they sat in car smiling at each other.
oh my babygirl is so happy, she is so cute ,this time i will never let her go she is mine and she will be mine for ever' he thought.
why am i smiling at MR.BROWN BEARDED DEVIL, byt he looks so happy,wow, i really made good impression on him' she thought.
they arrived at reastraunt.
the browns.
is this reastraunt is his " she thought.
yes it's mine" he said.
how do you know what i am thinking" she said.
i know everything about you babygirl " he said.
how do you said babygirl, call me by my name" she said angrily.
oh god , my babygirl is so angry , she gets angry so easily " he said.
only for you" she said.
oh really" he said.
yesss" she said.
then call me Everett " he said." she said.
now what happened where is your anger" he said.
she got angry and turned around.
ok,ok,don't get angry and tell me what do you want to eat" he said.
you know everything, then guess this one also" she said.
okay" he said.
he ordered jambalaya.
h..ho..w k..kno..w" she said.
i already said that i know everything about you babygirl " he said.