
How? Just how could it be? Thinking back over the last few days in the room and these past days in Alchemilla Hill there's almost no denying that some things were strange, how the stories of those indescribable winged beasts wreaking havoc on human civilization told to me by Harry don't match with my current reality beyond the door, the world outside is surprisingly enough the same as the one that I've traversed for several years deep within dreams. This world is full of life and unity held together by creatures, nature, and man, making their marks within their own deep-seated roots. But why? Why would Harry be lying to me all this time? No matter how many times I try to wrap my mind around it I just can't seem to find any sensible answer, the only thing I find is a chilling hurt coiling around my insides sending the rest of my bedridden body into bouts of uncontrollable shivers turning my surroundings unfocused and drained as the colors and shapes melt together.

There's something else too, it was supposed to be morning, but when I escaped from the cave it was clearly nighttime it makes me think that there were more lies at play, at the nights where the visions presented themselves to me I walked through them at the break of dawn coloring their visage in the flames of the rising sun, the only times my visions where clad in the pressing darkness of night were when I've fallen asleep in the middle of the day according to that lone clock, and just then a few days back I had a vision of dawn right before I woke to my own new morning, can it be that my visions are not that of the past, but the present?

*Knock* *Knock* Someone's knocking on the door? James and Arthur haven't bothered knocking when they walk in to tend to my needs or to check on how I'm doing, then what can it...

"H-Hey, I've brought you dinner, mind if I come in?" It is a soft voice pitched in a high yet light tune, the voice seems almost familiar... Just where did I hear it before?

"One knock if you mind a... and two if you don't." She seems hesitant, I should respond, two taps was it?

The door is opening and the voice's owner steps inside carrying a tray of steaming porridge, and a second bowl containing green vegetables and ground roots, it smells tempting, I've been so up in my own mind recently but now I can't deny the rumbling sound and the churning of my own stomach. But the girl carrying the tray, she must be at least a head taller than me tho she's considerably shorter than both James and Abel, her hair long and fluffy filling almost half her size with a chestnut-colored cloud springing from the top of her head, her shapes are curved almost like some of those statues within certain town squares, and her brown eyes are downcast with a shy look, the tray within her hands vibrating from a slight tremble, pretty. She's gently putting the tray down on my lap before looking up at me.

"Anything else you would like?" She still seems hesitant and shaky, I wonder what's bothering her so much? I should get my pen and paper.

("Is something wrong?") Her pupils grew a bit wider just now.

"N-no, it is just that... I never get to talk to any girls close to my age outside that small town so I get nervous."

("Small town?") She sits down at the chair by the bedside.

"Ashwood, it's where I live, and where I had to stay at all times before I was old enough to do merchant runs with dad and uncle James, thought I'd be able to meet more people but it's mostly middle-aged guys and moms." Sounds like she's had a strong urge to connect for a while, maybe she felt out of place back home? That's a strange thing to think about, I'm not quite sure how that makes me feel outside of relating to the want for unity with someone other than yourself when the days feel most sad and trudged in lonesome misery, but the other thing she said, I should ask.

("Abel's your dad?") She shifts around on the chair slightly, I wonder what that reaction's about?

"Yeah, he's kind of cool, isn't he? Anyway, you should start eating your food before it goes cold, I got several things I'd like to ask you after you're finished if that's alright?" That's right, I should not stave my hunger for much longer, at least I got something to pass my time with now outside of getting lost within my own speculations, she kind of makes me wanna ask her several things too, about Ashwood, her family, and most of all her herself.

("Sure") The porridge glides down like last time leaving a mild pleasing aftertaste, the salad however is more bitter and it takes a bit of chewing to force down, but I should not complain or be picky, it is prepared to help me get back my strength not finishing would not only be rude but wasteful. The minutes seem to pass in slightly awkward silence as I try to finish the last few leaves and veggies, that girl sitting there quietly watching until her hand suddenly reaches out.

"You seem to be forcing yourself, here, I can finish the last for you." That's surprising, but I should not complain, she's right after all. My fingers graze against her's as I hand the bowl over, that one brief moment of contact making her flinch before she grabs a stable hold of the bowl, wolfing down its last few contents in a matter of moments.

("Thanks") She puts the bowl back on the tray before lifting it off my lap putting it at the bedside table.

"No problem." Her voice is clearer now, somehow she seems less nervous.

"Alright let's return to our talk, ah, that reminds me I don't even know your name."

("It's Khatryn, yours?") Her lips are curling in a smile as her brown eyes seemed to almost glimmer shortly.

"Maryon, looking forward getting to know you Khatryn" This warm rising sensation the stretchy feeling in my cheeks, I must be smiling too.
