103 Paper Voice Seduction

It's strange, Liza can keep such a tight secret, and doesn't even show any love for any of our friends. So we can't predict it. She is good at keeping her feelings close to whom? I'm just so close to her can't guess. What about other people? But sometimes I'm just insensitive. It could be. Because I have too many problems myself that I can't see my friends' problems. Huftt ....

"Hey Arman! While you haven't come to work yet, we Trio kwik-kwok are getting together, what are you doing?" Uh, Ardy suddenly made a video call with Arman.

He walked over and showed us our faces one by one. Finally, we waved to him. He looked happy, thank God.

"How do you work alone? After being accompanied by your idol for four days? Here we are having fun chatting while waiting for the clock to come in," added Ardy.