Side Story 2a - Merchants

(POV Merchant Bak Choy)

The leaves started falling as Bak Choy, the merchant, entered the Berry Village. The leaves told Bak that it was finally Fall, and he would need to find a place to settle before the winter snow came.

Bak headed to his favorite bar. He tossed some coins to the bartender when he entered.

"Barkeep the usual."

Looking over, he saw his friend, another merchant, eating.

"Hey, Leroy. Mind if I sit with you?"

"Of course not, old friend. You just getting in?"

"Yeah, I finished my delivery and was headed back to the city of Hearth. I stopped by for the night. How have you been, friend? I haven't seen you since the great festival in 1224 ED."

"Haha yeah, that was two years ago. Boy, we got drunk that day."

"Yes, we did."

"Sit, friend. Let us share stories to pass the time."

"I planned on it."

Bak sat down, and the two began to converse for hours. Plenty of food and drink was consumed by the pair.

"Did I tell you about the war soon to happen?" asked Leroy.

"Oh, who this time?"

"The Kingdom of Light and the Drax Kingdom."

Bak was surprised as those two had never fought since they were established.

"Do you know what brought about this war, old friend?"


"Ah, the usual then. By the way, between here and Gooseneck, I ran into some trouble. Luckily a swordsman chanced by me and slayed the Straw Hat bandits."

It was Leroy's turn to be surprised. "You survived a run-in with the Straw Hats?"

"Barely. The bandits attacked, killing my two guards, but the swordsman stopped them before they slew me. I watched as his blade pierced their hearts. The swordsman looked at me; his eyes were dark red like a demon. The man just turned and left. I'm lucky to have my life still."

"My friend, this is why we don't mess with cultivators. Since you had to pay your guard's family money, then tonight will be on me."

"Thank you. To friendship!"

Lifting their mug, the two cheers'd and drank.