Lucas replied with a reassuring smile.