A/N: I'm back! Sorry for the long wait.

(Updates once a month for now so i can get into it again)


"Holy shit." I breathlessly stated when I saw Eddy.

He was frozen.

Not like in ice or anything but instead it seemed as if someone had pressed the pause button while he was in the process of biting into his sandwich.

Preston laughed and with a wink then said "Pretty impressive right?"

"Also dangerous." Peter replied while continuing to walk down the hallway seemingly not caring one bit if we followed him or not.

His comment made me realize that Preston's nose bleed probably was a side effect of him using those powers.

"Come we should really get going." Preston said and grabbed my shoulder to drag me along. We where almost at the end of the corridor when I had an idea.

I shrugged Preston's hand off my shoulder and rushed back to Ed.

It took a moment but then I found what I was looking for in his pocked. Then I quickly scribbled down a note for Ed and placed it in front of him, hoping he would trust me enough to go along with what I was doing.

With the thing in hand I hurried back to Peter and Preston, who where waiting at the security door that lead to the fire escape, where Ed and me usually smoked.

"Did you drew a mustache on him?" Preston asked me with a stupid grin.

"What?! No. I got his car keys." I showed them the key ring, Peter approvingly nodded.

He then crouched down and started to fumble around with the lock.

Astonishingly it only took him maybe a few minutes before the door klicked and swung open.

"I guess it's not the first time you done this, huh?" I half heartedly joked but only got one of his emotionless stares back before he got up and went outside.

Preston layed his arm around my shoulders and then said with a wink "Don't worry he only stares at people like that if he really likes them."

"okay?" I tried to make make it sound as if I didn't give a damn but somehow it sound more like a question.

It was still a mystery to me how they go along so well, sure they seemed to know each other for a while but still, there personalities just where to different.

"So which one is it?" Preston asked when we finally reached the parking lot.

I just shrugged and pressed the button of the car key.

Nothing happened so i pressed it a second time while looking at the few cars that where standing there but again nothing happened.

Confused I stared at the key in my hand. I was pretty sure that if you press it the car would respond to it but apparently not.

Peter, who was standing to my right side, sight.

"Preston your powers."

It took Preston a minute to understand what ever Peter had meant by that but then he rolled his shoulders and took a deep breath.

Dark red blood once again dripped from his nose.

"Okay try again." He said while pinching his nose to prevent even more blood purring out.

I did as told and this time the lights of a car flickered on.

I rolled my eyes, feeling stupid for not realizing that the huge pickup truck with an texas flag as a bumper sticker was Ed's.

Preston took the key from my hand and went to the drivers seat.

Peter ended up sitting at the window, while I was quiches between them in the middle.

Thankfully our escape was made even easier by the sleeping night gard at the gate. He had even forgotten to close the barrier that was supposed to keep cars from leaving.

Or maybe he had done it on purpose so nobody would disturb him.

"So...do you want us to explain this stuff to you now?" Preston asked and looked at me through the rearview mirror.

I took a moment to think about it but then shook my head. "No I'm to tired... I think I'm just gonna try to take a nap."

Just seconds after saying it i already dozed off.


It was already mid day when I woke up again and saw that Preston was maneuvering the big truck into a parking space.

"Why are we parking?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

"We need other clothes and some supplies." Peter replied with a shrug, making me realize that my head was laying on his shoulder.

"They have probably found out we are missing by now and are searching for us.

Also as much as i love this white tshirt and gray jogging pants look I kinda feel like wearing something else you know." Preston added and shut down the engine.

Peter got out and held out his hand for me.

I rolled my eyes and then begrudgingly excepted his help.

The store turned out to be more of a tourist tap, with a bunch of souvenir, tacki clothing that nobody would normally wear and over priced snacks and drinks.

While Peter went to get the supplies, me and Preston went to the clothing.

I was rummaging through a bunch of ugly shirts that either weren't my size or hurt my eyes just by looking at them when Preston cheerfully asked "What do you think about this?"

I turned towards him and saw him holding a long summer dress whith floral design in one hand and a light pink cardigan in the other.

"No!" I hissed, trying not to be to loud.

"Oh come on! Why not? I think it would look really cute on you."

"Because I'm not going to wear a god damn dress!"

"It actually is a good idea." Peter chimed in, making me jump because i hadn't even noticed him standing behind me.

I turned around, crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes.

"Oh really?! And why is that?"

He shrugged and then in a neutral tone explained "There are looking for three guys. If you dress like a girl we will be less conspicuous."

"Yes exactly! That's the only reason why I suggested it." Preston added with a sheepish grin that made it incredibly obvious that he was lying.

I eyed the dress. It didn't look that bad but still I just felt embarrassed by the idea of wearing a dress.

"And why can't one of you pretend to be a girl?" I aske, looking from one to the other.

But when I did it almost instantly answered my question.

Preston had the muscular body of a football player and definitely would never even fit in woman's clothes and Peter on the other hand... well he maybe had long hair and a more lean figure but with all those tattoos, his three-day stubble and his sharp jaw line he also would never be able to pass as a woman.

"Fine but I'm wearing some shorts underneath." I sight and grabbed both items from Preston's hands. Seeing him grin like a child on Christmas morning.