Story 1 - Hunter Ch 1

Everyone's life tells a story from the day they were born to the day they die, but it is not one's beginning or end that makes their tale great. It's the small bits in the middle that draws you into one's life. Maybe just maybe, this boy's fate on the small purple planet, Prodigium, might show the road to godhood is not the easiest path to traverse.

On a continent, surrounded by the vast purple ocean, roamed beast of great power. Humans and demons ruled the other two continents on this planet. These Spirit Beast only lived by one rule, and that was strong survive and the weak die. Life-threatening dangers and hungry predators made life every day on this continent challenging to endure.

In a jungle on the east side of the continent, a skinny boy was currently being pursued by a Grade 1 Panther Tiger. The cat-like Spirit Beast leaped from tree to tree as it chased its prey. The black-haired boy ran while evading bushes and jumping over obstacles. In the corner of his eyes, he could see the beast closing in on him.

The cat beast finally saw its chance to pounce and attack. Leaping at the boy, the human slowly smirked, showing that he was patiently waiting for this moment. Then, he turned around and threw a sphere-shaped object at the panther. The device exploded, covering the beast in a cloud of green dust.

"Good luck, chasing me after my special number 9," The boy yelled out and then turning to escape.

The green dust consisted of grounded plants that affect smell, hearing, and sight. So the bomb puts the beast's senses in overdrive and doesn't allow it to peruse the boy. It took many years of trial and error for the boy to perfect bomb number 9. As a human boy who can't absorb or use spirit energy, he would never be able to fight any grade Spirit Beast. So he used his intellect and skills taught to him by his grandfather to survive. The sensory overload stopped the beast in its tracks. The boy ran away laughing.

Eventually, the boy came upon a clearing where he saw a few rodents. Unfortunately, just like him, not all animals can become Spirit Beast by absorbing spirit energy. The Jungle Porcupine ate on fruit from the above tree as the boy turned from prey to predator. Reaching into his pouch, he pulled out his self-made bolas. From this angle, it would be hard to use the bolas, so he grabbed a stick and threw it to the right of the porcupine. The rodent turned to run after hearing sounds from its right side, but the bolas tripped the creature in its panic after only a few steps.

The human boy grabbed a stick and whacked the creature in the back of the head for a swift and painless death. Then, clapping his hands together, "Thank you, forest for this life." The boy or his grandfather wasn't religious people, but they were thankful for what the jungle provided to them.

"KA CAW!!" screeched a flying Spirit Beast. The screech allowed the boy enough time to leap out of the way as the bird-like monster grabbed the porcupine and fly off with it.

"Dang bird," remarked the angry boy. Not only was his meal stolen, but his bolas were still attached to the rodent. Then, dusting himself off, he got up off the ground and decided to head home.

After trekking for a bit, a large wooden door in the side of a cliff came into view. The boy made a face when a pungent smell hit him. His grandfather chanced upon a Grade 4 beast's urine and used it to mark the home to scare away the beast.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this stink."

Shaking his head, he left the brush and bypassed a few traps set up outside. He opened the door, and an older man in animal leathers smiled at him. The wrinkles and scars on his face showed the long years have gotten to him.

"Gunn, my boy, how was the hunt."

Shrugging his shoulder, "A big bird stole our dinner and my bolas."

"Hahaha," the big man laughed heartily at seeing the boy's defeated expression. "It's alright. I luckily caught some fish, so we'll be alright." He motioned for his grandson to come over. The boy slumped over, and the old man just placed his big palm on the boy's head and messed up his hair. "Cut it out. A hunter shouldn't pout."

"Yes, grandpa."

"Go grab some wood outside for the fire. I will prep the fish."

The boy slumped his way outside and grabbed some wood. The old man removed the bones and guts from the fish and cooked it over the fire. As the boy bit into the fish, the juicy fish meat cheered him up, and he forgot about his failure earlier in the day.

As the two sat by the fire and ate, a giant four-legged Spirit Beast sped across the night, trying to escape its pursuer.