112 Application letter2

The second day of work dealing with application letters. I was found and sought again by Mrs. Retno to review the application letters that I had set aside yesterday and I chose which ones were qualified and which did not meet the requirements.

"Nez, I've rechecked all the application letters, you have one mistake, right? Is it because you were daydreaming? This is a good application letter on behalf of Nila Widhiya Sari? She is domiciled in Malang, and is in the thesis evaluation stage. long. If she has actually graduated from college, if she is good, she can join our company," said Mrs. Retno to me.

"DEGH!!!" I died, it turned out that I had slipped that one application letter in a pile that did not meet the conditions. In fact, Mrs. Retno seems to like her application letter, right? Want to put Malang. I pretended not to know, even though I was actually disappointed.