A loud noise shook me awake but because I was still half asleep, it took a few seconds before my brain could finally take in my surroundings. I was still in the dilapidated house, sitting next to the fireplace and nothing as far as I could see was different from before I had fallen asleep.

When I looked up through the hole in the roof I could even see that the sun was still high up in the sky, giving me the certainty that I most likely hadn't sleeped for more then an hour.

I slowly stood up while continuing to listen for any kind of movement but to my relive it was dead silent. Before I hadn't actually even really noticed how quiet it was but now that I was alone and focusing on my surroundings it real got to me. There was no distant noises of people going about there day, no chirping birds and not even any insects buzzing in the warm summer air. The only thing there was only this bizarre silence that I had become so use to by now. I still remember how afraid I was the first few times I had been in this other world, that I now knew was in fact the future.

Back then when my powers first manifested the absence of all living beings and the lack of noise had really freaked me out but over the years I had even somewhat come to appreciate it because it gave me the opportunity to be alone and to do what ever I wanted, something that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to experience while being incarcerated in the asylum.

Also considering my last two trips to the future that hadn't been so devoid of life, I hoped that it being so quiet also meant that I wouldn't have to deal with any nasty surprises.

I took a deep breath and tried to tell myself that there was nothing out there and that the sound had been most likely just a part of my dream. But only a few seconds after I had told myself that a deep, rumbling roar broke the silence, making me freeze in terror. "Fuck! You had to jinx it!" I hissed under my breath and pressed my back against the crumbling brick wall.

The roar hadn't been that near but still way to close for comfort.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrated, hoping that maybe now that I had rested I would be able to get myself back to the present before this thing could find me but before I could focus on it my brain reminded me of something or rather someone. For a moment I hesitated but then decided that it wouldn't be okay to leave Peter behind even if that meant to put myself in danger.

Because of my experiences with such quiet surroundings I knew that any noise I did would sound a hundred times louder and also quiet possibly attract the attention of what ever was out there.

So I carefully sneaked over to the basement door and peaked into the darkness. I couldn't make out a lot but I did saw Peter's flashlight in the far corner of the larg space and also a very small amount of sunlight that was seeping through the basements hatch door that lead to the outside.

I had no idea if the door was locked or not and considering that the damned thing was right in between the stairs and where Peter most likely was my fear of going down there increased even more.

"Peter, come here!" I wisper yelled, hoping it to be loud enough for him to hear me but not so loud that the thing outside would hear me.

To my dismay I got nothing in return.

"There is something out there." I said a little bit louder then before but once again I got no response.

Was he even still down there? I thought and took a step back from the door but then I saw something move in front of the flashlight, blocking it completely and making the basement even darker.

I took a deep breath, mustered up all my courage and then went into the darkness while cursing at myself mentally for how stupid I was behaving and that this was exactly how people in horror movies got themselve killed.

With shaking knees I slowly descended down the creaking, wooden stairs.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I waited for a moment so my eyes could adjust to the darkness. Then I was finally able to make out Peter's siluet in the dimly lit room.

He was standing next to a bunch of cardboard boxes and holding something in his hands seemingly completely absorbed in it. Carefully I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention but he only quickly glanced at me and then continued reading the faded, yellowish newspaper that he was holding.


I opened my mouth to say something but then saw from the corner of my eye a shadow passing by the crack of the hatch door.

I held my breath and slowly backed away without daring to take my eyes off the hatch for even a second, in fear that the thing would come back and burst thought it at any moment.

"Peter, there is something out there" I whispered but he didn't understood my warning and instead of staying quiet he angrily yelled back, "Not now!"

Unfortunately his voice echoed through the dark room making it resonate even louder and attracting the attention of the thing outside.

Shit! Why the fuck can't he just listen to me?! We are so fucking dead! I thought and saw that the shadow was once again back infront of the door blocking the light that had been shining through it. My heart began to race and my body started to tremble in fear.

A loud thump from the door finally also manged to draw Peter's attention towards it. He quickly spun around and almost immediately after he had done so another thump followed. To our horror a dent started to form, indicating that the hatch was beginning to give way under the beasts weight.

"Shit, We need to leave! Now!" I hissed, grabbed his arm and dragged him after me towards the stairs.

We where only a few steps away from reaching the exit when the sound of the hatch bursting open reached our ears.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I had no idea what was after us and definitely no intention to figure it out so I tried pull Peter up the stairs but he wasn't budging.

I hadn't dared to look back but I just knew he was looking at the thing because he was completely frozen in shock and mumbled under his breath, "What the hell?"

It took me all my courage to turn around and to also look at it but what I then saw made my heart lodged itself in my throat.

Even though I had never seen anything like it, it was still undeniably some sort of large cat and from the looks of it the thing was hungry.

It's large eyes glowed in the darkness and even in the little bit of light I could still see drool dripping from it's enormously long canines that were protruding from it's mouth.

"Fucking RUN!" I screamed at him but it was already to late. The beast jumped towards us. We both stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. Peter manged to fend off the first bite by kicking against it's snout but when the monster emidietley went for another one it managed to get a hold of him. It's massive jaws closed around his leg. The sound of crushing bones and Peter's desperate screams for help filled the air.

At first I had no idea what to do besides to hold onto him for dear life and to try to pull him away from the beast but then I saw a screwdriver laying on the ground just a few feet away.

I rushed over to it and picked it up.Then without even thinking about it I threw myself at the big cat and stabbed it over and over again until it finally let go of Peter.

The beast stumbled away giving me enough time to grab a profusely bleeding Peter. I tried to pull him up the stairs but with him being much taller and heavier then me I could barely even move him at all. A loud growl drew my attention back to the thing. It's eyes were on me and it was ready to pounce forward.

Inches before it's massive teeth could sink into my head I felt a unmistakable dizziness and the world around us started to melt away. My power had finally activated themselves and had brought us back to the present.

I breathed a sigh of relief but the moment of peace wasn't long lived as I was reminded of what state Peter was in. His face was pale, eyes barely open. His leg looked like it had gone through a meat grinder, blood seeping from the wounds. Fuck, was there even bone I saw in some places?

"Peter! NO! Shit stay with me!"




"What do you mean?!"

"No no no! Keep your eyes open! Come on! Please!"


A/N: Here I go again

My, my, how could I resist the blood?

Does it show again

My, my, just how much I want you dead?