I just starred at him, bewildered by what was going on.

"Uhm... I said your savior is here." He repeated with less enthusiastic.

I tilted my head to the side.

"I understood what you said but what is that supposed to mean?"

"It's... uhm from a movie... I thought it was cool..." He replied whit a frown.

Preston then turned towards Peter, who was was leaning against the doorframe behind him with his hands in his pockets.

"It was cool, right?" Preston worried.

In response Peter slowly nodded while continuously starring right at me through his tired looking, half closed eyes.

His face was also just as blank as always but that didn't seem to lessen Preston's excitement over his friends approval.

I looked at Peter, silently questioning if he really found it 'cool' or if he was just being polite about it.

But no matter how long I starred back at him, he didn't seem to respond to it in anyway.

What is wrong with him? I thought.

Preston clapped his hands together drawing my attention back to him.

"Okay first we have to get you out of that 'totally stylish' jacket and then let's get out of here." He exclaimed cheerfully and moved closer to me.

"What?! NO! Don't you dare touch me!" I yelled, making Preston hold.

After taking a deep breath to calm myself I asked them to give me one good reason why I should came with them.

"Well...uhm...because we are here to rescue you?" Preston stammered and gave he a confused look.

I groaned in frustration.

"That's seriously stupidest reasoning I've ever heard. Besides how did you even get in here in the first place? I seriously doubt they just handed you the keys."

Before Preston could say another stupid thing Peter spoke up.

His deep, gruffy voice echoing slightly, making it sound like far away thunder.

"If you come with us we can help you."

It took me a moment to get over the shock of hearing Peter speak for the first time but then I snapped back "Oh really?! And with what exactly do you think I would need your god damn help with?"

"With your abilities ofcourse." Peter chimed in.

I raised an eyebrow and gave him a sceptical look.

He didn't seem to understand and just kept on smiling, so I just straight up asked him what he meant by that.

"I mean your time traveling powers." He replied as if it was the most obvious thing.


"Yes." He said with a charming smile on his face, making it almost look like he genuinely meant what he just said.

Shortly I was just baffled by it but then I broke out into a laughing fit.

"Time travel." I laughed while wiping tears from the corners of my eyes. "Wow and I thought I was the crazy one here. You don't really believe this right?"

Preston frowned and hunched over.

"But it's true...?" He whimpered.

Seeing him so genuinely hurt by my reaction made my laughter almost emidietley die down.

I uncomfortably shifted around and then told Preston that I didn't mean to laugh over him but that the idea of time travel was just something I didn't believe in.

He nodded but still seemed very upset about it.

Before I had the chance to come up with anything else that could excuse my behavior, Peter rounded Preston and came over to me.

He crouched down before me. Then grabbed the straitjacket and turned me around, so that my face was pressed against the wall.

I struggled to get out of his grip but failed because he was much stronger than me.

"Let me go!" I yelled and he did.

When I moved back around to face him I noticed that he had undone the fastener that had held my arms in place.

I rolled my shoulders, making them crack loudly from being in one position for to long.

Peter held out his hand, probably waiting for me to grab it.

I shook my head and then stated "I'm not going anywhere with you."

"We don't go anywhere else. Just grab my hand." He replied almost completely emotionless, only showing a tiny hint of a smile at the word 'anywhere'.

I thought about it for a moment, I had nothing to lose by grabbing his hand and also maybe if I just played along they would eventually leave me alone again.

So I just sighed and took his hand.

It was such a familiar feeling but also completely different from what I was use to.

My head didn't hurt at all, instead it felt more like someone had pushed me in the stomach, making me almost throw up.

As always everything around me melted away but this time it wasn't forward. Because where normally everything rapidly aged and decade it now looked more like everything deconstructed by it self, leaving only tall grass all and trees round me.

I looked back at Peter, expecting him to be either a skeleton or having disappeared entirely but to my surprise he was still there holding my hand in his.

He didn't even seemed to have changed at all.

"What the..." I mumbled to my self while taking in our surroundings.

"Told you we weren't going anywhere." He crypticly stated and stood up, pulling me with him.

I was still dumbfounded by what just happened. "Where.... I mean when are we?"

He shrugged. "Don't know but try not to step on anything. You never know."

I was about to ask him how we were going to get back when I noticed him staring of into the distance. His eyes were now wide open and his already pail face had become even whiter.

I turned my head towards the direction he was looking at. At first I didn't see anything between the tall trees there but then I caught some movement, it made emidietley freeze.


today I got a cake. It depressed me... it reminded me of how old I'm.... 😑🎂🎉

Also what do you guys think that could be lurking there?