
"Who did this to you?" Arthur... his voice patient, his tone light like he's trying to calm the pressure that has gathered around everyone in this open room. My vision has evened out, the left side of my face still numb from the quick stitches applied with immense care and focus, his old hands were so swift... unlike mine which seems unable to cease this disruptive trembling, but I have to convey, he seems to know something we don't.

("The old man draped in a cloak of jewels") His silver eyes are glimmering behind the glasses, not unlike glimmers cast by the moon on lakes surfaces.

"Where was he?" I'm unfamiliar with many things on the outside, maybe, just maybe he can figure out more than me from some descriptions, my hand... geez, I got to keep it more steady, I can't leave the reply for too long.

("Some sort of altar cut from the foundation itself, and the cave was surrounded by some strange archways") The water, it might be important too.

("The center was submerged by some sort of pool, darker than regular water") That glimmer is back, briefer than the last, the frown between his eyes growing pronounced, I wonder if he's in deep thought? When will he reply?

"Khatryn... will you be ok?" Mary... her eyes, those deep hazel eyes drenched with worry. How could I be a bother again... no, don't think like that, I'm still welcome, even if.

("Think so, I'll be more careful") That expression, is she taken aback by my response? What is that? Why does she seem even more worried?

"Idiot... don't do dangerous things in the first place." dangerous... I've never really thought of it like that, not until tonight, frightening, hurtful, but mostly vast merry and lively, filled with numerous unseen experiences, but now with all this... how can I not take those words to heart? With this gash cutting deep under the edge of my left eye drawing a bloodied line down to my ear. In my visions, these journeys through the night can place me in very real danger, a danger which I thill now have remained completely oblivious to.

"Maryon, I don't think Khatryn was aware of the risks in the first place." Arthur...

"What do you mean?"

"She would not have projected into a lair of The Solitary one if she did." The Solitary one? Project? Mary head's tilted quizzically.

"What on earth is the Solitary one? And what has this to do with Khatryn?" Could Arthur be talking about that curious entity seeming to trap the world around its indescribable shape within its consuming gaze?

"About the Solitary one, I only know what my parents told me in my childhood about the ascension of something dark spreading from the cities in the north, I cannot tell you too much right now cause my memory's a bit fuzzy these days, but some of the things I remember was talks of darkened water and shrines risen to appease this entity." Arthur is pausing like he's gathering his thoughts, the frown between those white brows growing deeper.

"After several years I chucked it up to being nothing but mere stories, fabrications, legends from the olden days long passed, but that can no longer be the case since you three brought me another legend in the living flesh." Legend? In living flesh? Did they pick up someone other than me?

"Khatryn?" Mary? Respond, I need to respond.

("Legend? What do you mean by that?") It cant be... right?

"Seems like you grew up unaware of what you truly are, you see, I had my doubts at first when they brought you in, but from this morning there is no doubt left in my mind." I never really thought of the differences between me and Harry, it never felt good putting myself apart from him, but getting to know what I am, this throbbing from both my heart and left wing makes it impossible for me to conceal my anticipation, even if it's somewhat scary.

"Khatryn your a Suilean" Suilean? I've never come across any similar words in all my days. A quick glance around, no I'm not the only one who feels confused.

("What?") He's signaling Abel to drag the chair in the corner to the bedside, he's leaning backward with a slight sight, his withered body sinking into its cushioned embrace, I probably made him stand for too long, I should apologize before...

"Suilean, a celestial people that were said to have disappeared, as a child I eventually started to think of them as nothing but fairytales, stories of people possessing wings and gifted with the ability to bear witness to events hundreds of miles away within the realm of sleep, hailed as the eyes of the Lord himself. But you being here, wings and second sight, reveals it as so much more than mere figments of fantasy and superstition." This silence cut from the earlier tension, leaving nothing but an awestruck silence... should I ask something? Or should I perhaps wait a few moments letting this strange air settle? But more than anything I need to know.

("What do you know of the second sight?") The frown between his brow is mellowing, his features relaxing as he seizes the chair's comfort.

"Not too much I'm afraid since my memories of childhood remain faint, but I will tell you what I remember and also present you a possibility of finding more of yourself in the future." Strange...

("More of myself?") A smile's cruising his pale wrinkled lips. Abel, James, and Mary still remain quiet not wanting to interrupt or postpone Arthur's reply, from their eyes I can tell that awe has stricken them as they soak in this revelation.

"First things first, the second sight is an ability to project your spiritual self out through the world guided by a strong want or focus as the physical body remains within the limbo of sleep, and somehow, sometimes, it is said that someone with a powerful enough aptitude can even grasp fragments of the future." The future... but doesn't that mean... if, if only I've acted sooner or at all, I could've saved the crowned one? This cold clutch is pressing harder than ever clenching my heart in a frozen vice sending stabs of frost through my lungs stopping my breath, eyes, my visions growing blurry, hot liquid streaming down my cheeks leaving a faint taste of salt on my lips. Somewhere in the blur, there are hands, hands locking around my shoulders with a tight embrace the left shoulder being cushioned by something warm and soft, a touch of calming care lessening this tense cold. and somewhere to the right Arthur's voice is carrying on.

"... but if you truly want to find yourself search for the records within The Book of Memorial."