Fred glanced at his side when George fell on the empty seat on the couch, in the Gryffindor common room.

"How is she?"

"Too sick to go to Hogsmeade," he muttered.

Fred was the only one who knew about George's friendship with you. It's not like his other siblings didn't think something was going on, but they didn't know who you were or what you two had.

"Well, your plans for a date is spoiled, then."

"Date?" Ginny turned her head fully to them. "You're dating someone?"

"I'm not dating anyone," he said grumpily, feeling his whole face turn hot and red.

"I bet it's the mystery girl," Ron accused. "He's always disappearing to see her."

Harry and Hermione only raised their eyebrows at them, fixing their eyes on George, who only kept blushing more and more.

"No, I don't!"

"I heard she is from Durmstrang," Fred fed the fire and his twin turned to him with his brown eyes widened. "And friends with Krum."

Ron glanced at them with an annoyed face.

"Maybe you four could have a double date, Hermione," he continued. "Then maybe someone will see mystery girl."

His youngest brother chuckled.

"Maybe he is really ugly," he accused. "And that's why he doesn't want us to see her."

George rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

"Yep," Ron decided. "Really, really ugly."

"Anything else?" Cassiopeia questioned Eleanor after she explained what Professor McGonagall had requested for the next class.

In response, her friend put her hand in her pocket.

"Someone left this for you on my desk," she pulled the object, laying the box in front of the girl and Malfoy looked at it in surprise.

A chocolate frog.

"How do you know it was for me?" Cassiopeia frowned, smiling. "It could be for you."

"Well, I'm not Miss C. Malfoy," she gave the blonde girl a smirk, pulling a note and showing it to her.

Quickly, she recognised George's handwriting.

"To Miss C. Malfoy," she read out loud. "Get well soon."

She smiled at Cassiopeia and nudged her in the ribs with her elbow, seeing as her friend blushed.

"A secret admirer?"

"Maybe," Cassiopeia smirked, opening the box, pulling out the frog, and biting it before it could jump out of her reach.

Merlin, with Madam Pomfrey keeping her in such a tight leash so she could heal faster, she'd missed chocolate so much.

"Maybe?" Eleanor rested her elbows on the bed. "Come on, we both know you're hiding something from everyone. Who is he?"

Cassiopeia shook her head, keeping herself from revealing anything.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she decided. "I've never been so single."

Eleanor chuckled.

"Alright, then."

It was impossible to deny that Cassiopeia and George had… something. She didn't know what it was, didn't know what it would become… All she knew was that it was something different from anything she had ever felt in her life.

"I have to go," Eleanor stood up. "Are you sure you'll be okay alone tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Cassiopeia put her things aside. "Don't worry. Draco will bring me a couple of books before leaving"

She nodded and left, and Cassiopeia yawned once she was alone. Although she was getting better, she still had fevers more than once a day - that was what kept her in the medical wing since she'd fallen with the Black Cat Fur.

It was boring to be alone, honestly. She slept for most of the day, and while there were scattered visits from Eleanor and Draco, George showed up every single day. He'd been 'such a good boy' according to Madam Pomfrey, that she always let him in and hid the fact he was there all the time from anyone who asked. Once, she'd even found a place to hide him when Draco showed up during one of his visits. Apparently, she had a thing for 'young innocent love.'

Cassiopeia had never seen George blush so deeply and never felt her cheeks redder when the two heard that.

"Have a nice sleep, my dear," she said, turning off the main lights just as the girl curled under her sheets.

"Good night, ma'am."