The Day before the School Trip (Pt.1)

Ding!, Dong!, Ding!, Dong!

"Alright everybody that's it for today, remember to pack your bags for tomorrows trip."The teacher said.

"Yes sir."Alex and all his classmates said.

Everybody started packing their bags and started leaving, as Alex was about to leave his teacher called him.

"Alex can I talk to you for a minute."

"Yes mister Adam."Alex said while nervously walking up to him.

"Look at this."he said while handing Alex a piece of paper.

Alex looked at it and on it was a F.

"Don't tell me." Alex said in despair.

"Yes Alex you failed the test again, and i'm sorry to say but if you fail a test again, i'm afraid you will fail this class and won't achieve your goal of becoming an archer." he said with a disappointed look on his face.

"You may leave now I have nothing else to say."he said.

Alex walked out of the class in a depressed state, he then walked down the corridor to his locker, there he met his friends, Marcus and Jacob.

"What took you so long to get here huh?"

His friend said, this is Marcus the one that wants to be a sword man, Marcus is an energetic kid and is very talketive and loud with black hair and taller than your ordinary teen, he's quiet good at hand-to-hand combat, his goal is to become a guard of the royal family some day, he also has lightning magic but it is at a very low potential.

Alex:"Sigh,my teacher telling me that I failed the exam again, I'm tired of them telling me the same thing over and over again."

"Tsk, when will they every learn that knowing everything in a book is never going to help you in the long run, the only thing that'll help you is actual fighting skills."Jacob said, the one that wants to be an assassin, he's the most talented of them in stealth and know's poison very well and is also an expert with plants, he's below your average teen height, and has red hair, he's quiet and very observative, his dream is to one day become leader of one of the top guilds in the world, he has dark magic but it is also very low in potential.

"Yeah I guess you're right, but knowing different languages could come in handy someday." Then there's Alex the one that wants to be an archer he's very skilled at translating different languages, and has a very good aim either it be by hand or by bow, his dream is to one day become an master archer just like his idol, he has fire magic but it is also at a very low potential which basically mean it's not very strong and it takes longer to get better at .

They pretty much all have the same backstory, they live in a lower class family with both parents and a sister or a brother, they either have parents that favour the other siblings over them due to them having higher potential, they think they are failures because they sometime get low grades or because they want them to have a career that they don't want they refuse, so they don't like them anymore.

" That's true." Jacob said while nodding his head in agreement.

"So you guy exited for the trip tomorrow?" Marcos said in excitement.

"Tsk, i'm not exited for the trip i'm more worried than anything else, what if one of the rival schools attacked."Jacob said with a serious look on his face.

Marcos:"Don't worry about it, we have a guild master on our side we'll be fine."

"Tsk whatever, i'm gonna go home and pack my bag."Jacob said before walking of."

"Boy what a grumpy pants am I right." Marcos said while nudging Alex's shoulder.

Alex:"You know Marcos you shouldn't be so carefree all the while, what he said could be true."

Marcos:"Don't worry about everything will be ok."

"I sure hope so."Alex muttered

Marcos:"Hmm, you say something?"

Alex:"Nah, it was probably just the wind."

When they then heard footsteps coming down the hall.

Alex:" Who's that."

The figure came out of the shadows to then be revealed that it was a girl with books in her hands.

"Oh look its Elsa, she's all alone, this is your chance go and ask her out." Marcos whispered to Alex

Elsa was a girl with perfect body shape, long black beatiful hair, and a great couloured skin, she is extremely talented in fire magic, she is in a high tier class and is one of the top students in her class.

"No way dude, she lives in mid class family, she is way too out out of

my league, we barely know each other she'll instantly reject me."Alex whispered back

"Well you won't know until you try."

Marcus whispered back, and then proceeded to push Alex towards Elsa, causing them both to fall along with her books.

"I'm so sorry."Alex said while frantically trying to pick up her books.

"Oh it's okay, accidents happen."Elsa said with a smile on here face, and also started picking up her book.

Alex got up of the ground with the books in his left hand, before stretching out his right hand to help Elsa of the ground, she proceeded to take his hand and he barely managed to lift her up because of how weak he was.

"My names Alex, what your name?"Alex asked,even though he knew her name,he didn't want come out as stalker

"My name is Elsa nice to meet you."Elsa said while smiling

"Hey Elsa I know we just met but do you want to hang out sometimes."Alex said while nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Sure that sounds like fun."Elsa said before walking of.

Alex then proceeded to walk back over to Marcus.

" See that wasn't so bad now was it." Marcus said while smiling


Suddenly a fist was came out of nowhere and was aiming straight towards Alex's face, but he managed to dodge it in time the fist made a dent on the locker.

???:"How many time do I have to tell you to stay away from Elsa."

Alex:"Zack what the hell man you could have killed me."

Zack is a boy who also lives in a mid tier family, he is extremely talented in swordsman ship, and is also the brother of Marcus, he has black hair and is taller than your average teen he is a good leader and is very charismatic, but he has a very short temper, he has lightning magic just like Marcus but this time it has a high potential, his dream is the same as Marcus.

Marcus:"Yeah man, what was that for."

Zack:"Stay out of this Marcus this is

none of your business, now go home, unless you want me to lie about you to mom now would you?"

"Sorry Alex your on your own."Marcus said before walking off.

Alex:"No Marcus you coward."

"Now listen here buddy."Zack said while lifting me up of the ground.

"You better stay away for Elsa or." Before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted.

???:"Now what is going on in here."